It's possible it came from the factory with the sticker on it. JF and ARF are partner factories. The JF is out of production but it wouldn't surprise me to find out one or two were found lying around. It appears new and in good shape, not like a reject a TD had for a while. The protective tape peeling back on the CG and the side of the case supports the notion of it having been around for a bit.
You could ask them for a pic of the clasp code. They are different. Also the Rolex logo on the clasp is stamped slightly right of center on the ARF.
Personally I would take a JF over the ARF. I'd rather have no rehaut engraving, but I've shaved that off a few times. ARF is known to really give you 904L though if that matters to you. If it is a JF and you take it, I think they owe you some money back.