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Who Open Carries?


I'm Pretty Popular
wiscrna: Chill. I told the story about the young man from Alaska traveling through Canada as an example of different cultural values relating to guns. I am not condoning his behavior and did not say that I did. It is just an example of how he traveled from place to place and the laws changed dramatically without him realizing it. When I drove the roads in Alaska I noticed a lot of bullet holes in road signs (I have seen them in Minnesota also but have not driven much of rural Wisconsin). Seemed to be sort of common in Alaska; something teenagers do, I suppose, like inner city graffiti in eastern US cities: wilderness sign shooting in Alaska. But I have never done it. Just drove by and noticed the holes.

The last time I saw this guy from Alaska was when he was a senior in law school and planning on going back to Alaska to take the bar exam. I don't know what happened to him after that. I don't know if the felony charge question applies to just US or anywhere in the world. I suspect it is just US felony charge since foreign countries can easily have felony convictions for things like "insulting Mohammad" punishable by death and we wouldn't apply that to keep a US citizen from practicing law in the US. So I suspect his Canadian legal issues did not keep him from practicing law in Alaska where it isn't a big deal to shoot at a traffic sign. But you would have to ask him what happened to him. I really don't know. As I said the point of the story is to show how gun laws can change drastically even though you are driving through the same wilderness that existed in Alaska.


I'm Pretty Popular
I really hope this happens soon. I don't like not being able to carry if I'm going 30min across the state line to go shopping, fishing, hiking, etc.

I wish they'd just have a nationwide carry (period, no stipulation on open or concealed). This infringement on our rights is ludicrous. It's irritating that whenever I want to go to the farm in Illinois to shoot I have to disarm, and lock all of my weapons in the back of my truck before I hit the state line.

What a better nation we would be if our elected representatives gave a shit about what's written in the constitution.


Respected Member
I wish they'd just have a nationwide carry (period, no stipulation on open or concealed). This infringement on our rights is ludicrous. It's irritating that whenever I want to go to the farm in Illinois to shoot I have to disarm, and lock all of my weapons in the back of my truck before I hit the state line.

What a better nation we would be if our elected representatives gave a shit about what's written in the constitution.


Five of Clubs

Renowned Member
Well that was an interesting 11 pages of reading!

Back to the original question: Here in Kentucky we can carry open or concealed (with a permit). I applaud people that open carry, but I just don't want the hassle for myself. I only carry concealed and that likely won't change.

Mr. Yesterday, have you considered a gun smaller than the G21? A .357 snubbie is a hell of a lot easier to carry and still pretty effective! (Pictured below).

Sorry to interrupt, please carry on...



I'm Pretty Popular
I suspect it is just US felony charge since foreign countries can easily have felony convictions for things like "insulting Mohammad" punishable by death and we wouldn't apply that to keep a US citizen from practicing law in the US. So I suspect his Canadian legal issues did not keep him from practicing law in Alaska where it isn't a big deal to shoot at a traffic sign. But you would have to ask him what happened to him. I really don't know. As I said the point of the story is to show how gun laws can change drastically even though you are driving through the same wilderness that existed in Alaska.

:biglaugh: I do in fact have some friends from the Air Force who were seen with contraband alcohol and a few Playboys in their quarters while we were in Saudi Arabia. Someone complained, and our base commander ultimately found it necessary to relocate them to Germany, on "urgent business".

Not sure if they still have active warrants or not. Probably do.

And I'm chill, don. Simply pointing out that there's a little bit of hypocrisy in criminals working in the criminal justice system. :)

Of course, it's a justice system that's put in place by REAL professional criminals, aka politicians. But I digress. ;:dig:


I'm Pretty Popular
When US soldiers confiscated lots of computer hard drives and DVD or tapes and papers from Osama ben Laden's compound they found a ton of porn! But they couldn't identify if it belonged to Osama (a guy who had 3 or 4 wives living with him!) or to other men there or to any of the women. Not much was said about it. Perhaps the US should have played the porn on TV in Muslim countries or released copies to the press there to embarrass Osama!


I'm Pretty Popular
Mr. Yesterday, have you considered a gun smaller than the G21? A .357 snubbie is a hell of a lot easier to carry and still pretty effective! (Pictured below).

I will always have a large, full frame pistol as my primary EDC weapon, not only because I find it easier to OC than CC, but also because I'm OCing as and educational/political statement, and that doesn't work if people don't see it (though I respect those of you who CC, because carrying covered is better than not carrying at all). Though I am looking for a CC rig for when I'm traveling. I had a S&W chief's special .38 snub nosed that I loved, and I like revolvers a lot, but I'm probably going to stick with 45 ACP, and get another Glock 36 for concealed carry. I love the feel of this pistol. It feels more like a traditional pistol than most other Glocks, because of the single stack mag.

Or considered this?

The LCPs and LCRs are great little handguns. I'll probably pick up one in .38 for Audra as a HD weapon.

Of course, it's a justice system that's put in place by REAL professional criminals, aka politicians. But I digress. ;:dig:


Perhaps the US should have played the porn on TV in Muslim countries or released copies to the press there to embarrass Osama!

