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BK Sub based on Noob's V6 (Pic heavy!)


Mythical Poster
Not bad mate?
Yes it's not bad I guess.. I had an Asian ETA that will do -1sec or even be 0sec variation per day but that was the one that stopped with no obvious reason..

Sent from my S6 Edge+


I'm Pretty Popular
I was under the impression that BK was a Watch Smith/modder who swapped the movement and did all the mods to the watches. I have read many posts that say order the A2836 because of you order the Swiss 2836 it will probably be a clone anyway. I thought BK swapped in a new ETA from ofrei. So. all he does is QC and some minor mods...if necessary? So if I just buy a well made V6 from a TD and it passes full QC, can I sell it on the m2m sales section for $200 higher than I paid?

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Active Member
This is an interesting thread to say the least... Hmm..... Thank you all for the clarification..... You have helped me , once again, to make the right decision.....


Mythical Poster
I was under the impression that BK was a Watch Smith/modder who swapped the movement and did all the mods to the watches. I have read many posts that say order the A2836 because of you order the Swiss 2836 it will probably be a clone anyway. I thought BK swapped in a new ETA from ofrei. So. all he does is QC and some minor mods...if necessary? So if I just buy a well made V6 from a TD and it passes full QC, can I sell it on the m2m sales section for $200 higher than I paid?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530AZ using Tapatalk
Maybe you could but you have to work on the reputation first
This is an interesting thread to say the least... Hmm..... Thank you all for the clarification..... You have helped me , once again, to make the right decision.....
Any time

Sent from my S6 Edge+


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
I just sent payment to BK for a Noob V6 Black ceramic sub. Im shitting myself in excitement right now. He said he could potentially even get it to me before December 18th (I leave for South America on the 19th and am really hoping he has it ready for me by then) If you dont mind me asking, how long was the turn around time for you (from payment to wrist)?


Mythical Poster
I just sent payment to BK for a Noob V6 Black ceramic sub. Im shitting myself in excitement right now. He said he could potentially even get it to me before December 18th (I leave for South America on the 19th and am really hoping he has it ready for me by then) If you dont mind me asking, how long was the turn around time for you (from payment to wrist)?
Hello there and congrats for the new watch, I am sure you will get it soon enough.. For me from payment until had it was 18 days exactly but I am located in the Middle East so for you can be much less since you are in FL...

Since you have asked about the crystal height look for yourself and tell me what you think please :cool:


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
It's beautiful, I love it. Crystal is still too high on the V6 though :(...see gen below:



Just realized this is a V6 not the V5, so there's a new one huh.....

And really does a fraction of a MM on the crystal height really matter?

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This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
And really does a fraction of a MM on the crystal height really matter?

Nope, not really :) ... incorrect crystal height has always been one of the major complaints, though. However, I did a lot of digging through other threads and pulled pics of both V5's and the newer V6; many people have been making the statement that "the only thing they changed on the V6 was the spacing between the "300" and "M" on the dial. I'd like to point out that this is not true. In addition to the dial fix, there seems to have been a notable improvement in the crystal height (the last photo is gen)



This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
I have read many posts that say order the A2836 because of you order the Swiss 2836 it will probably be a clone anyway. I thought BK swapped in a new ETA from ofrei. So. all he does is QC and some minor mods...if necessary? So if I just buy a well made V6 from a TD and it passes full QC, can I sell it on the m2m sales section for $200 higher than I paid?

BK told me he opens every single watch to verify that the movement is new and genuine Swiss. So not likely you'll receive an Asian movement if you order from him. I want to say its safe to assume he knows how to differentiate between an Asian clone and gen Swiss 2836

Did he say anything about personally installing a new Swiss movement? It doesn't say that on his section....just says he does realignment work IF required. Personally, I think he gets his Chinese dealer to send him very good QC'd watches - so he doesn't have to do any rework himself (only as required). My first sub was from BK.

First and foremost, I think its only fair to say that when a TD tells us something, that it's the generally the truth (however, this definitely isn't always the case...) So for the sake of clarifying terminologies, when I refer to the term "fact" in the remainder of this post, this is to include anything verbally communicated by the TD's....but as we all know, this assumption isn't a guarantee in all circumstances; and if you ever feel that circumstance applies to whatever situation you happen to be pondering on, you must have proof or some form of irrefutable logic before insinuating anything even remotely contrary: something I feel many forum posters do not think about prior to typing their postings. The majority of negative speculations made by members here seem to be completely subjective in logic. Now, to my intended message:

I just purchased a Sub-C V6 from BK and, at an attempt to separate the speculation from the facts, I specifically addressed the issue about whether or not he performs mods to all his watches, or just to the watches that he deems necessary.

''And this is the V6 model correct? Did you end up having to mod anything? ...<remainder of message content removed for purposes of brevity and contextual relevance>''

''yes v6, I always have to mod it, tightening the bezel, swapping in a 2.3mm crystal gasket, remove the cyclops' AR, line up the cyclop to the date window (which sometimes involves completely reglueing the cyclop), etc. You really get a lot of value buying my watches.''

Its right there in black-and-white, guys. He said he ALWAYS has to mod the watches. Since that is the information that came directly from him, we must consider his word as factual until someone has evidence to prove otherwise. Even if the watch comes straight from factory being perfectly aligned, perfect bezel tension, etc, and there is nothing he needs to adjust, he still swaps out the crystal gasket. So at a very minimum, he has to do *something*. Which proves he’s not just a middleman. (this applies only to the Sub-C's that he sells, as that is the product being referred to in my inquiry - to assume this for all models and styles would create a contextual bias error, something unacceptable.)

Now, if you are sticking to your claim that he does not do anything at all to most of his subs and that he just orders them and them ships them to us at premium, then what you’re saying is that his statement to me above is not the truth; and if you are sticking to the claim, then you need to have proof to show to back it up; such as an email from him to you stating that he didn't do a single thing to your sub. If you are unable to provide this proof, then you should not be speculating on the validity of what he says. What you say on here has a huge impact on consumer confidence levels, and unless you know something for sure, you shouldn't say it. Who knows how much money they lose because of all the doubt that negative speculation has placed in the minds of potential buyers who come here to do their due diligent research; but more importantly, the customer will lose out on a service that they likely would have cherished otherwise.

If you ARE able to provide this proof, however, then you should consolidate the evidence you have and blast away. Or, if you're a passive person, discretely have the TD addressed regarding the discrepancies of their statements. Personally, I'm a Rambo fan. Need not say more. But again, you only do this if you have the evidence to back it...and you'd better be fully confident in the weight that your evidence can hold....But even then you’re likely to still take heat for it from veterans of the community. I recently did this, and nobody argued the facts that I presented, because they..well..couldn't... but I still got flamed for shaking the pedestal (mostly just pissed I wouldn't name the dealer, which I would have, but couldn't, because I accepted the watch and never addressed the issue to the seller, which in hind sight, it was probably my social responsibility to the community to do so. However, my negligence of responsibility doesn't mean that people shouldn't be aware of the shady things that can potentially happen to them.

Now, back to BK. Regarding my impressions of him so far: I’m quite satisfied with his customer service. I ordered my watch from him at the very last minute, as I'm leaving for South America in 2 weeks. I informed him of the details to my agenda, and he told me that he would front load my order to the top of his rework list so that I could have it prior to my departure. I gladly would have paid the $100-ish premium for the expedited turn-around-time alone. Yes, its only $100, not $200-300 like others have been stating – again, stick to facts, not assumptions. If you go on Toro’s website, you’ll see what he charges for a Noob V6 Sub-C. It comes out to $368 + $180 for swiss movement (which is what BK sells.) Total cost comes out to $548 (then don’t forget shipping). Not sure of the cost from other TD’s, I’m guessing its in the same ballpark. BK charged me approximately $653 shipped. Simple math...The difference is less than $100 after shipping costs are included. I can already see someone trying to argue with what I just said by saying something like "UH! YOU'RE STUPID! HE DOESN'T BUY FROM OTHER TD'S HE BUYS FROM FACTORY AND MAKES WAY MORE THAN $100!" Well, my pre-planned response to that is the following:

You absolutely can not compare the residual dollar values of his sale prices and his COGS. He's a dealer. You are an end consumer. The only comparison that you're allowed to make is the relationship against his selling prices vs the selling prices of other TD's for the same product. Whatever that difference is, that is the value that you're paying for his extra modifications. Valuations of additional services are NEVER to be quantified by total profit margins. THAT'S STUPID.



Mythical Poster
^ can't see BKs response. Probably my tapatalk. I agree he's a stand up guy supplying perfectly QC'd watches.

Point is that he doesn't say in his section that he "completely rebuilds noob factory watches" which is an assumption a LOT of people make.

Nothing wrong with asking his Chinese dealer to send him good QC'd watches to minimise the amount of rework.

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This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
^ can't see BKs response. Probably my tapatalk.

How about now?

I agree he's a stand up guy supplying perfectly QC'd watches. Point is that he doesn't say in his section that he "completely rebuilds noob factory watches" which is an assumption a LOT of people make.

Yes, you're right - not stated, and those people who assume so should be corrected on the spot. Perhaps one solution is that he should specify "I do not completely rebuild noob factory watches..." Or perhaps the people who make that assumption should take the time to interpret things more accurately. I get it...most people in life don't like to spend much time reading, and as such, their comprehension of certain topics is gravely lacking, but that's on them not BK. So I favor the latter solution.

Nothing wrong with asking his Chinese dealer to send him good QC'd watches to minimise the amount of rework.

In your original post, which i quoted above, you stated: "so he doesn't have to do ANY rework himself"...again, I emphasize the importance in taking the time to not only comprehend what you're reading, but also to take the time to think about the way people will comprehend what you write. Please don't think I'm attacking your writing efficacy; I do the same thing and I'm guilty of rushing my writing sometimes too...but if possible, I encourage all posters to only make comments when they have the time to sit down and thoroughly think about what they'd like to communicate; not when they're simultaneously rushing to work, placing a Starbucks drive-through order with their accumulated penny collection from the back of a taxi cab, and trying to think of a cover-up excuse to tell the boss as to why they're late due to the fact that the hooker they were with last night ran off with their wallet, keys and cell phone.

Granted I say a lot of stuff without thinking about the consequences too (the hooker thing probably being one of them [waiting for the sensitive people to gang up on me now]), but I also realize this about myself, and make a cognitive effort to correct it in my future writings.



I'm Pretty Popular
You know what, if you wanted to get a noob sub with all the QC and corrections, you might have to order 4 subs from TD to get the right one you are happy with. Even if you would sell them on m2m you would probably loose more than $100.


Known Member
I am saving up to order one from BK. I think the extra $100 is totally worth it.

I contacted him and he also offers pressure testing to 3ATM for and extra $40. Do you think it is worth it? I am not a diver, but I'd like to be able to jump in the pool/Ocean for a swim with the watch on from time to time.


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
To me personally, not worth it. I don't even shower with my watches. If you want to swim with it, yeah, I'd get it tested first. Otherwise there's $650 gone if water leaks in.


Legendary Member
Bk is a good modder .but most of u guys probbly know I will qc your watches as I have done for ages now so u get good peices, I don't charge 100,and i don't charge anything


I'm Pretty Popular
Man this is a thread that wasted 30 minutes of my life.

BK is a Chinese dude that lives in California and he started as a forum member like all of us. If you are certain you want one of the New Sub C's or his other offerings and you want it to be as good as it can be OTB he is the guy to order from. I catch and release so much that his watches are not worth the extra money. As you all know the Versions change so quickly it is a tough investment to make IMO.

The more intriguing question is are TC and BKLM buddies? They live about 30 miles away from each other.


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
Bk is a good modder .but most of u guys probbly know I will qc your watches as I have done for ages now so u get good peices, I don't charge 100,and i don't charge anything i do it for the community and to have a butchers hook at the qc pics ?

do you also fix the QC errors? People don't pay BK so that he can tell them what's wrong. They pay him to correct it.


If you QC right there should be nothing to fix.

I thought BK installed Swiss movements himself, not got them from TDs. I have always heard the TDs Swiss movements are sketch.

But I agree with [MENTION=50069]surf[/MENTION]