Active Member
- 20/10/06
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maxse, I am going to be blunt here...
First off we only have your side of the story. I believe you are telling it honestly, but no matter how honest a guy you are there is always another side the story, one which I think Josh doesn't want to make public. I would assume it's becuase dealers don't want to be involved in anything public and negative if you can help it... old saying about wrestling in the mud, win or loose, you still get dirty.
Secondly you filed a PP dispute... not after a ton of abus or getting no response, not after 44 days when you were about to be out your opportunity to do so... but pretty much right in the middle of things. This is a big no no. I don't think Josh was being fair with you righ then, but you went way over the top. I am not arguing whether PP disputes should be ok or not or whatever, but in the rep world it's considered the ultimate and final resolution option only... most of us will eat a few hundred rather than do a pp dispute.
So in all fairness I can see how Josh would be a little unhappy with you right now. Fair or not... that's just how it is.
And again to be blunt... I am not one to play the noob card lightly or often and I am not exactly old hat at this game... but you seem quite wet behind the ears.
Whether you were responsible for his paypal problems I can't say... but I bet the dispute was a lot worse for him than you imagine... these guys walk a fine line and it doesn't take a lot to screw stuff up. It's entirely possible having the dispute at all screwed up his account to the point it's frozen and he can't access funds for 6 months... or worse it's just closed along with however much $$$ was in it.
The fantasy bezel... curious as to what it is, but I would have asked him to see if andrew could do something for you or find some other resolution that suited better... the whole shipped two days ago thing is definitely questionable, but at this point with the 31st looming up ahead I would be worried first about what options you could open up rather than catching someone in a lie.
I have to be honest here, I think you got the short end of the stick a bit here... but I think you handled it rather poorly in some parts... poorly enough obviously to get you into a stickty situation here. It's just super unfortunate you had to cut your teeth on such an expensive deal gone bad...
My advice to you now... as shitty as it's gonna sound... see if Andrew will sell you the $200 one so you can have something for the lady and look at your other $$$ as lost (remember if your dispute froze his account, it is also what froze your money and if pp just takes the $$$ then that's your refund they are taking). Sit back, breathe a bit and give Josh some room to breath. At this point you aren't going to force that money back into your hands any faster with any kind of pushing or bothering no matter how deserved you may feel it is. Hopefully in a few weeks or months you can get things straightened out with Josh and get some watches for your money or something. But for right now, my advice is cut losses and make the best of the situation.
Take this as a lesson learned about how things can go wrong... I have to say this went VERY wrong and I would be surprised if you ever run into it this bad again, but what doens't kill ya right?
I know that sounds like total crap advice, but I personally feel that's the best you can do for now...
First off we only have your side of the story. I believe you are telling it honestly, but no matter how honest a guy you are there is always another side the story, one which I think Josh doesn't want to make public. I would assume it's becuase dealers don't want to be involved in anything public and negative if you can help it... old saying about wrestling in the mud, win or loose, you still get dirty.
Secondly you filed a PP dispute... not after a ton of abus or getting no response, not after 44 days when you were about to be out your opportunity to do so... but pretty much right in the middle of things. This is a big no no. I don't think Josh was being fair with you righ then, but you went way over the top. I am not arguing whether PP disputes should be ok or not or whatever, but in the rep world it's considered the ultimate and final resolution option only... most of us will eat a few hundred rather than do a pp dispute.
So in all fairness I can see how Josh would be a little unhappy with you right now. Fair or not... that's just how it is.
And again to be blunt... I am not one to play the noob card lightly or often and I am not exactly old hat at this game... but you seem quite wet behind the ears.
Whether you were responsible for his paypal problems I can't say... but I bet the dispute was a lot worse for him than you imagine... these guys walk a fine line and it doesn't take a lot to screw stuff up. It's entirely possible having the dispute at all screwed up his account to the point it's frozen and he can't access funds for 6 months... or worse it's just closed along with however much $$$ was in it.
The fantasy bezel... curious as to what it is, but I would have asked him to see if andrew could do something for you or find some other resolution that suited better... the whole shipped two days ago thing is definitely questionable, but at this point with the 31st looming up ahead I would be worried first about what options you could open up rather than catching someone in a lie.
I have to be honest here, I think you got the short end of the stick a bit here... but I think you handled it rather poorly in some parts... poorly enough obviously to get you into a stickty situation here. It's just super unfortunate you had to cut your teeth on such an expensive deal gone bad...
My advice to you now... as shitty as it's gonna sound... see if Andrew will sell you the $200 one so you can have something for the lady and look at your other $$$ as lost (remember if your dispute froze his account, it is also what froze your money and if pp just takes the $$$ then that's your refund they are taking). Sit back, breathe a bit and give Josh some room to breath. At this point you aren't going to force that money back into your hands any faster with any kind of pushing or bothering no matter how deserved you may feel it is. Hopefully in a few weeks or months you can get things straightened out with Josh and get some watches for your money or something. But for right now, my advice is cut losses and make the best of the situation.
Take this as a lesson learned about how things can go wrong... I have to say this went VERY wrong and I would be surprised if you ever run into it this bad again, but what doens't kill ya right?
I know that sounds like total crap advice, but I personally feel that's the best you can do for now...