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Major Rep Dealer Cop Out


Mythical Poster
All I see is "you have 4,557 reputation points."

Thanks Fiddo for the 4,556 points.


Put Some Respect On My Name
What we are buying is an illegal product made by god knows who in less than ideal conditions. The fact that we get what we get is to me, remarkable. We get QC pics of a FAKE watch. We get a forum of mods who will help the community when problems arise. We get a extremely close version of the real thing for a fraction of the cost.

If you are so concerned with the movement then buy a Seiko. Most people here have low end gens and can appreciate the value they provide. Having just got my Deep Blue back from a repair I can tell you the gens have their issues as well. If something goes wrong with your watch in transit most dealers will exchange it for another. Or, you can service it right away or swap the movement for its Swiss version for an added cost.

I am personally blown away at what $300 can buy you in the rep world and I can't understand people who want gen service and quality but can't/won't pay gen prices.

So, I voted disagree.

Thank you.

Has anyone experienced having a big portion of their livelihood being threatened by violence that you have to close shop for a while? How about your family members being in danger? Bullets flying around? Panic buying? Mortars everywhere? Had to call on connections so some of them can get out? I did, all in the last 7 days. If I can only share..

Minor movement qualms on a replica watch is the last thing on my mind right now.


Renowned Member
I'd give rep points to everybody if I knew how.

Somebody give me some so I'll know how.............:lol:

On the bottom left corner of the post there is scales next to a red triangle, click the scales and leave a message. If your using a iPad or iPhone with tapatalk switch to web view to see the scales.

Sent from my iPhone because I'm such a addict I have to keep on here even when I'm not home.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
I am personally blown away at what $300 can buy you in the rep world and I can't understand people who want gen service and quality but can't/won't pay gen prices.

So, I voted disagree.

Your opinion is noted but one of the major points made is the price for reps are indeed as much as genuine watches and many times exceed them. It would seem people are not reading the entire post before drawing conclusions. :beatahorse:

Further the legality and danger of the buiness is something that they assume responsibility for. If they seem it to be worth risking themselves and their families lives ( as some have asserted the danger to be)
that's their business. Not mine... And surely it has nothing to do with the quality of the product.

Personally I have been homeless for the past 5 months due to reasons that are none of your buisness. Gunshots, murders, fights, etc were common and sometimes even a daily experience for me. Heck... One time some drunk fool pulled a knife on me while I was eating dinner in the cafeteria. Do you see me asking for a discount because of the turmoil that surrounded my life. NO because that's absurd. WHY? Because it has nothing to do with the price of anything.

Don't misunderstand (which I'm sure you will anyway) I'm not cold or apathetic to these conditions one may live in. However as being in just that environment I can honestly say its has little to do with the subject being discussed.

To address all these silly remarks about cocaine.... I'm not a user but I'd imagine that if I was... And I bought some that didnt get me high (I.e. NOT DOING WHAT IT IS SUPPOSE TO) then YEAH... That sounds like a legitimate cause for complaint.

I'm being regarded as unintelligent, having a lack of common sense, being naive, etc. when in reality it's quite the opposite. An intelligent person asks questions to learn more, an ignorant person assumes the answer or doesn't care at all to know. A naive person is one who believes "things" without getting the full scope of the issue at hand.... Which is exactly my purpose in posting my concerns. Further the issues being raised that are being used as an example of demonstrating a lack of common sense on my part were a large part of my life for the last several months. And frankly... It is an irrelevant point all together but regardless is an incorrect one.

Finally... If there wasn't an issue with customers getting a piece of crap that they paid 300$ for then there would be NO NEED FOR QC PICS all together. Just saying.... Things are the way they are for a reason.


Put Some Respect On My Name
First - you don't know how replicas business operate.
Second - prices of some replicas are, indeed, higher, than some genuine brands, like Stuhrling crap, etc. You buying replicas of $15,000 - $50,000 watches, not a copy of Steinhart.
And third - you are in community of people, who know things, and you trying to imply, that we buying crap. That's why you get grilled. You fully deserve it, mate.
Stay here longer, read and learn, and you'll know things.


㊙️ Time does not wait ㊙️
Staff member
Global Moderator
Village, of course
Yes, it their muthafucking business that they are selling reps to you. Your life goes on after they are caught and shot in the firing squad. You wouldn't even give a single **** and you dare request for the best?

let me tell you that they are not going to sell reps with fully serviced movement. Period.

