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Welcome to The Brig Jay1210


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Oh he didn't . . .
Yes he did, he used pic of terrified kids being led out of Sandy Hook to troll with. You, sir, just made a fatal mistake; you misused a picture that should never be used lightly. Some things are just waaaay off limits and to use them in such a manner is beyond the bounds of human decency.

Stay tuned to watch your life slowly descend into abject misery as you just hit the low bar full on in a way that really punches my buttons. I'm betting anonsix will be equally as pissed off and son, that's real bad news for you.


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
I'm not buying this bullsh!t false remorse. He made fun of Americans, which was mildly offensive but easily brushed off. However, poking fun at the mentally handicapped (Post #271), 911 (Post #247) and children being murdered at Sandy Hook (Post #260) is inexcusable. Let him rot.
Thanks mate (JAFO as well), for a while I thought I was the only one to pick up on that. I have no words for anyone who would use that image in such a manner.

Oh and OP? I'd rather you did not go meet Rob because if you did I'm sure with your total lack of respect and honor you would soon make a full police report from your hospital bed (and that is where you would be) instead of the honorable "He was about 5'6", slight build and a local I think" response to their questions. That would mean I would then need to use a lot of favors getting Rob bailed long enough to exit the country. As much as I would love to see the result of such a meeting the effect on Rob and his ability to travel in the EU just wouldn't be worth seeing you all fu*ked up. You must learn to pay a little more attention to whom you are speaking before making such threats son.

At any rate, you are screwed once annonsix sees this and even I can not find him let alone the UK plod.


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
Thanks mate (JAFO as well), for a while I thought I was the only one to pick up on that. I have no words for anyone who would use that image in such a manner.

Oh and OP? I'd rather you did not go meet Rob because if you did I'm sure with your total lack of respect and honor you would soon make a full police report from your hospital bed (and that is where you would be) instead of the honorable "He was about 5'6", slight build and a local I think" response to their questions. That would mean I would then need to use a lot of favors getting Rob bailed long enough to exit the country. As much as I would love to see the result of such a meeting the effect on Rob and his ability to travel in the EU just wouldn't be worth seeing you all fu*ked up. You must learn to pay a little more attention to whom you are speaking before making such threats son.

At any rate, you are screwed once annonsix sees this and even I can not find him let alone the UK plod.

First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt images" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional

How many times you guys want me to apologise? enough is enough I have made it very clear that it was not intentional the images and it was taken from google in a moment of heat if I was aware those events actually occured I wouldn't have posted them but I am sure you guys ain't going to accept so forget it I am off this forum.

I was the one who lost £379

I was the one who was constantly bullied here and I am the one who is accused of everything fuk it do whatever you guys want i have done my bit by explaining everything as well as apologised several times now i am out.


Sales moderator
First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt images" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional

How many times you guys want me to apologise? enough is enough I have made it very clear that it was not intentional the images and it was taken from google in a moment of heat if I was aware those events actually occured I wouldn't have posted them but I am sure you guys ain't going to accept so forget it I am off this forum.

I was the one who lost £379

I was the one who was constantly bullied here and I am the one who is accused of everything fuk it do whatever you guys want i have done my bit by explaining everything as well as apologised several times now i am out.

Seriously, I'm not from the US either, but that pic you posted clearly shows that something terrible has happened, and children are involved. It takes a very special kind of stupid to not being able to see and understand that. Also, in that thread where all this happened, you are constantly asked to provide some simple information as proof to what you're saying. But you try to dodge that same bullet time after time, instead firing off all kinds of crap to the members who (although sometimes harshly) ask you to provide more information.

I'd like to see you stay here. For a very very long time. Say, until hell freezes over.


Mythical Poster
I tried to warn him...I did. No look, holy shit what gigantic hole you dug yourself.

No it REALLY gets interesting


The Terminator Mod
First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt images" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional

How many times you guys want me to apologise? enough is enough I have made it very clear that it was not intentional the images and it was taken from google in a moment of heat if I was aware those events actually occured I wouldn't have posted them but I am sure you guys ain't going to accept so forget it I am off this forum.

