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Welcome to The Brig Jay1210


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
I'm not buying this bullsh!t false remorse. He made fun of Americans, which was mildly offensive but easily brushed off. However, poking fun at the mentally handicapped (Post #271), 911 (Post #247) and children being murdered at Sandy Hook (Post #260) is inexcusable. Let him rot.

Where'd our resident moron go? Off threatening to have other people beaten to death? Posting Sandy Hook pictures on a Sponge Bob message board?

First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION] and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt images" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION] and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional.


Renowned Member
[MENTION=123348]Jay1210[/MENTION] It's nice to hear you own up and apologize, it may take a lot.

But as a man, your word and what you speak is all one truly has. So running your mouth with no intention of backing it up tells me something about who you are and how you carry yourself. Tbh it's "Chav" like to me. Spouting off insults you know nothing about shows your immaturity. I hope you learn from this, because you even got under MY skin.

But fück it you owned up to it, but take your mistake as a whole don't try to rationalize your actions and shift the blame

I know you felt attacked defensive but Being a keyboard tough guy won't get you far here.

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Renowned Member
Disclaimer: [MENTION=73591]JAFO[/MENTION] does NOT have a tiny clit


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Put Some Respect On My Name
First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt images" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional.

Bullshit. And you did threaten Rob and he posted your PM here for all to see. Of course, he's a man so he couldn't give two shits about you and your threats although I do believe the UK's internet harassment laws are even stricter and more swiftly enforced than here in Americunt land.

Face it - you fcked up big time and you ain't getting out of here and most likely you won't be buying any more fake watches off this board.


Renowned Member
I know the reference brotha,just busting your bawls :) hope you guys have a great Memorial Day

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Put Some Respect On My Name
Bullshit. And you did threaten Rob and he posted your PM here for all to see. Of course, he's a man so he couldn't give two shits about you and your threats although I do believe the UK's internet harassment laws are even stricter and more swiftly enforced than here in Americunt land.

Face it - you fcked up big time and you ain't getting out of here and most likely you won't be buying any more fake watches off this board.
We can only hope!


Renowned Member

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Put Some Respect On My Name
I know the reference brotha,just busting your bawls :) hope you guys have a great Memorial Day

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I love that episode lol. It starts out and you think Cartman is gonna kill somebody and you think he's got a gun or a knife in his pocket and it turns out to be a hairbow, just so he can take a shit in the girls' restroom.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Its only a matter of time before south park does a gender bathroom episode


Legendary Member
The Beach
129 posts wasted on a moron, idiot had you followed the rules and been polite bone of this would have happened,,,,,,,READ NEXT TIME


I'm Pretty Popular
Its only a matter of time before south park does a gender bathroom episode

You're missing out, watch the last couple of seasons of SP they did several episodes around this topic, that show still makes me laugh till I cry...


Put Some Respect On My Name
I liked this last season a lot. I was kinda not digging PC Principal until Randy joined the frat. Holy shit was that hilarious. And the donations at the Whole Foods and then the whole Safe Space show was too good.


Active Member
Jay take my advice and stay away for a while, those pictures were ****** up in so many levels and i don't know if people can forgive you, ever. Time its the best medicine but when you come back make sure you don't screw it up again. Back to the rep need some advice, is this real?

[/URL] free photo upload[/IMG]

Champagne iH

Active Member
Not to beat a dead horse but we need to let this go. Cock and **** are a very Anglo thing. Still not acceptable but we cumulatively are better than this.

I'm an Army Vet. Many SOCIM brethren. I know we are bigger than this. Let's let this fade away.

What shall we have? An '82 Margaux! Is it any good? Good....?, It will make you believe in God!


Renowned Member
Not to beat a dead horse but we need to let this go. Cock and **** are a very Anglo thing. Still not acceptable but we cumulatively are better than this.

I'm an Army Vet. Many SOCIM brethren. I know we are bigger than this. Let's let this fade away.

What shall we have? An '82 Margaux! Is it any good? Good....?, It will make you believe in God!

cheers brotha