Question in return - Citizen in Europe has no NEED or has no OPPORTUNITY? Would any of up-standing Europeans want to have firearm during London and Paris riots? What if any of Norwegian kids had a concealed firearm when Breiwik (spelling?) went on his shooting spree?
My answer to your initial question would be to re-read one of my posts above. In addition - firearm is just like a tool. You might not need certain set of lug-nuts in a while. But when you need to fix your vehicle in the middle of the road trip - it is good to have that set. You hope to never use the firearm. But if someone breaks into your house - probably you would want to have one in your nightstand.
I absolutely agree with you regarding Breivik, if there had been an armed security guard on Utöa, he might not have been able to do what he did. But I feel that the more guns people in a society have, the more likely it is that those guns come to use. If I where to road trip across the U.S, I would probably feel safer if I had a gun with me. On a road trip across Sweden, not so much. I know that 95% of all problems, I will solve but talking, the other 5% I can solve with my fists. My point is that I don´t have to be afraid being shot because there are no guns here.
But you and me live in culturally different societies. If I lived where you live, and you lived where I live, our arguments would probably be reversed.