Thanks! Also @Winni1611 thanks for the information, I will go for the NH38. In a rush I ordered the NH35.. So will have to use that for another project.
@369mafia, oh my.. that gets me exciting! Thanks for the closeups. I have the 5513 currently, but I'm going to sell that because I find the dials "too flat" (just a taste preference).
May I ask how you aged the dial? I agree with you that it needs aging.. I've looked at photos from gens, and they are all heavily damaged and worn.
I used a dry brush modeling weathering paint The one pictured is the best option for this dial the soot, mud and snow. lightly dab on the paint and then brush it off to create and aged look on the high points of the dial surface and lume. quite easy .

I do plan on seeing what is possible with an air brush and to see what I can do with that and will share results.
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