It would have just been viewed as American propaganda, and dismissed as lies.... we are the great satan after all. lol


Known Member
I live in Utah. No need for a permit to OC here, but I do have a CC permit. I carry a S&W M&P 9mm most of the time. I carry OWB all of the time, but I probably CC more than OC just because I am usually wearing an untucked shirt and it is at least partially concealing the firearm. I do OC, but it is generally dictated by what I am wearing.

Utah is one of the least restrictive states in the USA and has a high percentage of people carrying firearms. No one cares or even gives me a second look if I am OCing. Having said that, we also have a very low crime rate and it is very safe here. Even with the relative safety of my environment, I would never consider risking the safety of my children on my ability to summon a police officer and have them arrive on the scene. "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

As an example- We just had a crazy person with a large knife start stabbing people in a grocery store a few weeks ago. A person in the store was CCing and was able to subdue the man until police arrived.





I'm Pretty Popular
Nutters. (Uk resident)

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Active Member
Why do seemingly all the members from countries that have strict anti-firearm laws feel the need to comment?

And to comment on the state of affairs in America which they usually blame on our 2nd amendment whenever opportunity presents itself.

People from other nations cannot comprehend owning arms is a right. To me that is sad.

In Switzerland the state arms nearly all of their citizens with automatic assault rifles to keep in the home. What do their crime rates look like? Precisely.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2


Respected Member
I just ignore all of the victims. They are all victims of their governments and policies.

Anyone that would willingly hand over their God given right to personal protection/self defense deserves whatever happens to them.

Take it from a former LEO from a Southwest border town, you need to rely on yourself for protection because the cops ARE NOT responsible for your personal safety.

Why do seemingly all the members from countries that have strict anti-firearm laws feel the need to comment?

And to comment on the state of affairs in America which they usually blame on our 2nd amendment whenever opportunity presents itself.

People from other nations cannot comprehend owning arms is a right. To me that is sad.

In Switzerland the state arms nearly all of their citizens with automatic assault rifles to keep in the home. What do their crime rates look like? Precisely.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

Sent from the W.C.


I'm Pretty Popular
I see no reason to ever carry a gun. You guys are all nuts.


I'm fine with the right to carry openly, but I choose to carry concealed because 1) I'm not interested in being the focus of attention, and 2) if I need it, I prefer the BG not know I have it. The element of surprise should not be underrated.
Back when I had my gun store I carried openly, but I always had a concealed backup.


Respected Member
I'm fine with the right to carry openly, but I choose to carry concealed because 1) I'm not interested in being the focus of attention, and 2) if I need it, I prefer the BG not know I have it. The element of surprise should not be underrated.
Back when I had my gun store I carried openly, but I always had a concealed backup.

Exactly where I stand on this. But hey, it's a free country (in most places). So do whatever fits your needs.


I'm Pretty Popular
The reason why Europe and UK have become anti-gun is because of their social system. Socialism promotes dependance on the government, this includes protection as well as the giving up of some individual luxuries for the greater good. I AM NOT SAYING EU AND UK PEOPLE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE NOR AM I SAYING THAT THEY CANNOT PROVIDE FOR THEMSELVES, NOR AM I SAYING ANYTHING NEGATIVE, so please.. don't go there.

Socialism.. "believe it is the responsibility of government to care for all individuals, even if it means giving up some individual rights and/or subordinating enterprise and initiative."

No offense with the above taken, but that's simply not correct. The sane amongst us actually believe the government has a responsibility to care for its population because we ARE the country. No people alive and healthy = no tax = no roads = no hospitals = no infrastructure. There is a big difference between "socialism" and caring about your population, don't confuse the two.

I have a serious question now, What individual rights are we giving up? What luxuries??? We have had the right to legally own a firearm since the 1600's. What we don't have is the right to carry it about when we go grocery shopping.

So what other rights do you think we don't have? :)


Active Member
I have a serious question now, What individual rights are we giving up? What luxuries??? We have had the right to legally own a firearm since the 1600's. What we don't have is the right to carry it about when we go grocery shopping.

So what other rights do you think we don't have? :)

Please stay on topic. Don't start to turn this into a U.S.A vs E.U. thread. The poster you quoted presented the argument that nations with socialist governments have very strict firearm control, this is not his opinion, he is merely stating statistical fact.

It is irrelevant to bring up other rights you may or may not have to compensate for the rights your legal system might lack.

"What we don't have is the right to carry it about when we go grocery shopping."

They are not forbidden there just at the grocery shops. But in your car, your boat, your job, your restaurant etc. They are not forbidden in your home but they must be unloaded. Presumably under lock and key that your government also owns.

A great deal of good that will do you against an assailant.

That is for possesion. For actual use? Transported in your trunk, unloaded, en route to a designated club under the watchful eye of the state. A club that you will have to commute to a number of times per year or your permit will be revoked.

Is that what you qualify as a "right"?

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Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
I think certain people need to read the note at the top of this page again . . .