Update :-
Currently not here as much as I am halfway through switching our shit BT broadband package over to Starlink ...............
Problem is the massive increase in tourists and our remote area doesn't have Fibre Optic to our local exchange, so this year even worse than last year, the BT would just stop for most of the day.
I got the Starlink and bunged it in, and at first all was well, but I soon found out that the Starlink Routers are shit and have no ethernet port, so I have no wifi in workshop atm, and also none of our smart home devices will work with Starlink Router. The connection between Dishy and "The Internet" is however superb.
Currently I have kept the BT as well, (we are not on a contract, so I just paid this months), will cancel as soon as I get my Starlink Ethernet Adaptor and a new third party router.
The trick is to put the Starlink Router into bypass mode, which means all it does is control Dishy, then using the Starlink Ethernet Adaptor in the cable between Dishy and Starlink Router to connect to WAN port on the new router.
I am not a networking specialist, dunno if I have to set up shit in the new Router, that will cause more hassle and will have to get help, but for now, the Router and the Adaptor are still in post, so I still have shit connection in the workshop.
2 Watches not yet arrived .............
The Daytona was a private sale that I was offered by a localish customer of mine from Staffin, IOS.
Clean Factory 126500 Daytona black dial with Cal. 4131 in it, the guy had agreed sale, promised to bring it here for cash payment, hasn't shown up, so doubt that one will arrive now, not answering his phone either. Unusual for him, he is an old fella, lives about 80miles from me, hope he's OK, very unlike him not to go through with a deal.
116688 Gold Yachtmaster 2 is currently missing in action, but another one that is being personally delivered, so no money has changed hands yet.
That's about it for now, excepting that the car port / workshop extension is going well, about half way done now ......
I'm struggling with the arthritis, some of these timbers are huge (6metres long 9" x 2" and 6"x 2"), total size is 8.5m x 5.5m, and I have no help, I'm having to manually lift these in and fix them 8ft - 10ft high off of step-ladders
The main structure is up now, just got some end pieces, and all the dwangs to do, then stain it all and get the roof sheets delivered and on, at which point it then becomes useful as a dry area to store all the materials as I finish it and also do other works.
After that I will then add the side walls and the rear wall between house and workshop.
Come winter the 6 cars we currently own should all have a home out of the foulness, currently only the 2 SLK's are in dry storage in the garage / paint booth. There is also a 7m x 3m Garage Tent to finish off when my son comes up later this year, as it definitely needs 2 peeps to get the Canvas on it, that will be another dry area then for storage of building materials and a chassis build project.