Sigh. I should learn not to mess with it if it aint broken.
I attempted to waterproof my 1016 with Clark T21 and WSO. I used UV glue; and it cured really well. Passed 0atm water test too.
But two issues:
1. The uv glue application should be thin and only on the rim. I thought adding extra glue between the crystal and the case would make it stronger; but the bezel would not fit at that point. I had to scrape off all of the extra glue along the bed of the case.
2. UV Glue resin is sensitive to alcohol/similar solvents.
I finished everything, and was wiping the crystal off with 70% ethanol. But i guess the alcohol fumes reacted with the glue and weakened it unevenly. This caused the crystal to crack.
This happened twice, so I lost two T21’s, and have to order again.
On top of this, during the process, my dial came off of my movement, so I have to go back and glue on the dial feet again.
So basically, back at step 0 and have to assemble everything again once my new crystals arrive