And if they EVER going to so it, prepare to pay more than what ever legit brands you're comparing to. and don't expect a warranty.

You can take your business else where if it doesn't suit your best of both worlds requirements.

Sent from my Bezel using a 116610


I'm Pretty Popular
This thread man...



Hǝɐpᴉᴎƃ ꓭɐɔʞ ᗡoʍᴎ Ոᴎpǝᴙ
Staff member
While it is true that the main theme of this thread has been discussed before......and will most certainly continue to be discussed in the future......the only thing I have to add is......love the avatar mate......




Active Member
I don't appreciate the rude and tright remarks. This is the first real thread I've posted after patiently reading guides that most of you participated in. I've taken the advice to heart.

As being a CONTRIBUTING member of this forum SOME OF YOU are way out of line in responding to a simple concern of a newcomer. Get some anger management and learn to control yourself.

I do agree with your original post...


After reading through this thread (and others like it) it seems the best advice I can offer you is to better manage your "expectations" when it comes to this hobby.

Remember, there is a reason why we are all here purchasing/selling these watches. If this was an official store on front street there would be no question or issue about QC, pricing, etc. But the fact is, this is not front street and I don't see anyone pretending it to be.

Bottom line is this ----> keep your expectations reasonable by understanding the context in which this business operates in. If you are unable to do so, you open yourself up to abuse as you have experienced in this thread - e.g. suggestions of cocaine abuse (by an Admin!!##??), lack of common sense, etc. These attacks, reprehensible as they are, should come as no surprise(people don't want their interests attacked!).


I'm Pretty Popular
Your opinion is noted but one of the major points made is the price for reps are indeed as much as genuine watches and many times exceed them. It would seem people are not reading the entire post before drawing conclusions. :beatahorse:

Further the legality and danger of the buiness is something that they assume responsibility for. If they seem it to be worth risking themselves and their families lives ( as some have asserted the danger to be)
that's their business. Not mine... And surely it has nothing to do with the quality of the product.

Personally I have been homeless for the past 5 months due to reasons that are none of your buisness. Gunshots, murders, fights, etc were common and sometimes even a daily experience for me. Heck... One time some drunk fool pulled a knife on me while I was eating dinner in the cafeteria. Do you see me asking for a discount because of the turmoil that surrounded my life. NO because that's absurd. WHY? Because it has nothing to do with the price of anything.

Don't misunderstand (which I'm sure you will anyway) I'm not cold or apathetic to these conditions one may live in. However as being in just that environment I can honestly say its has little to do with the subject being discussed.

To address all these silly remarks about cocaine.... I'm not a user but I'd imagine that if I was... And I bought some that didnt get me high (I.e. NOT DOING WHAT IT IS SUPPOSE TO) then YEAH... That sounds like a legitimate cause for complaint.

I'm being regarded as unintelligent, having a lack of common sense, being naive, etc. when in reality it's quite the opposite. An intelligent person asks questions to learn more, an ignorant person assumes the answer or doesn't care at all to know. A naive person is one who believes "things" without getting the full scope of the issue at hand.... Which is exactly my purpose in posting my concerns. Further the issues being raised that are being used as an example of demonstrating a lack of common sense on my part were a large part of my life for the last several months. And frankly... It is an irrelevant point all together but regardless is an incorrect one.

Finally... If there wasn't an issue with customers getting a piece of crap that they paid 300$ for then there would be NO NEED FOR QC PICS all together. Just saying.... Things are the way they are for a reason.

Someone could argue that a person shopping for luxury replica watches while homeless, and I'm going to use your words here is "unintelligent, having a lack of common sense".


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
just boils down to this...

rep game ain for everybody
Absolutely goddamn right,

So we cater to the whims of these dealers , we kowtow , and say "gee , thanks it's almost perfect , wish it would work " grovel grovel
And this guy is probably one of the "nots" I would be guessing.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Kill yourself. Please.

Why do many of the most knowledgable, experienced users on this forum feel its ok to belittle and bully newbies/noobs?

Don't like the a thread topic, been asked a hundred times before, shows ignorance / naivety, etc. ? Ignore it, or if you are mod then close or delete it. EDIT: or even better, constructively correct the misguided noob.

Instructing someone to 'Kill yourself' is as low as you can get. Classless, crass, crap.

I know I'm not going to make friends saying the above but it needs to be said.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Because a lot of new members have quite unreasonable high expectation? After they spend a bit of time doing reading and thinking that they have already know very well about how this whole thing works, they want it to be change just because the current procedure is not up to their expectation.

