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Cheating at QC pictures?


Trusted Dealer
Trusted Dealer
I just got an email from a taiwanese member that he purchased a watch from me some time ago and after seeing this thread on rwi he checked his qc pics and his watch is not the same as shown in the pictures.

I searched it in my database and I couldn´t find his order. I asked him kindly what is the problem and to show me those qc pics and his watch but he didn´t do it. And I also asked him how long time ago was the purchase and is he sure it was from me (Many people still call me tony sometimes in the emails)

Probably he will start a new ¨QC cheating¨ thread


You're Saying I Can Sell?
And what? He paid to the factory already!

Then he needs to man up and honor his trusted dealer status and take a loss on the item. Sell it at cost, part it out. Wholesale it to some Canal St. Vendor for the kiddies to peddle out of their little briefcases all over NYC. Whatever it takes so that a good paying customer doesn't have to take the hit. It's probably cheaper for a TD to have the darn thing fixed there and parts are probably cheaper. Nobodys being fooled here, markup on these things is probably at least 50% if not more.

In my line of work I don't always get a perfect product either. I never sell these items to good paying customers at full price. Sometimes I part things out or scrap them altogether. I'd rather eat my socks for dinner than have to ruin my hard earned reputation for a few bucks. I have to be able to look myself in the mirror in the morning and know that i'll be able to keep selling my stuff. A TD continuing to allow his good paying customers to be screwed over by the factory, themselves or anyone else is only poisoning his own well and shitting in the place he eats. It may cost me a bit of money, time and effort... but theres always others who will be more than happy to provide a service I can deal with and happy to do it. There's always at least 7 ways to skin a cat.

What do these guys think happens when a customer who got royally screwed over leaves the game? Do they think he just walks away? I bet you a bunch of them get plenty pissed off enough to file claims, chargebacks or even worse....


Fool me once, shame on me, Fool me twice, shame on you....

Confucious say:

He who walk thru turnstile sideways going to Bangkok....


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
I just got an email from a taiwanese member that he purchased a watch from me some time ago and after seeing this thread on rwi he checked his qc pics and his watch is not the same as shown in the pictures.

I searched it in my database and I couldn´t find his order. I asked him kindly what is the problem and to show me those qc pics and his watch but he didn´t do it. And I also asked him how long time ago was the purchase and is he sure it was from me (Many people still call me tony sometimes in the emails)

Probably he will start a new ¨QC cheating¨ thread

Tell him to **** off


Mythical Poster
I just got an email from a taiwanese member that he purchased a watch from me some time ago and after seeing this thread on rwi he checked his qc pics and his watch is not the same as shown in the pictures.

I searched it in my database and I couldn´t find his order. I asked him kindly what is the problem and to show me those qc pics and his watch but he didn´t do it. And I also asked him how long time ago was the purchase and is he sure it was from me (Many people still call me tony sometimes in the emails)

Probably he will start a new ¨QC cheating¨ thread

......customers story sounds like a fairy tale ...:nose:


factories refuse to replace the watches in most cases.

My experience makes me disagree with you. I've denied two watches with two different TDs, and they both stated they would have no problem getting a different watch from the factory. They made it seem like it was the opposite of what you describe.

The only way you might be right is if they never received the watch from the factory in the first place. I suspect that one TD I dealt with gave me "stock" qc pictures that were taken way before I ever ordered. I suppose that if the factory took the QC picture, then he may have never had the watch in hand anyway.

Otherwise, I doubt that any TD would take a loss like that and not even mention it to me. Quite the opposite I'm sure.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Renowned Member
And what? He paid to the factory already!

Are you saying the "factory" won't show the dealer a watch without collecting the money first? And then if the watch is not up to par the dealer is ******?

Sultan Brunei

I'm Pretty Popular
LOL. Do you guys have any idea how the watch market works in China ? Or maybe in Thailand ?

They don't really have to go that far to 'factory' to get the watches and send you some pictures. There are a few buildings or should I say malls specializing in watches in Gz, where you can enter freely, and suppose you have some basic chinese language ability, you can go out from it with some of the watches you found all over this forum. There are also some of these malls in Thailand, some in Indonesia. Mostly the source is the same. But in Thai, you can find some locally made watches too! :)

Suppose you as an 'online seller' already have a good business turnover with one of the shops, you will not have any problem with 'borrow' back-and-forth for the purpose of this making qc pics for your prospective customers.
Sometimes if your turnover is very high, you may have a direct connection with high level wholesaler which enables you to gain a significant wholesale prices.

Mind you, I think the profits for doing this online business replica watches is quite good. I live in Indonesia, and I am able to buy a 292J noob for $260 here for a 292J noob which is being sold at dealers for $310 or more. Now how can that be ? :)
That $260 is already taken into account, the profits of shop owner, duty and customs he paid for it, shipping cost, and profits of the shop/distributor in Gz.



I suspect that one TD I dealt with gave me "stock" qc pictures that were taken way before I ever ordered.

