what a good day for repworld, looks good for a start, as the time goes, it will only get better
Absolutely, maybe we’re lucky and the case isn’t the final product. I hope they can nail all the colorsThat's what I wanted to hear. Honestly, this is a great first step. Seeing such a thin rep makes me really happy. Hopefully the finishing can be brought to be on par with the other latest RM Reps.
I think It is a gen based on this post on instagram unfortunately.It’s def a rep
It also says that in the IG profile description:
And the post is from January.It also says that in the IG profile description:
Watches First City
A hope and a dream.. or punch in those amex numbers into chrono24..what a bummer, but hey, have some hopes will ya?
What a disappointment hahah
We can still attach our hope to this glimpse behind the scenes…