Instead of accept what it is or leave if they find it unacceptable, they want the makers/dealers to change so that it can met their expectation. And out of all this, the funniest part is because someone want to get a fake/replica/counterfeit/illegal watch for the same amount of money but with a standard of QC for gen watch.

Someone who are intelligent and with common sense will not ask anything like this thread, this thread have got nothing to prove but only it own ignorance and naivety.


Active Member
Why do many of the most knowledgable, experienced users on this forum feel its ok to belittle and bully newbies/noobs?

Don't like the a thread topic, been asked a hundred times before, shows ignorance / naivety, etc. ? Ignore it, or if you are mod then close or delete it. EDIT: or even better, constructively correct the misguided noob.

Instructing someone to 'Kill yourself' is as low as you can get. Classless, crass, crap.

I know I'm not going to make friends saying the above but it needs to be said.

Well spoken. Ofcourse it needs to be said and good for you for having the courage to speak up.

There is absolutely no need for veteran members to berate newbies. Some call it the voice of "reason". I call it the voice of simply being an a-hole.

SOME veteran members who choose to behave this way to their fellow forum members should be called out - otherwise everyone else will feel too intimidated to post their opinions which ultimately leads to a board that is polarized and just not fun to be on.

RWI is such an amazing site with tons of resources for people who want to enjoy the hobby of replica watches (i know i do!). But there are a couple members who think it's perfectly fine to treat others like crap.

Keep in mind that inflammatory comments like the ones you refer too are meant to intimidate and belittle. That is the exact purpose. The hope is that you won't be able to stomach it and ....leave.

My advice....don't go. Because when you have members who genuinely are interested in seeking more knowledge about this terrific hobby and they post about it the forum is a better place because of it.


Active Member
Because a lot of new members have quite unreasonable high expectation? After they spend a bit of time doing reading and thinking that they have already know very well about how this whole thing works, they want it to be change just because the current procedure is not up to their expectation.

Instead of accept what it is or leave if they find it unacceptable, they want the makers/dealers to change so that it can met their expectation. And out of all this, the funniest part is because someone want to get a fake/replica/counterfeit/illegal watch for the same amount of money but with a standard of QC for gen watch.

Someone who are intelligent and with common sense will not ask anything like this thread, this thread have got nothing to prove but only it own ignorance and naivety.

Yes, I think you hit it on the nail. Newcomers do have unreasonable expectations. But surely, there's a better way to educate newbies then insulting them, right? (not that you are doing this but others have).

Why the need to make personal attacks on other forum members at all?

I totally understand where you are coming from and agree that if the system works (generally speaking, ofcourse) then there's no need to fix it.

But not all newcomers understand this and is it not too much trouble to just tell them that 1) this is how it operates, 2) don't get your expectations too high, 3) learn about modding to help make the watch meet your expectations?


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Because a lot of new members have quite unreasonable high expectation? After they spend a bit of time doing reading and thinking that they have already know very well about how this whole thing works, they want it to be change just because the current procedure is not up to their expectation.

True, many do. Maybe they haven't spent the time understanding reps, the community or the market place, perhaps they are just lazy, there could be many reasons.

The important message here is that no matter how naive, no matter how skewed someone's expectations are, it is NOT OK to bully and more specifically, it is NOT OK to instruct someone to commit suicide.

Instead, point out what's wrong with their post and why.

If you are fatigued from responding to the n'th thousand dumb newbie post, its better just not to respond rather than some of what we've seen in this and other threads.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Yes, I think you hit it on the nail. Newcomers do have unreasonable expectations. But surely, there's a better way to educate newbies then insulting them, right? (not that you are doing this but others have).

Why the need to make personal attacks on other forum members at all?

I totally understand where you are coming from and agree that if the system works (generally speaking, ofcourse) then there's no need to fix it.

But not all newcomers understand this and is it not too much trouble to just tell them that 1) this is how it operates, 2) don't get your expectations too high, 3) learn about modding to help make the watch meet your expectations?

If they would have spend time doing their own reading before asking, they don't need anyone to educate them because there are plenty of information here for new members to educate themselves.

I don't see any personal attacks in this thread, flame yes. Why? Because because of unreasonable high expectation of lazy to read. Unreasonable high expectation from members have already causes a lot of problem for dealers and indirectly, have also causes some problem for all members here.

So it is quite a sensitive issue and you can't blame members(me included) to flame others because we are also affected from the damage it causes.