Perfect example of when you need to ask yourself...
Does this guy even own the watch or does he just sit at home and compare pictures on a computer screen?
Don't have to be a "metallurgist" to know if the color of the SS is close to a Gen in color, if the finish not looks right, but feels right or the metal scratches easily or not.
Bottom line is that there is way way to much obsessing and hand wringing going on about micro measurements gleaned from pictures, that even if corrected, would not matter if the Rep bracelet really doesn't look anything like the Gen bracelet in real life. And this one gets it right!
Way to much over thinking bud. It's not that complicated. This is a great watch with tiny weeny "flaws" that are more than offset by the excellent bracelet and from what I have read, the people who actually own the watch agree with the above and not the magnified picture comparing computer geek squad who don't even own the watch.....
You can buy the watch now or exercise your desire to wait a few months, but until you own the watch, trying to comment on what people who actually own the watch are saying regarding the quality by comparing pictures from a flat computer screen comes across as a little uninformed if you ask me...