Well brother, looking at the big picture, no AP franken is perfect. There are always flaws and tells, and like you mention, imperfect machining and lathing work. All part of the modding scene.
The 26470 frankens always look less optimal than the classic ROOs and you have rightfully pointed out that dissected, not one of them will stand up to scrutiny next to the gen, even before the caseback is inspected. But this is a fun hobby where these replicas are built for owner amusement, instead of actual luxury watches. Taken in that context independently, I think that the watches are mostly well done (imperfections and all) and it is amazing how far this hobby has come. It is a pity that regressions like the JF caseback still happen, but they are mostly blights in an otherwise progressing hobby. Basing the success of one's build based on comparing it to the gen is always a fool's game, because at the end of the day, it isn't a gen and will never be. But a franken, whilst still being a replica, is a tremendous and expensive improvement over the stock factory release and I think that this is the measurement of the franken's success bro. As long as they are not being treated like the gen, I think that it is a fun and relatively low cost game to play compared with indulging in gens.
We have very talented modders and dedicated owners who know what they want. Then you see the results and the labour of love and you understand that the passion here is far greater than what you find in the gen world. To me that is the most impressive part of the hobby, and I concede that this specific journey beats just going out there and purchasing any gen. The latter is almost soulless by comparison. :qtip2: