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Known Member
I think everyone’s dismissing this huge step far too quickly. Granted it’s not the 1:1 lots of people were expecting but it’s still a massive step regardless of price. Having a 67-02 with close to gen thicknesses and balance placing is a win regardless.
Yep, I'm buying it regardless of how it looks, given the price comes down to reality
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Getting To Know The Place
I can understand the disappointment of 11 pages of hype.

But, it’s the first time they do it.
Look 8 years ago, a noob v3 was the ultimate sub. Compare that with a VSF today… yes, it’s the most bought and competitie rep, but these 67-02s are the first of its kind.
The 15mm reps we can’t take serious.

We now have the thickness which is what defines the 67-02. Eventually we will get the curvature too.

I get it that not everybody is into looks and many appreciate the movements too, for now we need to ignore the movement and hope for better carbon and finishing and that the coloring of the “dial” will be good, so that we can get basically any version / color combo . Like the UAE version or the Italian one. Eventually we get perfect case, with the curvature. And one day maybe a clone movement.

We’re also forgetting that this is a 300,000$ rep. It’s inherently more difficult to buy and disassemble compared to a 7000-13000$ DJ/sub etc that’s easy accessible