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Welcome to The Brig Jay1210


Horology Curious
I have been entirely a "lurker" here for the most part I'd say. Trying to read and learn about watches, legit or otherwise... This isn't my 1st forum by a long shot so... I'm not "new". What I didn't expect was this which hunt mentality, tossing out the Anonsix member threat like someone's life is about to end. The amount of people that hide behind a keyboard "fixing" their "hurt" feelings should embaress them. Sticks and stones, memes and stones... yada yada yada... I will likely continue "lurking" here and never reach a high enough post count to sell any of my nice watches (or purchase yours). Pick your battles in life, the intraweb is a silly battleground.

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Legendary Member
The F are you talking about witch hunt?? Have you even read the disgusting things this idiot posted, the pics he posted, or the words of hate he used??

Then he uses excuses of not knowing what the images he posted meant and that he didn't realize what was written in those pics he posted.

That's Fing bullshit. Everyone in the world knows and understands the meaning if those horrible images. There's no way he stumbled upon those pics without looking for them.

There is no excuse he can make for what he has posted. It's beyond offensive and that behavior will never be tolerated here.


Horology Curious
Fair enough. I should have passed over this thread like every other offensive thing I see online. Back to reading I go, sorry if I upset you with my opinion. Cheers-

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Athletic Supporter
The Evergreen State
I have been entirely a "lurker" here for the most part I'd say. Trying to read and learn about watches, legit or otherwise... This isn't my 1st forum by a long shot so... I'm not "new". What I didn't expect was this which hunt mentality, tossing out the Anonsix member threat like someone's life is about to end. The amount of people that hide behind a keyboard "fixing" their "hurt" feelings should embaress them. Sticks and stones, memes and stones... yada yada yada... I will likely continue "lurking" here and never reach a high enough post count to sell any of my nice watches (or purchase yours). Pick your battles in life, the intraweb is a silly battleground.

Lurker since March. OK. Lurk on, man.

watch this

I'm Pretty Popular
The F are you talking about witch hunt?? Have you even read the disgusting things this idiot posted, the pics he posted, or the words of hate he used??

Then he uses excuses of not knowing what the images he posted meant and that he didn't realize what was written in those pics he posted.

That's Fing bullshit. Everyone in the world knows and understands the meaning if those horrible images. There's no way he stumbled upon those pics without looking for them.

There is no excuse he can make for what he has posted. It's beyond offensive and that behavior will never be tolerated here.

Lurker since March. OK. Lurk on, man.

this and that +1 to both


Horology Curious
Well that didn't go well. Excuse my poor judgment, hadn't read the whole thread. Accept my apology if you will, certainly not trying to make any enemies here. *crawling back under rock*

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Sales moderator
You are not "new" to forums, yet you didn't read the whole original thread before coming to conclusions here? The guy who is in the brig did one of the worst things I've seen so far on here. You just don't do or say what he did. The reactions from my fellow friends and members are justified in this case, no doubt about it.

No one thinks you're trying to make enemies, we are friendly people on here. Very helpful and friendly. The only thing we demand is respect for eachother. Yes, the tone is sometimes harsh, but that's how it is on each and every forum on this interweb.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Witch hunt?? Are you truly that ignorant or apathetic to your actions?

forgetting about your initial behavior, you got into an internet tussle with another member. So you randomly select photos of 'Americunts' and respond here with them not even looking to see what they mean? Is that what you are implying, that you literally copied and pasting without looking at what something says? Bullshit.

Explain to me the logic of posting this picture?


You didnt hear about Sandy Hook? Fine - i doubt it but lets just say fine for a minute. Why the F*Ck would you post a picture of crying children being escorted by police?

And then you go on to post this picture of a mentally challenged person receiving an award at the special Olympics - implying what? that [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION] is mentally challenged? And you didnt read what it said on the picture right? Yet you felt this was a classy move? Oh wait, no he started it right, so it was ok?


What the hell is wrong with you? I bet i can guess your age based on the way you act. So can most of the members here. Ohh wait, lets wait a few posts so you can go and justify and explain yourself

The problem with you and every other f*ckface in the brig is you all follow the same exact pattern:

1) Say something stupid/insulting/ill-advised
2) Get bashed for it - deservingly so
3) Talk a whole lot of shyt and wind up in the brig
4) Spend post after post with BS apologies and justifications (I didnt know, not what i meant, i didnt look, i didnt think)

Grow the F up. Would you walk into a country club acting the way you do? Puffing your chest out and insulting everyone you can while acting like a complete imbecile? No but since you are behind the safety of your little computer screen typing away at your keyboard, you become just another internet tough guy.

