I agree with Jake.
The BP looks great, but does not feel great.
For comparison, the fit and finish of the noob exp ii is amazing, very gen like. I expect that same level of quality with the noob Sub. I had both at one point and the BP sub never got worn.
Solex, you illustrate my point perfectly. To be honest, you have to admit that both watches are so good it is left to the smallest of details, often subjective, that make you want to own and more importantly
wear the watch.
I have owned a few BP maker rollies myself and aside from the less Gen like feel when compared to a Noob, the one thing that really buggs me about the BP maker is they can not get the finish on the crown right In all honesty, maybe the new BP Sub C has a better crown as I have not bought one yet to say for sure, but every BP rollie I have owned has had a god awful crown where the edges of the crown teeth are rounded and the machining between the teeth is not even a little bit close to the smoothness and mirror like finish of a Gen. No matter how much you polish a BP crown it will never shine like a Gen. and you will always have rounded teeth edges, not crisp and sharp like the Gen
For me, looking down at the dull rounded edges of the teeth on the crown is such a tell that the watch is a Rep. I can"t wear it. The Noob crown, although not as nice as a Gen crown, is so close in finish it is almost impossible to tell it from a Gen crown.
One more of those things you don't really see in pictures on a computer screen, but get the two (Noob Sub and BP Sub) side by side in the real world and it is glaringly obvious which has the better fit and finish.
To each his own I guess. Some will focus on the hour ring thickness, some focus on dial print or spacing and some focus on fit, finish and feel.
To me, both of these watches are so close to being truly 1:1, that fit, finish and feel are now what I focus on.