Getting To Know The Place
- 27/2/21
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- 32
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I wanted to share my experience. I recently was able to purchase a gen 126610LV from my local AD. I’ve been wearing the pre-raid VSF LV for about a year. Yes, the VSF is a fantastic rep for the money. However, it’s difficult to put into words how much nicer the gen is. I know, duh, of course it’s nicer for 20x the cost. I just wanted to share that photos comparing the 2 do NOT do the gen enough justice. Everything about the watch is perfect. It has so much presence to it. The feel of the bracelet, clasp, micro adjust, bezel, etc is worlds above the VSF. The white gold hands behind the gen crystal is probably the most striking visual difference I’ve noticed, they’re much more yellow. It’s night and day. The bezel numerals are also another significant difference IRL. You find yourself just staring at the watch. Again, this is hard to describe, but once you handle a gen there is no going back. I don’t think I’ll ever buy a rep again, at least one that hasn’t been modded with gen parts. Anyone want to buy a pre-raid VSF LV?Thanks!
100% some people take decades to realize this. But reps have their place. For example try before you buy or "test drive" this is what I do. For example I now want a YM but none in my local AD's. So before I drop over 10k I have to know for sure 100% that I love it. Not that I will love it for 1 month and then start finding issues that I do not like on the wrist.
So I buy the rep and wear for 3-6months and then go on the list and sell the rep. Need to do this with the explorer 36 as well.