Hi guys. Is this the v3 pepsi insert from CF? Thanks
Looks to be they are much darker in colour which is actually closer to the 23 on release from RO.
The whole V thing doesnt really exist we all kinda made it up and so the did the RO guys forums.
The first RO came out with much lighter almost purple blue with a pastel red this is often referred to as v1 (rep world have been trying to use this as the bench mark since the start and there have been several version trying to get as close to the gen colours but ONLY for that model)
The Gen world also moved on trying to perfect the colours so they had what might called v2 where the colours were more vibrant and with the red being less pink and the blue being less purple looking (the purple is consistent in different light on gen and rep as the good examples are a blue dye over a red base dye hence the UV turning red but in certain lights the blue will appear purple)
The latest offering from the gen world started around late 23 with much deepr red and blue making them less in yer face so to speak (a little more classy perhaps) the latest "V3" from Clean and the others seems to mimc this colour combo now as in your picture)
I think the rep world will keep replicating what ever is out there at the time so as far as the versions go, the V1 isnt far off the RO v1 of 2018 release with more pastel shades) the V2 does mimic the 2020 RO release with more vibrant and less pastel colours, the rep world didnt quite get this one right at first visit as the red was far too red and so this was corrected but is v2s as we refer to it although none of this is official). then there is v3 which might just be a better match to the gen v2 brighter colours and now a v3s which is exceptionally close to the latest gen insert with the darker colours.
In all fairness if you take into account that gen have had different colours on their inserts all anyone really need worry about is that the bezel passes the UV test (although this is pretty nerdy and most people will never know, and you would need to be out clubbing to be under black light in public!)
The colour choice buying new will generally be the latest version but if buying m2m then picking one you like the look of is best as the more pastle colours look like the earlier gen models and the more vibrant colours look like the 2020-2022 gen models (give or take some where the red is too red).
Its not as if the more pastel ligher colours are not accurate to the gen as it depends on which gen age you are comparing it too.
Even gen guys have the same arguments over version, of which there is nothing offical from RO either.