I just don't see people paying over what they can be had for new for a used rep. Gens have a much higher chance of going up in value, or at the very least, holding value. Im not talking about investing to make lots of money in watches, because unless something drastically happens with the watch industry, thats not happening. But buying a used gen, or even a new on sale gen, can, in most cases, be sold for what you paid years down the road if you dont beat it up. 5 years from now, ive got a lot better chance of selling my gen omega po for the price i paid than i do for the rep po.
If anything, the rep industry keeps getting better and better and these current reps are going to obsolete. Technology is getting to the point that you can see exact copies with no differences in the near future.
I'll still buy reps since styles and preferences change and tying up a lot of funds while i switch watches every few months is not practical, but I'm not expecting to recoup much, if any, of the costs ive spent on them.