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I'm Pretty Popular
coop said:
There are several dealers on DHgate using Jandrews pics and EXACT Q&A section.

http://www.dhgate.com/p_ff8080811b467b6 ... c25c6.html

what if we were able to seek out lots and i mean lots of other dealers to add to the trusted dealers section. this would offer many more choices to the members and in turn create less sales for the so called cartel. i did also notice Josh offered a new Skyland to RWG for raffle, would this mean he prob gets more sales from RWG members?


Getting To Know The Place
hk45ca said:
WAFU Man said:
Guys - I'm afraid that if I was a dealer reading this thread, particulary one from SE Asia, I would be having a good chuckle at the 'round eyes' willingness to lose huge amounts of face over something that is, culturally to them, business as usual.

as admin here at rwi it is our job to do the best we can at taking care of our membership. allowing dealers that we have given the opportunity to sell on this site to strong arm the other dealers and artificially increase prices is something we will not do. if you think for one minute we are more worried about how we look than we our about our membership you are wrong sir. this is our job and we will do it, being given the opportunity to sell on this forum is a privilege not a right and we will not turn a blind eye to this and just let it go. do you honestly think i care if the dealers are laughing at me? what i care about is the dealers laughing at you and the rest of our membership because we stand by and let them do this. you want to be manipulated? ok, that is up to you but we are not going to condone these practices.

hk45ca - While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I'm not sure you're going about it the right way and I mean the collective 'you' here. Having lived and worked in SE Asia, you need to understand the culture your dealing with to be successful. In many cases it's about relationships, person to person. Public defamation invariably has the opposite effect to the one your trying to achieve, due to loss of face to both parties in the dispute. Sorry - it's just the way it is. You won't change thousands of years of cultural development in an intenet discussion forum thread.


Legendary Member
WAFU Man said:
hk45ca said:
[quote="WAFU Man":34o5uz5s]Guys - I'm afraid that if I was a dealer reading this thread, particulary one from SE Asia, I would be having a good chuckle at the 'round eyes' willingness to lose huge amounts of face over something that is, culturally to them, business as usual.

as admin here at rwi it is our job to do the best we can at taking care of our membership. allowing dealers that we have given the opportunity to sell on this site to strong arm the other dealers and artificially increase prices is something we will not do. if you think for one minute we are more worried about how we look than we our about our membership you are wrong sir. this is our job and we will do it, being given the opportunity to sell on this forum is a privilege not a right and we will not turn a blind eye to this and just let it go. do you honestly think i care if the dealers are laughing at me? what i care about is the dealers laughing at you and the rest of our membership because we stand by and let them do this. you want to be manipulated? ok, that is up to you but we are not going to condone these practices.

hk45ca - While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I'm not sure you're going about it the right way and I mean the collective 'you' here. Having lived and worked in SE Asia, you need to understand the culture your dealing with to be successful. In many cases it's about relationships, person to person. Public defamation invariably has the opposite effect to the one your trying to achieve, due to loss of face to both parties in the dispute. Sorry - it's just the way it is. You won't change thousands of years of cultural development in an intenet discussion forum thread.[/quote:34o5uz5s]

and they sir will learn they are for the most part dealing with people from the rest of the world and will behave accordingly on this forum when dealing with our membership. i don't care if they are hero's within their "culture". they will need to understand the culture they are dealing with, they want our money and we don't have to give it to them.


Renowned Member
LegendOfSpeed said:
This is not about telling people not to buy from this dealer... or that dealer.... it's not about enhancing the sales of one dealer over the other.... there is no benefit to RWI regardless of the dealer you give your money too....

This IS about the dealers who we list as trusted on this board treating you, the member, with respect... for some of us, this is only pocket money.... for others, it's a lot more...

irregardless of how much the money means to you, respect is priceless...

You deserve respect from these dealers... you deserve fair pricing.... you deserve to have problems taken care of in a reasonable way... you deserve a basic level of quality control...