I was the one who lost £379

I was the one who was constantly bullied here and I am the one who is accused of everything fuk it do whatever you guys want i have done my bit by explaining everything as well as apologised several times now i am out.
Oh you are far from off this forum mate. Fact is you will not like what is coming, you thought "the haters" as you called them were making you life hell just wait. Boss has already mentioned anonsix you are going to really like his/her/their special set of skills. Lmao

Sent from the RWI mobile app


Active Member
Oh you are far from off this forum mate. Fact is you will not like what is coming, you thought "the haters" as you called them were making you life hell just wait. Boss has already mentioned anonsix you are going to really like his/her/their special set of skills. Lmao

Sent from the RWI mobile app

Oh man.. His Give-o-F**meter will change rapidly once Anonsix starts using his trickbook :)

These guys... unforgivable..



Put Some Respect On My Name
Wah wah wah "I lost 379". Who cares. The OP could have simply opened a Help Desk ticket. But apparently it's much easier to post up a crybaby thread, call most of us TD apologists, and then insult an entire country AND make a joke out of all the people who died in two horrific attacks here. Then, since that obviously isn't enough to prove he's completely insane, he sends Rob a PM threatening to have him beaten to death. And all of that could have been avoided with a simple Help Desk ticket.

I suggest the OP do some reading up on his country's internet harassment laws. Remember the college kid who got drunk and posted the N word on Facebook? Yeah he got six months in jail for that little slip up. I wonder how long they lock you up for threatening to have someone murdered?


Sales moderator
Then, since that obviously isn't enough to prove he's completely insane, he sends Rob a PM threatening to have him beaten to death

Oh no. He did that? I completely missed that. Threatened Rob? Ha mate, you are in deep trouble now. And if you think like most other teens, that you are safe behind your keyboard, I think you're in for a very very unpleasant surprise...

Did I hear someone yell "INCOMING....!"

C Master

General RWI Dogsbody
Staff member
Global Moderator
Top Poster Of Month
@Jay1210 Wow, I have spent some time reading your initial post and this. You are a really special person indeed, there needs to be a new word invented just to describe you, pity Willy Shakes is not with us anymore as we would need to invoke his skills.

You are involved in a hobby that is all about the details and yet in a moment of hatred you decided to overlook something very crucial. I live in Ireland and even I know what 9/11, and Sandy Hook means. In fact because I am Irish do you not think you offended me as well because a lot of my countrymen live there and have done so for generations, same goes for the UK btw.

Let me put this in context for you. Imagine I posted a pic depicting someone with a disability with the headline of “I am an Englishcunt” and underneath was written “Canary Wharf happened because terrorists hate my freedom, hurrrr”. I would hope I would get the same fate you just signed up for. Shame on you. You are in a country that was shamefully terrorized by people from this island. You should have empathy for Americans not hatred. As for the Sandy Hook post that was another unforgivable. Then your final meme well what can I say? Oh there is one thing you are a complete assclown (I will not stoop to your level with the words I really want to say). I know Tucker for one will never have any respect for you ever. I am another. I am expecting some hatred towards Irish people as well once I post here so bring it.

From the initial post I believed your problem was with the postal system not Angus. It made no sense to me. Customs do not charge for empty boxes. I know @smoke had an issue with PT for customs charges however he received his item each time. So comparing yourself to an outstanding member is just not on, especially since your case was completely different.

I admire @Mr.Marbella and his attempts to help and defend you. His posts are always insightful and mindful. However I think he even gave up the ghost when you thanked him and then started ranting your hatred again. @Raddave got it when he was giving a description of your personality. You are way too impulsive for this great hobby.

Rob from what I know is capable of pulling the p1ss but is also extremely helpful and you threaten him? (How stupid is that?) Because he has the crime of being American (Sorry Rob Texan lol) Another American and fellow moderator (never mind superstar in my humble opinion) tried to help you and you chose to ignore him. What do you expect from the staff here when you chose not to file a helpdesk ticket but instead posted some diatribe. Your opening post was just trolling, you knew from the get go you were going to be flamed for that post. Well you picked the fight so I hope you can deal with the consequences.

