What are you trying to achieve by posting this? How do you know the "1 person whose sent over $10,000" wasn't a project involving multiple watches?and those are just some "simple" pieces I inquired about.. I personally know 1 person whose sent over $10,000... and I think someone in this thread said they've sent over $15k?? holy crap..
just, holy crap..how much disposable income you all got!? thankful I never did pull the trigger on any watch even though I could have..
And in terms of the prices you shared from your DMs - seems pretty straightforward - 950$ base watch, crystal, crystal change, custom dial, full movement service, pressure test etc. None of that is free. Shipping too. I've used him before and these prices add up. You want someone to do it cheaper, the free market is at your disposal.
So I'm really not sure what you're trying to achieve, besides telling everyone those prices are not for you (which is fine btw)
So he addresses people's concerns, puts out a statement because people are saying he's a liar and a thief and now you're not happy with his tone?Even sounds like the last few Anthony Farer youtube videos. Righteous indignation.
You don't want to pile on but now you're hitting him with new accusations that he's supposedly selling modded replicas as authentic pieces... This needs to stop.I also don't want to pile on but this exchange has me curious. When he's showcasing these watches on Instagram, are they aware they are modded replicas when messaging him? I'm aware he does legitimate watches, and probably mods them as easily.