wow excellent comparison shot. Are Athaya threads gen spec?
wow excellent comparison shot. Are Athaya threads gen spec?
I believe they are, but perhaps someone else knows more/can confirm?wow excellent comparison shot. Are Athaya threads gen spec?
dont know if they are gen spec but I know Athaya crowns for 6538 are specific to the tube it comes with and you have to drill and retap the mid case to fit the tube so I would you would need to do the same for this crownwow excellent comparison shot. Are Athaya threads gen spec?
Okay...where did you get THAT!meanwhile, rockin' the 1016 with a custom sapphire crystal.
i dont reallly like it because the crystal's edge "eats" away the edges
Yes, doing the machine work manually is more effort and attention needs to be paid in maintaining clark's crystal finally arrived, installed on the sapphire crystal case, measuring 30.6mm.
while waiting for my WSO bezel, im experimenting it with the raffles bezel.
the raffles bezel is 2.4mm tall, inner diameter was 30.4mm, i used a hand drill with a grinding bit and held the bezel with my hand, and my my...
grinding the inner diameter is hard work! especially when i dont have the luxury of a lathe.
got it to about 30.5mm for now, will continue when i have the time.
@369mafia because the crystal measures 30.6mm on the case, should i file down the inner diameter to 30.6mm or 30.7mm?
Do you know if this thinner 6mm crown would fit a 14270 build? it definitely gives it a more gen like look! Your upgrade to the thinner crown makes your watch look really nice!Comparison of the thin Raffles 6mm crown, right (for 1016, which you just need to ask for) vs the “regular” 6mm crown, left. In some shots the diameter of the regular seems larger, but they are the same diameter. Very pleased with the result… one step closer to my goal (still not quite satisfied with the hands, but the bezel will be the next priority)! Perhaps we could petition Ken at Raffles to make us a batch
You are great! Thank you for this comparison !
What a nice build! And yes, I think it would suit the 14270 really nice with the thinner crown! I actually received my package today and It was unfortunately an anti climax@AllanV Did I hear 14270?! Likewise, I second your idea. It would definitely make it look more gen like!
My 14270 build from Raffle's says hi!
Thanks for taking the time to measure and share... this is a game changer!So my WSO bezel arived an it looks very promising.
Shipping to germany was super fast via FedEx but also very expensive.
I made some pictures to compare to the Raffles one and as already mentioned here we might have a winner. I think the WSO might be the best non custom bezel jet.
It is a little wider so less casework that ads a little more "chunky" look but most important: If the ID is widened the bezel gets a little flatter all by itself. And we are talking .5mm hight anyway so i think the WSO should be fine.
I do not really trust my cheapo digital calippers so i added the presumed measuring tolerance to the picture.
Cool, could you share a profile photo when you ll mount it?
I draw mine with 34.8mm outer diameter to have a good continuity, as the WSO is 2.4mm , I think the diameter that is in contact will be smaller than needed
Could you check the angle from the top face and the bottom face?
Mine is 90
The news is that I will have a batch soon
I asked for two diameter mixed batch so one bezel will fit t22 and the other t21.