This is a brotherhood here on this forum. Sometimes we disagree or fight but we all still respect one another. You matey are not deserving of any of this. Enjoy your new life that you made.


Super Duper Galactic NutSwinging BootyGrabbin Mod
Staff member
Global Moderator
@Jay1210 Wow, I have spent some time reading your initial post and this. You are a really special person indeed, there needs to be a new word invented just to describe you, pity Willy Shakes is not with us anymore as we would need to invoke his skills.

You are involved in a hobby that is all about the details and yet in a moment of hatred you decided to overlook something very crucial. I live in Ireland and even I know what 9/11, and Sandy Hook means. In fact because I am Irish do you not think you offended me as well because a lot of my countrymen live there and have done so for generations, same goes for England btw.

Let me put this in context for you. Imagine I posted a pic depicting someone with a disability with the headline of “I am an Englishcunt” and underneath was written “Canary Wharf happened because terrorists hate my freedom, hurrrr”. I would hope I would get the same fate you just signed up for. Shame on you. You are in a country that was shamefully terrorized by people from this island. You should have empathy for Americans not hatred. As for the Sandy Hook post that was another unforgivable. Then your final meme well what can I say? Oh there is one thing you are a complete assclown (I will not stoop to your level with the words I really want to say). I know Tucker for one will never have any respect for you ever. I am another. I am expecting some hatred towards Irish people as well once I post here so bring it.

From the initial post I believed your problem was with the postal system not Angus. It made no sense to me. Customs do not charge for empty boxes. I know @smoke had an issue with PT for customs charges however he received his item each time. So comparing yourself to an outstanding member is just not on, especially since your case was completely different.
admire @Mr. Marbella and his attempts to help and defend you. His posts are always insightful and mindful. However I think he even gave up the ghost when you thanked him and then started ranting your hatred again. @Raddave got it when he was giving a description of your personality. You are way too impulsive for this great hobby.

Rob from what I know is capable of pulling the p1ss but is also extremely helpful and you threaten him? (How stupid is that?) Because he has the crime of being American (Sorry Rob Texan lol) Another American and fellow moderator (never mind superstar in my humble opinion) tried to help you and you chose to ignore him. What do you expect from the staff here when you chose not to file a helpdesk ticket but instead posted some diatribe. Your opening post was just trolling, you knew from the get go you were going to be flamed for that post. Well you picked the fight so I hope you can deal with the consequences.

This is a brotherhood here on this forum. Sometimes we disagree or fight but we all still respect one another. You matey are not deserving of any of this. Enjoy your new life that you made.



Legendary Member
I tried to help this dude ages ago when he pm me for advice.I told him don't do anything until u have contacted the mods .but I guess he didn't take my advice?I can't follow these threads as they are way too many pages.but I have been hit with charges but paid the charges and was fine.last week I ordered a few more v6s subs from Angus and I did not get hit with any charges this time.and I will be ordering more watches next week from him.but these are not for sale and will be used for some more builds

C Master

General RWI Dogsbody
Staff member
Global Moderator
Top Poster Of Month
I tried to help this dude ages ago when he pm me for advice.I told him don't do anything until u have contacted the mods .but I guess he didn't take my advice?I can't follow these threads as they are way too many pages.but I have been hit with charges but paid the charges and was fine.last week I ordered a few more v6s subs from Angus and I did not get hit with any charges this time.and I will be ordering more watches next week from him
Hi smoke :). Glad to see your costoms issues are coming under control :). Yeah this guy seems like he will listen to no one including himself.


Legendary Member
Hi smoke :). Glad to see your costoms issues are coming under control :). Yeah this guy seems like he will listen to no one including himself.

Yeah cheers. The customs issue must of been just bad luck.because I aways remind him to mark the parcels at no more than 10 pounds so I'm not worried about a custom charge now and then considering I buy a ton of watches from Angus regularly and most get through


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
@Jay1210 Wow, I have spent some time reading your initial post and this. You are a really special person indeed, there needs to be a new word invented just to describe you, pity Willy Shakes is not with us anymore as we would need to invoke his skills.