The only way to prove this is if TD's set their camera's to show the date on the photos, and to freely allow the EXIF data to be found, this would rule out any of this, "Stock" photos from appearing.

Too much like hard work though for the TD's I feel.


Put Some Respect On My Name
qc pics can mark ur life

my experience is very scary , i mean ok ... i get it , it is ****** up if u lie in the qc pics, but
i remember myself using MIRC on early internet years , it was something like msn for chatting with random people,
the thing is that i met a girl , she sent me some qc pics of herself , she looked fuckable, i wont lie . we agreed to met in down town
WHEn SHE ARRIVED SHE HAS MUSTACHE! **** ! she was white as **** and with a mustache and she had somehow something very similar to a rat face , i mean i was traumatized with online dating after that , but i wont lie to you guys .... i banged her AND MADE HER SCREAM LIKE A MARIACHI WITH that ******* mustache of hers


Renowned Member
my experience is very scary , i mean ok ... i get it , it is ****** up if u lie in the qc pics, but
i remember myself using MIRC on early internet years , it was something like msn for chatting with random people,
the thing is that i met a girl , she sent me some qc pics of herself , she looked fuckable, i wont lie . we agreed to met in down town
WHEn SHE ARRIVED SHE HAS MUSTACHE! **** ! she was white as **** and with a mustache and she had somehow something very similar to a rat face , i mean i was traumatized with online dating after that , but i wont lie to you guys .... i banged her AND MADE HER SCREAM LIKE A MARIACHI WITH that ******* mustache of hers

Did you get her to make you a fruit smoothie after to at least pay for your services?

Sent from my iPhone because I'm such a addict I have to keep on here even when I'm not home.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Pec... how did you feel, seeing moustaches around your c.o.c.k?


I'm Pretty Popular
Back of beyond
my experience is very scary , i mean ok ... i get it , it is ****** up if u lie in the qc pics, but
i remember myself using MIRC on early internet years , it was something like msn for chatting with random people,
the thing is that i met a girl , she sent me some qc pics of herself , she looked fuckable, i wont lie . we agreed to met in down town
WHEn SHE ARRIVED SHE HAS MUSTACHE! **** ! she was white as **** and with a mustache and she had somehow something very similar to a rat face , i mean i was traumatized with online dating after that , but i wont lie to you guys .... i banged her AND MADE HER SCREAM LIKE A MARIACHI WITH that ******* mustache of hers

Post of the day !!:hehehe:


I'm Pretty Popular
I can respect your point of view on this, however the poster has every right to post his dealings with anyone, if he contacted the dealer before or after the fact is of no diffrence here.

No one here is required to contact a dealer and complain (thats up to them), no one here is required to give a dealer a chance to fix a mistake before they post here either. It really doesn't matter what the problem is, if a member wants to log on and post about his purchase, the quality or lack there of, or any part of the deal I would encourage them to do so.

Many members here recieve poor quality watches with problems, or the wrong watch, or a damaged watch. They then contact the dealer and work it out. Thats fine also, but our purpose here is to inform each other of these things. If we just accept the I'm so sorry heres a new dial, set of hands, and go get your watch fixed apology we are hurting ourselves.

When a dealer sends you a F'ed up watch and then offers a small discount on another purchase later I call that horseshit. I don't want a discount later and I don't want to have to install a new dial in my new watch at my expense, F that.
thanks sub4me, well any member has the right to express an opinion. After going thru 20 over pages, i beginning to see the whole picture which i felt disgusted..

Its going to come down to the Service Manager then the tech will get pulled in for 1 on 1 counseling

The customer would then get the car fixed for free...

I work in a parts dept...I have seen this before
ok this will never end, than right down to the janitor...? :beatahorse: Than like the TD would ship a watch free to customer..? :hehehe: yes in legal organization yes, possibly but not in this industry.

But whats NOT going to happen is the dealer is not going to say "its not my fault, its the service managers fault". And the service manager is not going to say "its not my fault, its my techs fault".

And you are not going to blame the service manager or the tech, are you?
Maybe you are. But ultimately, the dealer is responsible, and will burden the costs. And the reputation.

EDIT: lets put it this way...IF they would not take care of the problem and fix the car, and you felt you had to sue, who would you sue? The dealer, the service manager, or the tech.
the owner of the business!

