Dials with feet can have the feet clipped, stumps sanded smooth and then be epoxied onto the date plate. Three or four 2 - 3mm blobs of 30 min slow cure epoxy placed in open spaces on the date plate will anchor a dial quite well.
It's a little more work to undo but not difficult. The cured epoxy will scrape away easily and cleanly with a razor blade, then just wipe or rinse with alcohol. Ofc the date plate should be removed and DW separated before scraping and cleaning so glue shards don't get into the movement.
This works fine when the need arises. I've done it probably 8 - 10 times and prefer it to dial dots as it adds no real extra spacing and the dial doesn't shift around at all. Just make sure you get the dial centered and aligned, haha. Otherwise you get to do it again.