Having owned CF Daytonas, CF 41 Datejust, CF Submariners + CF GMT, CF 36 Datejust, and CF 36 OP, I completely agree. The Deep Crystal is almost certainly, per dollar, a worthy upgrade to all CF models.CF have the worst crystals in the industry. Which should always be replaced IMO as they ruin what are otherwise good reps. You can take the crystal from any mid range rep like BP / GMF and it would be a dramatic improvement in the stock CF.
I think some people look at a photograph and mistake reflection for what is actually a hazy included sapphire, while others just parrot misinformation.
I will say :
- CF Daytona : the crystal must absolutely be replaced on the white/black dial. The reflective dials? Swapping crystal has only a slight improvement.
- For the 12x Subs, Clean crystals are "ok". Not VSF level but tolerable enough to not replace them. The deep hole on them is not as good as VSF or deep. The 11x though? Definitely need replacing.
- The old generation 41 Datejust and OP, definitely need crystal replaced no matter what.
- New generation 36 OP/Datejust/Explorers, are tolerable now, they're alot better now.
- Same goes with the GMTs. Any old generation pre-DD3285 needs the crystal changed. But the new GMT crystal is tolerable and fine now. Only the cyclop lacks the "black hole" effect per VSF/Deep.