Follow up.
I took my bezel out and cleaned all the dirt and glue residue. Not knowing how the bezel assembly was supposed to be I did a bit of reasearch. Fortunately we have rep forums cause I could not find much on gen ones.
According to this awesome review the assembly is same as per gen, I found a similar info and a nice sketch also over at rwg
Here my pics
I expected the retainer ring to have 120 hollows in order to have 120 clicks, but it only has 40. So in order to make 120 clicks with only 40 dents the three "teeth" of the click ring should not all be in the hollows contemporarily but only one at a time. Every bezel turn of a half of a minute, a different tooth should get into a hollow making the click. Well in my bezel they probably were doing it at the same time since it only made 40 clicks.
So now I have a question for the experts. How can I fix this issue? I thought I could reshape the click ring a bit but since it goes into the bezel it shouldn't make any difference as it is always going to sit in the three holes. Might it have been just glue residue or dirt that made it difficult for the bezel to turn? Or is it something else?
I also removed the bezel insert because I thought I could align it better. When I want to put it back is it better to fit the bezel on the watch first, right? otherwise how would I know it will be correctly aligned?
last question is it fine to use loctite to glue the insert or is it better to use another glue or double sided tape?
here the tape is suggested but I can't find the adhesive ring for bezel insert from a european seller and can't wait three or more weeks to get them form the US.
thanks and sorry for all the questions but although I have been here for two years I haven't really done any work on a watch other then resizing or changing bracelets/straps