Had a bad deal with a TD recently

Watches arrived

Bracelet not staying secured

Returned watches

Promised refund

They get watches all of a sudden they say no refund
sux! :facepalm:

Name the dealer and explain with detail or shut up, seriously.yes, if everybody start doing, this would like i said in my earlier post a WAKE UP call to TDs in the house! :raji:

Very true and also very funny.:hehehe:

Absolutely. But I should add one subtle nuance - factories refuse to replace the watches in most cases. You buy the watch from the dealer, you send money, dealer go to the factory representative, pay him, and order the watch. Watch arrive to fac. rep.'s office, and dealer must to take it, even if there's some minor flaws. Dealer will complain - he'll never buy any watches from this factory anymore. So, after you reject QC pictures, dealer or must to refund you, or beg fac. rep. to replace the watch or the flawed part. It doesn't work every time. As I said - factories hate returns.
emm Luth sifu, allow me to chim in here..most dealers dont move, their runners do all the foot work. "Factory" hardly refuse any rejection, but it's the taker/runner and their bosses. Let me say this very simple, presuming i'm "factory". I have my trusty runner to meet your runner. I will pass you a plastic bag of watches your boss ordered from my boss by the road side, or at the stairway. Now its your choice if you wanna to check them out or not, i wouldn't tell you what to do. In most cases, they don't chk the watches on the spot. They would only QC them when they are back in their air-conditioned offices. Well, we all can understand why Lol...its blady hot in gz, and crowded. I would have done the same if i were him. And don't forget the runner not only meet one "factory" runner a day. I have to say it's a very tiring work, and i truly pity them. They meet the same "factory" runner 10 times or more a day. Now don't forget, there are not just the "factories" you all know....eg N H KW BP facotry etc. But ultimately dealers tried not to reject too often, not a good idea to offend the "factores" bosses/makers. Now comes the worst part, stock availability! Damn it's gonna be one long story to tell, and my darlings are waiting for me!!!

ok let me say this, any member were to like some particular model shoot your favourite dealer an email to confirm if the factory has stocks, they will than check it out for you. Than you make the online payment. Most dealers don't stock the good reps, like those ones priced the highest, cost of inventory very high. Plus factory don't produce so many at one go, maybe at 300-500 depending on which model. And don't forget the allocation to all dealers, not just TDs here. There are lotsa of chinese dealers in china too. This is why sometimes your TD return and tell you no stock, gotto wait up. The good reps are NOT produced in big numbers, probably the cost of parts. Look at N factory 243,127..this is just example of 2 models, that has been out of stock for months.

That blue tape is hiding something.lol:)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
hahahaha this is factory stickers, you find them from the lowest priced rep also..

So the dealer should take a good look at watch before taking possession?
not the dealers..see above explanations.

I just got an email from a taiwanese member that he purchased a watch from me some time ago and after seeing this thread on rwi he checked his qc pics and his watch is not the same as shown in the pictures.

I searched it in my database and I couldn´t find his order. I asked him kindly what is the problem and to show me those qc pics and his watch but he didn´t do it. And I also asked him how long time ago was the purchase and is he sure it was from me (Many people still call me tony sometimes in the emails)

Probably he will start a new ¨QC cheating¨ thread
:facepalm: sorry to hear this!

And what? He paid to the factory already!

Tell him to **** off

My experience makes me disagree with you. I've denied two watches with two different TDs, and they both stated they would have no problem getting a different watch from the factory. They made it seem like it was the opposite of what you describe.

The only way you might be right is if they never received the watch from the factory in the first place. I suspect that one TD I dealt with gave me "stock" qc pictures that were taken way before I ever ordered. I suppose that if the factory took the QC picture, then he may have never had the watch in hand anyway.

Otherwise, I doubt that any TD would take a loss like that and not even mention it to me. Quite the opposite I'm sure.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

LOL. Do you guys have any idea how the watch market works in China ? Or maybe in Thailand ?

They don't really have to go that far to 'factory' to get the watches and send you some pictures. There are a few buildings or should I say malls specializing in watches in Gz, where you can enter freely, and suppose you have some basic chinese language ability, you can go out from it with some of the watches you found all over this forum. There are also some of these malls in Thailand, some in Indonesia. Mostly the source is the same. But in Thai, you can find some locally made watches too! :)

Suppose you as an 'online seller' already have a good business turnover with one of the shops, you will not have any problem with 'borrow' back-and-forth for the purpose of this making qc pics for your prospective customers.
Sometimes if your turnover is very high, you may have a direct connection with high level wholesaler which enables you to gain a significant wholesale prices.

Mind you, I think the profits for doing this online business replica watches is quite good. I live in Indonesia, and I am able to buy a 292J noob for $260 here for a 292J noob which is being sold at dealers for $310 or more. Now how can that be ? :)
That $260 is already taken into account, the profits of shop owner, duty and customs he paid for it, shipping cost, and profits of the shop/distributor in Gz.

hahaha you think so, good deal for you indeed for retail! :facepalm: nice pic by the way..:cheers:

my experience is very scary , i mean ok ... i get it , it is ****** up if u lie in the qc pics, but
i remember myself using MIRC on early internet years , it was something like msn for chatting with random people,
the thing is that i met a girl , she sent me some qc pics of herself , she looked fuckable, i wont lie . we agreed to met in down town
WHEn SHE ARRIVED SHE HAS MUSTACHE! **** ! she was white as **** and with a mustache and she had somehow something very similar to a rat face , i mean i was traumatized with online dating after that , but i wont lie to you guys .... i banged her AND MADE HER SCREAM LIKE A MARIACHI WITH that ******* mustache of hers
i was MIRC too hahhaa those good old days, i'm laughing now as i type! :hehehe: