Guns scare me when worn by people in public. Don't get me wrong, I love guns, I just think they belong on a gun range.
You haven't ceased to amaze me. :lol1:
I carry my Glock any time I'm outside. When I'm carrying I dress respectably (at the very least a polo/t and jeans), conduct my business as a law abiding citizen, say please and thank you, and refrain from confrontation more so than I did before I started carrying. Carrying is serious business, and I think of myself as a spokesperson every time I'm out.
Dressing well may sound trivial, but people are a lot less apt to be scared by a man in clean jeans and a polo than stained cargo shorts, and a wife beater.
A weapon is a responsibility, be it a knife, revolver, or pistol. I think that a lot of people that make the choice to carry take it seriously. It's changed me for the better, and I think it would do the same for others if they were only aware that they have the RIGHT to carry.
I have female friends that I have bought revolvers for, and trained them how to use them because they were scared of the neighborhoods, or campuses that they lived on, and it has brought them self-esteem, self-respect, and self-reliance. That's a lot of good to come out of a $200-$400 piece of steel that people don't think anyone should have the right to have.
If you're scared of people openly carrying a handgun, it's your own fault for your lack of education on the topic. Criminals DO NOT carry handguns openly. If they did (even one case) the anti-gun groups would have it plastered on billboards, and all over the media.
I don't really care how a person chooses to carry. I (like Donald) just wish more people would make the choice to do so. It sounds like an oxymoron, but a society full of legally armed citizens would be a much safer society where more criminals would think twice.
I'm glad to see more debate here on the topic though, my thumbs are sore from typing on my iPhone.
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