@Winni1611 Nice!! glad to see you trying your hand at an explorer. look fwd to seeing the results.
Yah those engravings are just that, jibberish , I prefer the sterile cases myself. Id rather have none than that. those can be sanded out if you feel inclined to do so .
@johnchpark These tropical dials have a slight metal flake that is enhanced with the clear coat finish and its what gives the color some depth . when you expose those dials to heat the clear coat deteriorates quickly and then you are left with a very flat color , the lume will age darker however but generally with a tropical dial the lume is not darkened because it is the exposure to UV that causes the tropical effects (damage to the finish) on the dial in the first place and lume generally darkens when its stored in a dark place for a period of time. so its difficult to have both,
This was my first attempt at the shoe polish and bake technique. I went sparingly with the shoe polish but you can see how the heat flattened the finish on the dial out . its not bad but not what I was after.
(gen pic for reference)
What I would suggest to
@Winni1611 is to use some more of his wifes make up to dirty up the lume on the dial to reduce the new appearance . apply very lightly and dust it off with a fan brush... (the technique is called dry brushing ) that is how I achieved the aged look on my 6538 lume plots. less is more. you can always add more but its difficult to remove more when you want less.
If all goes to plan I hope to receive the prototype caramel tropical 1016 dial by the end of next week (similar to the one I posted above and I will show you guys how it looks out of the box , Ill try aging the lume a bit like I described and then I will attempt to air brush it to give it a sweet tropical look .. *fingers crossed*
my inspiration - what I hope to achieve with my air brush techniques on these new caramel tropical dials. I received my .02 needle for my airbrush so it will give me a tighter pattern which will offer me more control , hopefully allowing me to work around the lume plots so there is less overspray and less clean up afterwards.