I'm a huge knife fanatic, and have been collecting for a long time. My words of advice would be to save a little more and increase your budget. Knives can be great tools, but many make the mistake of buying a cheap one and never get to experience the true magnificence and usefulness of a high quality knife.
at a cheapest budget CRKT makes *alright* quality knives if you are planning on taking it for a couple camping trips to beat it and get a new one.
at the $100-$200 price, benchmades and spyderco's are great knives, with high quality materials.
If you are looking for something exceptional, like abzack said, Emersons and Striders are something else. Incredible build, exceptional material quality, and strength like no other. These knives can be upwards towards $500 for a production and over a grand for a custom one. The customs just have special blade profiles and cooler handle material like Carbon Fiber, etc. But not too much of a difference in use, the productions will withhold the apocalypse.
Just watch this youtube video of a strider with 3v blade steel being put to the test!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPgSOQY4CDk"]New Strider DB in CPM 3V Frags Monkey Edge Exclusive! - YouTube[/ame]

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions that I didn't answer in this post.
By the way, abzack, you need to get your hands on a real strider, those buck/strider colabs don't compare to the real thing

Very nice Emerson collection nonetheless!
Here's a picture of my Double Gunner Grip Strider SMF
And here is a shot with a couple of my benchmade 4X series balisong's and field sharpener