I expected to receive my ZF today, turned out the package was empty and had been signed for by someone else...
Got mine and I love it! It came waterproofed and did some work on the strap to make it softer. Definitely the worst strap I've seen. Performed 10min ketchup service yesterday and it came out clean bur noticed this morning there is some discoloration or patina on h3 side of case and around the 30 mark. Did another ketchup clean and after lemon juice but it doesn't come out. Is this normal?
Should I use some cape cod cloth? I dont want to ruin the brushed look though...
I expected to receive my ZF today, turned out the package was empty and had been signed for by someone else...
I live in appartments so there is a possibility tha a neighbor did it but I would have heaed the main door open because I live next to it
As everyone else has suggested I would leave it as it is ...once the natural patina starts it won't be noticeable at all.
If you MUST clean it though, I had similar discoloration on mine and I used a Brasso-type cream cleaner on it and it removed all stains without affecting the brushing. You get to square one though with a pristine patina free watch .
Leave it as it is and enjoy the patina happening.
I agree. I had all types of little stains, blemishes, etc. but decided to just let it patina slowly. So far so good.
That's looking perfect!
If you look back at my QC pics, there were several things to complain about including the color, crooked numbers, off colored lever, etc. None of that stands out once the patina kicks in.
The TD took his hand off saying he ain't his fault/problem.
I told him if he didn't sent it in a goddamn paper envelope for $60 shipping costs, it probably wouldn't have been ripped open
^ Thats why I stopped using Toro. I used to use him alot for everything until he started shipping like this. I received a few DOA watches along with a damaged one. For saving a few bucks? not worth the hassle