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Welcome to The Brig Jay1210

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I'm Pretty Popular
Clowns aren't too creepy

walking and talking dolls maybe scary but they're not real

whats really scary is that there is some weirdo is out there somewhere reading our forum while doing a little dance


Now that's scary LOL

ps he loves wristies :)


You're Saying I Can Sell?
We are all here because of our love of watches , you will never see me talk about politics or religion here .
1 thing is that if you post - proof read or double check your pictures !!!!
As a Canadian 9/11 probably hasn't affected me as much as some American members .
However I can say that as a Canadian I (and my Country) will back up our southern neighbours should anyone try to screw with them !!!
We all love watches here , but crossing a line in disrespecting someone's sex , religion , country , etc should be an instant ban !!

Just my 2 cents .

Mike B - Canada


I'm Pretty Popular
Well that was a journey, the original thread and this one, read in one sitting.

I'm genuinely unsure of the OP's original motivation and actually suspect he did receive any empty box and was angry about being out of pocket (although the numbers don't tally with VAT, import duty, the declared value and handling fees), the rest is, and will probably remain, a total mystery.

If nothing else it should serve as another perfect reminder of exectly how one should not conduct ones self in any sort of public domain.

I'm sickened by the ready use of xenophobic slurs, deeply offensive images and a simple lack of any sort of emphathy towards others. I'd like to say this individual is an anomaly in the UK, but his ignorance is sadly common - he probably genuinely didn't know about the tragic events of Sandy Hook, however, as pointed out by others clearly didn't think about the context of his image, just its tag line which served to support an argument he didn't understand. I apologise on his behalf and fear he'll never really know why.

To all my friends on the forum regardless of where you're from, what you look like or believe, lets try to use these type of incidence to become closer, embrace our differences and educate each other a little.

We can also talk about watches, not look at boobs and enjoy some booze, if that isn't rather missing the point?!