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Your thoughts are noted and highlighted. I was just trying to get at what Koster88 was eluding too. Some agree, some don't. No acusations or misinformations on my part. 2 sides/1 coin.

Good Day. :D


Banned member, the goat does not approve

To me Is just application of Occam's Razor..

generally the most logical explanation is the answer..

and Koster? Well, he calls it as he sees it..

he does not perhaps have seven years experience and memory on forums..



Legendary Member
Here is the email that I received from Hontwatch. I am sure he can post here to verify, please feel free to write in Chinese too!

hont wu
to me

show details Jul 18 (7 days ago)


hello taka

at first ,thank you very much.

he just ask me price about APROO,sec @ 12 .after i tell him price he said he want to come china,and then ask me my telephone.

he said he want to order 20 pcs AP from me, when i check email address,and ask some of my custom and friend,they said it is trustytime.

then i said to him: "no need to buy from me ,i know you are trustytime."

he tell the factory stop to sale watch to hontwatch :) <who sale just 508usd > ,my friend in market ask me that if i sale 508usd

but i still can get it :) ,for now i also get the new breitling skyland ,i will show in RWI.moment.

i have many way for getting new model high quality watch in market .

i am readying make 1 new model watch copy from original piece,the original watch in my hand now,

this model i will stop sale to trustytime.if he not friendly with me :)

i am so grateful for your help ,




I'm Pretty Popular
I think one thing should be made clear, this is not the first instance that Trustytime was specifically indicated by a dealer as trying to control price.

This is the third time in less then a year, and the admins felt it was time to address it. When it happened to Ruby she was a relatively new dealer, and at that time I'm sure the response from andrew would have been the same... but she's still around yet no longer has access to the "cartel" watches.


I'm Pretty Popular
I don't think this is anything new ever since the so call "cartel" was formed...

And say what we want to say but I don't think they care...As they have always claimed, whether true or not, the Rep forums only accounts to a very small portion of their sales...

If they can control the supply and the retail segment of the market, and they have the right products, there will always be customers lining up for them...


Mythical Poster
To bring this back to Andrew--

Andrew, you've now seen the PM that Hont sent to us. You can see the allegations yourself. The question remains-- how do you respond to what Hont has said? Again, no one is trying to attack you, but you really do need to respond to these specific allegations. And, at least from what I've seen, you have not yet done so.


Mythical Poster
tutima said:
I don't think this is anything new ever since the so call "cartel" was formed...

And say what we want to say but I don't think they care...As they have always claimed, whether true or not, the Rep forums only accounts to a very small portion of their sales...

If they can control the supply and the retail segment of the market, and they have the right products, there will always be customers lining up for them...

While I think the forums account for a very small percentage of rep sales in the global sense, I think they do account for a pretty substantial share of Jandrew's sales. And I think Jandrew do have some (albeit limited) say in what happens in the rep maker factories. They can't fully control prices, but it appears as though they can make it more difficult for other dealers to gain access to the same rep factories.


OG member in the Lou
St. Louis
seanf said:
While I think the forums account for a very small percentage of rep sales in the global sense, I think they do account for a pretty substantial share of Jandrew's sales. And I think Jandrew do have some (albeit limited) say in what happens in the rep maker factories. They can't fully control prices, but it appears as though they can make it more difficult for other dealers to gain access to the same rep factories.

At least that what they want you to think. There are several dealers on DHgate using Jandrews pics and EXACT Q&A section. And DHgate is HUGE. You wanna be a dealer? Make a bulk buy offer to some of these dealers, HUGE discounts if you buy large lots. And yes, ALL of the newest reps can be found, from many different dealers there. And some of the single lot prices are very low.


Respected Member
To everyone -
We are not out on a witch hunt... and we're not here to slam our dealers and make life harder for ourselves... if I wanted to make life very easy for myself, I would just ignore this whole mess and continue on my way...

The problem becomes though, what is best for the community... that community includes, you, the person reading my post... I have taken a position, along with the rest of the staff here, to bring you the best rep buying experience we can... not for any other reason than we feel all should be able to enjoy this hobby with fairly priced goods of a decent quality... i did not say they should be cheap and perfect... just fair and have some level of quality control...

As for this being in open forum... it took it being in open forum for Andrew to even respond... do you think he cares about answering for anything unless he is being held accountable in front of the entire forum? If he was reasonable and offered a response in private then it would not have gotten to this... but it did....

You know.. when I logged in this morning to the board and began reading some of the responses, I felt a feeling of sadness... here I am, along with other staff members, working to enhance your hobby experience... at the risk of worsening my experience (i couldn't possibly buy from any of the cartel after this).... and the membership for the most part does not care...

If you are all happy then I guess we will all be happy... and we'll all be happy dancing on the bottom of the ocean... why fight the battles when the community could care less about the victory???


Respected Member
Legend I am glad you said this, because I have frankly been stunned by some of the responses on here in regards to this situation. I think that the lack of concern about the members treatment by dealers that have been selected as first line trusted dealers, just goes to show how little some understand the actual reason for this type of forum. I know that for myself, this has become a lot more of a socializing thing, but I still remember why I came here in the first place. I understand your feelings, if no one cares about this, why should you. You should care whether or not the rank and file does, because if you do not, then this forum and what is generally preached here is all bullshit. That is why you care and that is why we are having this prolonged discussion. Regardless of what is decided here I will never deal with these guys again, Period! Regardless of what is decided here I will continue to participate and hang out here. I will however voice my opinion on the dealers at every opportunity. You and the rest of the staff should do what ever you feel is in the best interest of the forum, let the chips then fall where they may.


I'm Pretty Popular
@LOS...I believe everyone in the community cares....

It is just that I am not sure whether the Cartel cares...And what we can do to discourage them from doing what they are doing...

The lack of response and the silence from Andrew speaks volume of what they think of us.... :evil:


Respected Member
tutima said:
@LOS...I believe everyone in the community cares....

It is just that I am not sure whether the Cartel cares...And what we can do to discourage them from doing what they are doing...

The lack of response and the silence from Andrew speaks volume of what they think of us.... :evil:

I do not agree Tutima, I think the general response to the situation has run mostly between silence, because they do not care, and actual comments suggesting an ulterior motive on the part of our staff. I agree though that the Cartel probably does not care, that's why I say screw them.


Respected Member
This is not about telling people not to buy from this dealer... or that dealer.... it's not about enhancing the sales of one dealer over the other.... there is no benefit to RWI regardless of the dealer you give your money too....

This IS about the dealers who we list as trusted on this board treating you, the member, with respect... for some of us, this is only pocket money.... for others, it's a lot more...

irregardless of how much the money means to you, respect is priceless...

You deserve respect from these dealers... you deserve fair pricing.... you deserve to have problems taken care of in a reasonable way... you deserve a basic level of quality control...

My job on this board is to try to bring all of that to you... at least I thought it was... the community is telling me my job is to insure your continued access to watches, at whatever cost...


Banned member, the goat does not approve
LegendOfSpeed said:
This is not about telling people not to buy from this dealer... or that dealer.... it's not about enhancing the sales of one dealer over the other.... there is no benefit to RWI regardless of the dealer you give your money too....

This IS about the dealers who we list as trusted on this board treating you, the member, with respect... for some of us, this is only pocket money.... for others, it's a lot more...

irregardless of how much the money means to you, respect is priceless...

You deserve respect from these dealers... you deserve fair pricing.... you deserve to have problems taken care of in a reasonable way... you deserve a basic level of quality control...

My job on this board is to try to bring all of that to you... at least I thought it was... the community is telling me my job is to insure your continued access to watches, at whatever cost...

Plus 1, brother. That is exactly what this is all about!


Mythical Poster
To everyone who thinks that we, as the forum, can't make a difference for Jandrew. Couple of things. First, and most importantly, that's not the point or the issue. The issue is what we, as the forum, are going to do about Andrew's conduct.

Here's the best way to look at it-- I'm pretty sure that some site like swissreplicas.com does great business. They are probably profitable, and they'll have a lot of people who don't know any better continuing to buy from them. And, despite our warnings to everyone on the forum not to buy from them, I'm sure nothing that we can do will have an impact on their bottom line. But WE WOULD NEVER ALLOW THEM ON THIS FORUM. If Jandrew have other means of selling than the forums, that's fine. I don't particularly care. What I do care about is whether we, as RWI, endorse them by calling them "trusted" dealers. And THAT is the issue.

Second point-- I don't agree with the idea that the forum is a small part of Jandrew's empire. And I think there is evidence to back this up in the form of Andrew's attempt to shut down three dealers. If Andrew really didn't care so much about his sales from the forum, then why would he try to shut down dealers who are only on these forums?


Mythical Poster
Well said LOS. And the one thing that I think addresses many of the of the posts made in this thread is this.

If he was reasonable and offered a response in private then it would not have gotten to this... but it did....

they did attempt to take care of it off the forum. They got no response so they had to bring it out in the open. And this also answers the other issues that were brought up. And for that I direct you to Andrews first post.

trustywatchguy said:
Allegations? I havent been surfing the boards...Apologies.


If the admin contacted him about it then we know this statement was a lie. And to me that's very telling. In fact it's pretty damn clear.

Now as I said in my earlier post, for some reason people cannot help themselves and feel the need to spin a topic out of control with conjecture. What we all need to do is stop posting, let the admin keep bumping the topic and WAIT for Andrew to respond..or not.


Active Member
I've been reading this thread with great interest. I understand that this will most likely be a very difficult issue to resolve (especially if Andrew decides not to post any further responses).
I very much appreciate the efforts of this board, this can't be easy.


Mythical Poster
I posted this in a separate thread, but it belongs here too.

We, as the RWI staff, have one--and only one--obligation here. And that is to act in the best interests of the RWI membership. That's it. And that means acting in the interests of both the veterans, the new members, and the people who may join in the future. And the reason that I personally believe that we have to take some action concerning Andrew is mainly for the benefit of the future members.

Here's the way I look at it. Picture six months down the line. A new member signs up and asks who has the best Shiny New Replica Watch that just came on the market. Someone responds that it doesn't matter, because only Jandrew carry those watches now. And THAT is what my concern is. If Jandrew is successful in running off all the smaller dealers, they will have the majority of the market to themselves (and will be able to raise their prices accordingly).

And that may happen, regardless of any actions that we take. But that doesn't mean we have to help them.
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