You are involved in a hobby that is all about the details and yet in a moment of hatred you decided to overlook something very crucial. I live in Ireland and even I know what 9/11, and Sandy Hook means. In fact because I am Irish do you not think you offended me as well because a lot of my countrymen live there and have done so for generations, same goes for the UK btw.

Let me put this in context for you. Imagine I posted a pic depicting someone with a disability with the headline of “I am an Englishcunt” and underneath was written “Canary Wharf happened because terrorists hate my freedom, hurrrr”. I would hope I would get the same fate you just signed up for. Shame on you. You are in a country that was shamefully terrorized by people from this island. You should have empathy for Americans not hatred. As for the Sandy Hook post that was another unforgivable. Then your final meme well what can I say? Oh there is one thing you are a complete assclown (I will not stoop to your level with the words I really want to say). I know Tucker for one will never have any respect for you ever. I am another. I am expecting some hatred towards Irish people as well once I post here so bring it.

From the initial post I believed your problem was with the postal system not Angus. It made no sense to me. Customs do not charge for empty boxes. I know @smoke had an issue with PT for customs charges however he received his item each time. So comparing yourself to an outstanding member is just not on, especially since your case was completely different.

I admire @Mr.Marbella and his attempts to help and defend you. His posts are always insightful and mindful. However I think he even gave up the ghost when you thanked him and then started ranting your hatred again. @Raddave got it when he was giving a description of your personality. You are way too impulsive for this great hobby.

Rob from what I know is capable of pulling the p1ss but is also extremely helpful and you threaten him? (How stupid is that?) Because he has the crime of being American (Sorry Rob Texan lol) Another American and fellow moderator (never mind superstar in my humble opinion) tried to help you and you chose to ignore him. What do you expect from the staff here when you chose not to file a helpdesk ticket but instead posted some diatribe. Your opening post was just trolling, you knew from the get go you were going to be flamed for that post. Well you picked the fight so I hope you can deal with the consequences.

This is a brotherhood here on this forum. Sometimes we disagree or fight but we all still respect one another. You matey are not deserving of any of this. Enjoy your new life that you made.

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Below was my explanation for the 9/11[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]

Right okay didn't read the bottom line before posting; I know people are going to object the credibility of this statement so there you go.

1) I do apologise to anyone who was offended due to my unintentional post of a picture where it mentions something about 9/11. It was posted very quick to give a response towards @watchthis post and I did not realised it actually had something written at the bottom too.

Now some people may think I am apologising just to get help. No this is not true. I only apologised because it is indeed not appropriate to bring in country wars by calling people "americunts" which I agree that I used several times intentionally and I have indeed apologised for that because I do not wish to hurt someone feelings. However, the 9/11 scene was unintentional but to resolve the issue I have apologised for that too.

Below was my explanation for the sandy brook

First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt uimages" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Now a final apology request.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Ok guys I have asked several times for apologies and I have tried to explain myself. I do understand that some of you may not believe me but I am indeed regretting whatever happened this is the reason that I have asked for apologies more than 10 times.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]It may not look genuine to you guys but I have no hate towards America even my aunt lives there I posted those pics genuinely not knowing that the women was sandy and that event actually occurred I have said previously that the 9/11 image bottom line is quite faded and it was indeed posted in a hurry to respond to [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION] who was intimidating me with his pics. This is evident because at every pic it is written [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]As I explained previously those pics were taken from Google and I was not aware that the sandy event occurred it is a genuine mistake as I can see a lot of people are upset on me because of that guys I am remorseful from the bottom of my heart and I understand your perception towards me is a bad human being however, I am indeed not if I was I won't be apologising here to all of you that are hurt due to my stupid actions.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Moreover, people are also upset [MENTION=6572]txrob779[/MENTION] mate you know that you threatened me first that you are coming to UK as you can understand I was constantly bullied so I did PM you which I also said in my previous post however, nothing personal and a personal apology to you too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]I hope all of you can understand that I have no hate towards anyone and if you do see the original post and the amount of messages I was getting you may be able to understand why all these happened but I do agree that it was stupid and I should have just not view those messages.[/COLOR]


Active Member
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Below was my explanation for the 9/11[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]

Right okay didn't read the bottom line before posting; I know people are going to object the credibility of this statement so there you go.

1) I do apologise to anyone who was offended due to my unintentional post of a picture where it mentions something about 9/11. It was posted very quick to give a response towards @watchthis post and I did not realised it actually had something written at the bottom too.

Now some people may think I am apologising just to get help. No this is not true. I only apologised because it is indeed not appropriate to bring in country wars by calling people "americunts" which I agree that I used several times intentionally and I have indeed apologised for that because I do not wish to hurt someone feelings. However, the 9/11 scene was unintentional but to resolve the issue I have apologised for that too.

Below was my explanation for the sandy brook

First of all before you judge what my intentions were by posting those pictures, allow me to explain it first.

I was constantly intimidated with 10 posts per second from the haters and the most offensive were @watchthis and in a moment of heat I wrote in google "americunt uimages" and those images came up first.

I did not knew that those events actually occurred. All I wanted was to respond quickly to @watchthis and I just copied that link and posted it here. (I have already explained the 9/11 text image previously)

Now some of you may object the credibility of the above statement which is perfectly fine as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I repeat again I had no intention to cause distress to any of the members here and if it was offensive I have apologised before and I do apologise again but as I said it was not intentionally I did not made fun and I did not knew that women is sandy brook or those events actually occurred because I do not live in America they were simply taken from google in a moment of heat and it was the first images that came up in google selected randomly.

Furthermore, I am also accused of making threats. I was not the one who made the threat first someone wrote that they are coming to UK and they would love to punch or something along those lines and as I was really frustrated not just because of the money but because of the constant unnecessary hate I gave equal and opposite reaction through PM but it was nothing personal.

For those of you who are still upset about the images; I want to reinforce the fact that I did not knew those events actually occurred such as the sandy brook one they came to my attention when someone here posted something about it. The 9/11 if you do see the image the main message that can be seen on the image says "i Am americunt" at first look you wont really notice whats written at the bottom and as I explained previously they were taken from the google and very quickly so I can respond to some of the haters in a moment of heat. I have apologised several times and I hope I did not hurt anyone feelings if I did I am sorry but I hope you know it wasn't intentional.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Now a final apology request.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Ok guys I have asked several times for apologies and I have tried to explain myself. I do understand that some of you may not believe me but I am indeed regretting whatever happened this is the reason that I have asked for apologies more than 10 times.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]It may not look genuine to you guys but I have no hate towards America even my aunt lives there I posted those pics genuinely not knowing that the women was sandy and that event actually occurred I have said previously that the 9/11 image bottom line is quite faded and it was indeed posted in a hurry to respond to [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION] who was intimidating me with his pics. This is evident because at every pic it is written [MENTION=11883]watchthis[/MENTION].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]As I explained previously those pics were taken from Google and I was not aware that the sandy event occurred it is a genuine mistake as I can see a lot of people are upset on me because of that guys I am remorseful from the bottom of my heart and I understand your perception towards me is a bad human being however, I am indeed not if I was I won't be apologising here to all of you that are hurt due to my stupid actions.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Moreover, people are also upset [MENTION=6572]txrob779[/MENTION] mate you know that you threatened me first that you are coming to UK as you can understand I was constantly bullied so I did PM you which I also said in my previous post however, nothing personal and a personal apology to you too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]I hope all of you can understand that I have no hate towards anyone and if you do see the original post and the amount of messages I was getting you may be able to understand why all these happened but I do agree that it was stupid and I should have just not view those messages.[/COLOR]

Stop trying to offer these bullshit apologizes, and just accept your fate.

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Put Some Respect On My Name
What a waste of time this thread is. I stopped at page 6. There's far more important things to attend to instead of trying to reason with this pitiful little troll. Don't waste your time my friends. Remember the saying "Misery loves company" and move along, nothing to see here....


Legendary Member
The Beach
What a waste of time this thread is. I stopped at page 6. There's far more important things to attend to instead of trying to reason with this pitiful little troll. Don't waste your time my friends. Remember the saying "Misery loves company" and move along, nothing to see here....

So true I'm giving very little attention to these Brig fools, its just such a waste of time and I have so many more important things to do.