My job on this board is to try to bring all of that to you... at least I thought it was... the community is telling me my job is to insure your continued access to watches, at whatever cost...
Well said LegendofSpeed.

And hell yes this should be out in the open for all to read along with Jandrews comments.

They can charge any price they like. We have the choice to buy from whoever we choose. Question is, do you want to fork over your hard earned dough to a couple of profiteers for a watch that can be had for less elsewhere, but can`t be because of intimidation & threats. Andrews comments are to be expected, I would be utterly surprised if he coughed up any other response but.... oohhh, I just read this (oh yeah) and I`m just a salesman in the scheme of things. I do believe as said earlier we do make up a sizable share of sales to them, and is substantiated by them trying to control the pricing from smaller dealers who wish to sell on the forums.
Personally I don`t see them changing anything, that is until we send the message with our pocket books. Then again, by now they should have enough saved up to say f>>k it. No, I don`t see that happening either, greed is the same as a drug. It will eventually run a business into the ground.

It`s your choice my Brothers, who you buy from.
Just like in everyday life, would you buy any product from a storefront-site that you knew were practicing the same tactics.
For me, I would not buy anything from any seller who conspires to control & keep prices inflated.



OG member in the Lou
St. Louis
Right! Did you notice the dealer name? Coincidence? I think not...


Respected Member
in the end....its ONLY about us collectors. if you keep your mouth shut now.....you will pay more....much more in the future.

and prices will be inflated, dictated until everybody gets mad and / or tired of it. and then...we are in the same spot....as right now.

so, lets get it clear and straightened out....NOW.

either way speak up..... and react...or swallow it.


I'm Pretty Popular
coop said:
Right! Did you notice the dealer name? Coincidence? I think not...

Did you see the half a$$ edit on the watermark, if they were anyway associated with andrew they would have the originals to create a new watermark.


Getting To Know The Place
"hk45ca - While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I'm not sure you're going about it the right way and I mean the collective 'you' here. Having lived and worked in SE Asia, you need to understand the culture your dealing with to be successful. In many cases it's about relationships, person to person. Public defamation invariably has the opposite effect to the one you're trying to achieve, due to loss of face to both parties in the dispute. Sorry - it's just the way it is. You won't change thousands of years of cultural development in an intenet discussion forum thread."

hk45ca said:

"and they sir will learn they are for the most part dealing with people from the rest of the world and will behave accordingly on this forum when dealing with our membership. i don't care if they are hero's within their "culture". they will need to understand the culture they are dealing with, they want our money and we don't have to give it to them"

hk45ca - Well, you clearly don't want my advice, but here it is anyway! Just remove them from the Trusted Dealer list and be done with it. When they reincarnate as someone else, the face issue will have been neatly resolved and they may, just may, have learnt a lesson! :lol:


Do not accept unsolicited offers
+1 Good points...

Or people could do something crazy - LIKE BUY GEN WATCHES!!! This hobby involves sending money to bad people. Criminals. Know that.

There are gen watches that are swiss made and not very expensive. Buy them.


Getting To Know The Place
Chumpzilla said:
+1 Good points...

Or people could do something crazy - LIKE BUY GEN WATCHES!!! This hobby involves sending money to bad people. Criminals. Know that.

There are gen watches that are swiss made and not very expensive. Buy them.

Perhaps we need a "Trusted Criminals" and a "Dodgy Criminals" list? :twisted:


Respected Member
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...


Getting To Know The Place
LegendOfSpeed said:
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...

Chill - there is an element of farce about all this. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Here we go again....

Arguments, he says this, he says that....the thundering hammer of the judging few, the eyes rolling, the threats, the illogical arguments, the unfounded accusations, the hidden agendas....

what is this? really?

The most stupid people in this whole drama are the very people who dish out $400 to $600 for a rep, ultimate or not, and then nick pick the watch, cry over this flw and that flaw, compare them with gens (how ludicrous) and, many of them, after a few weeks, sell those expensive "ultimates" for half of what they paid....now, that is the core of all the problems.

The problem is not wether or not Andrew raises prices, sells at an unfair price or whatever, the problem is not wether or not we have a "cartel" , a black suited mob of "evil dealers" who constantly scheme the next rip off selling knockoffs to us, the Stupids but...

the problem maybe lies in the fact that we are powerless over the pricing of the reps and the problem is perpetuated by the few idiots who dish out the prices that Andrew set....

How about this for a change: why dont we get mad at those collector who gladly pay $600 for a rep and ask them for reasons of their shopping behaviour?

Me, I took my own action to resolve the "cartel pricing issue"..... I dont buy new reps from dealers anymore and I just wait for reps that simpletons bought for full price to come in our sales section as USED AND/OR ALMOST NEW and save me a chunk of money.


For those who may be getting offended by some of my word choices, well, leave it or wear it, as it fits your case but bottom line is I am always ready to wear the labels I give others and am man enough to see my own flaws so...when I say people who pay full price for an "ultimate" rep are "Stupids" well,,,,, I can shamely say that I was as Stupid as stupid does but now I have wised up....

For me, the hobby has drastically changed and that change is for the better.

So, enough with the Judge and Jury game and lets look at ourselves as the buyers we are and lets see if our buying approach is maybe the bigger problem for us and the biggest paycheck for them in Asia.


Mythical Poster
Sidi Power Plant
WAFU Man said:
LegendOfSpeed said:
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...

Chill - there is an element of farce about all this. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

Thing is, stay away from the argument, even I'm not sticking my nose here until now, let the mods handle this because they know best.


Getting To Know The Place
guanaco said:
WAFU Man said:
LegendOfSpeed said:
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...

Chill - there is an element of farce about all this. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

Thing is, stay away from the argument, even I'm not sticking my nose here until now, let the mods handle this because they know best.

But that's my point - who's to say that they do?


Respected Member
WAFU Man said:
LegendOfSpeed said:
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...

Chill - there is an element of farce about all this. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

Yes I have read it...

And as someone who has been here for less than 45 days and with almost half of your posts in this thread... i suggest you do a little more searching on the forum and less time posting....

Or wait, maybe you are the Chosen One... who has come to lead us.... perhaps?


Getting To Know The Place
LegendOfSpeed said:
WAFU Man said:
LegendOfSpeed said:
I would think those who have only been here less than 3 months should sit on the sidelines and let us handle things...

as of right now, you're all up in the kool aid and don't even know the flavor...

Chill - there is an element of farce about all this. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

Yes I have read it...

And as someone who has been here for less than 45 days and with almost half of your posts in this thread... i suggest you do a little more searching on the forum and less time posting....

Or wait, maybe you are the Chosen One... who has come to lead us.... perhaps?

This is fun! But I do have years of experience dealing with Chinese and other SE Asian businessmen, and I have an open mind.


Mythical Poster
OK, Andrew (or Josh), this is your last chance. We've given you an opportunity to respond, and you have not done so to anyone's satisfaction. If you want to avoid a sanction, you need to answer the following questions, and you need to do so immediately:

1. What was your purpose in contacting Hont and seeking to buy 20 AP ROOs (Don't bother denying this-- you've seen the screen captures for yourself)?

2. Did you contact Hont via telephone and tell him that unless he raised his prices on the AP ROO to your level, you would make it more difficult for him to get the watches from the factory?

3. Did you try to make it more difficult for Ruby (or any other dealer) to obtain watches from the factory?

Andrew (or Josh), you've been on this forum nearly from the beginning. And you've served a lot of members very well for a long time. And the RWI Mods and Admin certainly appreciate all you've done over the years. BUT if you continue to ignore this thread and these allegations, you will leave us with no choice but to take action.


Respected Member
guanaco said:
WAFU Man said:
But that's my point - who's to say that they do?

That they do what?

Oh, you didn't get it.... WAFU Man has been here for less than 45 days and 13 posts.... but he's got the whole thing figured out... what the F were we thinking...

I am going to immediately resign and promote him to master of the world....
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