Thank you. Any insert alignment that need to be done with the bezel when you put the new insert on? The triangle on the insert can sit anywhere in the bezel or it need to align in a certain way with the bezel teeth?
An aluminum insert can indeed be half a click (or any percent of a click really) off center with the 60 minute tic mark which I find intolerable.
The easiest way I have found to minimize this is to first temporarily place the top half of the insert into its fully seated bezel on the watch.
Then align the insert triangle bottom tip with the 60 minute tic mark. These types of alignments are slightly difficult for me because I am heavily left eye dominant and wear my eye magnification on my left eye. This always results in me seeing a perfectly centered insert as off center right through the loupe. So I take pics with a level bubble app on my phone edge, then use the pic editing lines to verify what I'm seeing. I know this sounds complicated but like everything if you do it often it becomes second nature. I can do an entire attempted placement - align, level the phone, take the pic, edit the pic, zoom it, rotate it, place the editing lines, etc - in about a minute or two.
Here is an example on a Daytona subdial ring I set. I use dial text as a reference point, leveling it and setting it at the upper screen edge to achieve an even starting point. In this example a line bisecting the 3 and 9 on the subdial ring was supposed to also bisect the 45 minute plus 2 1/2 mini tics mark, according to gen pics.
So I use the same approach with an aluminum insert. Once it's centered as good as I can manage, I both note where it is rotationally with respect to bezel teeth and scallops, and make Sharpie marks on both pieces. Then use these marks when pressing or gluing it permanently. The marks come right off with alchohol when you're done.
Another aid when doing this if using a tape ring like with a ceramic insert is to place a toothpick under the bottom of the insert while doing your alignment (and pics if needed). Then when satisfied press the top in, pull the toothpick out and press the bottom down.
Using bezel teeth as an insert placement guide
If all this sounds like too much trouble and way overkill then just press your insert any old way into the bezel and hope for the best. If your click is sloppy and the bezel is tight enough you usually have some minor adjustment capability after the install to make the bezel sit tight with the insert aligned.
But if you've ever experienced an insert half a click off that won't sit aligned no matter what you do and you're sick of rotating it 119 clicks only to find it now off to the right instead of off to the left, this is how to correct that.