I sincerely hope you get what you deserve one day soon. You are exactly what is wrong with society. I think the perfect word to describe you is degenerate.


Lunnyfied by Raddave
I have been entirely a "lurker" here for the most part I'd say. Trying to read and learn about watches, legit or otherwise... This isn't my 1st forum by a long shot so... I'm not "new". What I didn't expect was this which hunt mentality, tossing out the Anonsix member threat like someone's life is about to end. The amount of people that hide behind a keyboard "fixing" their "hurt" feelings should embaress them. Sticks and stones, memes and stones... yada yada yada... I will likely continue "lurking" here and never reach a high enough post count to sell any of my nice watches (or purchase yours). Pick your battles in life, the intraweb is a silly battleground.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

You didn't read the entire thread and you post this??? Just sign off for good.


Mythical Poster
Do us all a favor fellas. Lay off posting any of those pics please. Please, I mean I could just not look or pas it by but....
i COMMAND THEE to stop :bless:



Put Some Respect On My Name
Do us all a favor fellas. Lay off posting any of those pics please. Please, I mean I could just not look or pas it by but....
i COMMAND THEE to stop :bless:


Sorry about that. In hind sight, it is bad taste. Do you want me to pull them down from the repost?


Witch hunt?? Are you truly that ignorant or apathetic to your actions?

forgetting about your initial behavior, you got into an internet tussle with another member. So you randomly select photos of 'Americunts' and respond here with them not even looking to see what they mean? Is that what you are implying, that you literally copied and pasting without looking at what something says? Bullshit.

Explain to me the logic of posting this picture?

You didnt hear about Sandy Hook? Fine - i doubt it but lets just say fine for a minute. Why the F*Ck would you post a picture of crying children being escorted by police?

And then you go on to post this picture of a mentally challenged person receiving an award at the special Olympics - implying what? that @watchthis is mentally challenged? And you didnt read what it said on the picture right? Yet you felt this was a classy move? Oh wait, no he started it right, so it was ok?

What the hell is wrong with you? I bet i can guess your age based on the way you act. So can most of the members here. Ohh wait, lets wait a few posts so you can go and justify and explain yourself

The problem with you and every other f*ckface in the brig is you all follow the same exact pattern:

1) Say something stupid/insulting/ill-advised
2) Get bashed for it - deservingly so
3) Talk a whole lot of shyt and wind up in the brig
4) Spend post after post with BS apologies and justifications (I didnt know, not what i meant, i didnt look, i didnt think)

Grow the F up. Would you walk into a country club acting the way you do? Puffing your chest out and insulting everyone you can while acting like a complete imbecile? No but since you are behind the safety of your little computer screen typing away at your keyboard, you become just another internet tough guy.

I sincerely hope you get what you deserve one day soon. You are exactly what is wrong with society. I think the perfect word to describe you is degenerate.

Wait a minute.. this F*ckface posted this shit!? Seriously? Are you ******* kidding me? Seriously? I couldn't view pictures on the app. I take back my entire ******* post. Seriously? I hope you know, I was a special Olympic coach. Those people and kids have more ******* heart then ANYone I know. And Shady Hook?? Lets attack kids more while we are at it. I'm not sure you're age, or anything. I'm assuming way to young to understand anything. I am quite young myself. You sir have pissed off one wrong mother ******. Good day sir. And good bye. You think anonsix is bad? Ha. Wait till I destroy you. I will tell you this.. You will regret everything. You don't now? You will. I apologize for nothing that will come to you. Good day,.


Lunnyfied by Raddave

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines


Actually, it was @watch this and he said he was going to put his boot so far up your ass that it would have to be surgically removed, or he would just wear you like a sock. :hehehe: While I will never condone violence, it sounds like a pretty goood idea right now.


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Sorry about that. In hind sight, it is bad taste. Do you want me to pull them down from the repost?
Leave them up for now, apparently some folk did not see what he posted.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Where'd this one go? I was looking forward to hearing the rest of the story and find out if he got a replacement shipped to him.