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Just recieved Chanel J12 and have problems. LOCKED

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Active Member
maxse, I am going to be blunt here...

First off we only have your side of the story. I believe you are telling it honestly, but no matter how honest a guy you are there is always another side the story, one which I think Josh doesn't want to make public. I would assume it's becuase dealers don't want to be involved in anything public and negative if you can help it... old saying about wrestling in the mud, win or loose, you still get dirty.

Secondly you filed a PP dispute... not after a ton of abus or getting no response, not after 44 days when you were about to be out your opportunity to do so... but pretty much right in the middle of things. This is a big no no. I don't think Josh was being fair with you righ then, but you went way over the top. I am not arguing whether PP disputes should be ok or not or whatever, but in the rep world it's considered the ultimate and final resolution option only... most of us will eat a few hundred rather than do a pp dispute.

So in all fairness I can see how Josh would be a little unhappy with you right now. Fair or not... that's just how it is.

And again to be blunt... I am not one to play the noob card lightly or often and I am not exactly old hat at this game... but you seem quite wet behind the ears.

Whether you were responsible for his paypal problems I can't say... but I bet the dispute was a lot worse for him than you imagine... these guys walk a fine line and it doesn't take a lot to screw stuff up. It's entirely possible having the dispute at all screwed up his account to the point it's frozen and he can't access funds for 6 months... or worse it's just closed along with however much $$$ was in it.

The fantasy bezel... curious as to what it is, but I would have asked him to see if andrew could do something for you or find some other resolution that suited better... the whole shipped two days ago thing is definitely questionable, but at this point with the 31st looming up ahead I would be worried first about what options you could open up rather than catching someone in a lie.

I have to be honest here, I think you got the short end of the stick a bit here... but I think you handled it rather poorly in some parts... poorly enough obviously to get you into a stickty situation here. It's just super unfortunate you had to cut your teeth on such an expensive deal gone bad...

My advice to you now... as shitty as it's gonna sound... see if Andrew will sell you the $200 one so you can have something for the lady and look at your other $$$ as lost (remember if your dispute froze his account, it is also what froze your money and if pp just takes the $$$ then that's your refund they are taking). Sit back, breathe a bit and give Josh some room to breath. At this point you aren't going to force that money back into your hands any faster with any kind of pushing or bothering no matter how deserved you may feel it is. Hopefully in a few weeks or months you can get things straightened out with Josh and get some watches for your money or something. But for right now, my advice is cut losses and make the best of the situation.

Take this as a lesson learned about how things can go wrong... I have to say this went VERY wrong and I would be surprised if you ever run into it this bad again, but what doens't kill ya right?

I know that sounds like total crap advice, but I personally feel that's the best you can do for now...


Banned member, the goat does not approve
I am not getting a refund. Joshua said that I have to wait 180 to 360 days for paypal to unfreeze his funds which they might not even do... So I am out $800.

He will not even just send me the Breitling because he said that "I must learn a lesson." Even though I closed the claim with paypal right away when he told me to, which was also the only way to get him to offer any kind of exchange/store credit etc... He also threatened to write on all forums for people to be careful with me and that I am some kind of little boy... Wow guys I am at a loss for words. $800....


Active Member
And this is why I said earlier screwed up big time.

You clearly didn't understand the gravity of what you were working with when you went pp dispute... and I am guessing that there could have been more tact (as much as you shouldn't have had to use any to get a decent watch at $800) from your end in working things out. Well... this is where it ends up.

You can sit here and tell yourself Josh brought the pp dispute on himself and that you retracted it right away, but that doesn't change anything. If you really got Josh's paypal frozen or he lost funds from it (just think how much is likely to be in there at any given time? Assuming 3 days to clear the bank he has 3 days worth of purchases frozen now that he has to eat and ship out - not to mention the business he is loosing from not being able to take paypal right now) he is human and I can't see him not being pissed off right now... possibly to the tune of THOUSANDS of dollars.

He is a business man but he is also a person... and while I can see things from your perspective, I can see them from his also... being able to see things from the other persons perspective I think is the lesson he would like you to learn.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Devedander, I must say that I disagree with you on some points. I filed the PP dispute only after he was really not willing to give me a refund like I wanted. He didnt even offer a re-stocking fee and pretty much said that a refund is not possible. Only after I filed the dispute did we start to "negotiate"" and came to the agreement of store credit. The PP claim was closed the same day...

Now I explained for so long that I needed the watch by a deadline. I even asked if he can ship me out the replacement before recieving this one but after I gave him a tracking he still said no... Finally he recieved my watch said he checked the new one for flaws and it is all fine and water tested and shipped it out 2 days ago and gave me a tracking number for it!

So I figured no problem, sent him more money Western Union since PP wasnt working for a Bentley GT. This morning I get an email from showing me pictures of a different bezel on the watch saying that there is no way to get the right bezel until the middle of february! Common guys...

*EDIT* It is irrelevat how much money he lost in his paypal account... He knows he shouldnt be using paypal to trade replicas so he takes a risk. Let's not forget that it is an $800 watch that I bought that he personally assured he he would check, water-test and is the best possible on the market right now... After I asked for a refund he said one was not possible... He wanted to charge me a re-stocking fee when I asked for a smaller replacement (agreed that I would still buy from him)... fine, but this was only after the paypal dispute. He would not work with me otherwise. I shouldnt have gone through all of that from a "top" dealer, ESPECIALLY on such a pricey purchase with all the promises that were made.


Legendary Member
...man it's hard to read this one. :( You've got my sympathies. I could not imagine having to go through all that...that is a lot of money to lose, all for a lousy rep watch...my simple rules are: Only buy 1 watch at a time, never spend more than $250.00 for a rep, be willing at some point to take a bad hit...You took a bad hit for $800.00...I feel for you.. :(


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Also this is not the first rep I bought. I bought one from B2k that had a small scratch on the bracelet. As soon as I mentioned this to him (expecting problems) a new watch was shipped out to me at his expense BEFORE I could even have a chance to ship back the one that I had on my hands! This was for a $250 watch. Still a lot but comapred to $800 common. And he was not even considered a "top" dealer so I figured I would get great service from a "top" dealer for such a high priced item, especially with all the promises that he made before I bought it.


Active Member
maxse I am not saying you didn't get screwed... and to be clear, I do sympathize with you to an extent cuz it sucks to loose that kind of $$$.

But it's the big picture again... as wrong as it is, you have to be ready to take a bracelet in exchange sometimes ESPECIALLY if you are working with a deadline.

Personally I have watches I ordered months ago still waiting for parts to arrive to replace/repair issues... is that right? No... but it's not gonna get much better than that without some serious risk in the big picture.

As much as I wish it were, this is not normal business... this is a whole world of it's own and one in which you can freeze or cause the loss of your own refund.

And you are right, he knew what he was getting into using paypal... and I bet he is hating it right now. Kind of like you knew (hopefully) what you were getting into ordering reps and are probably hating it right now.

Honestly it seems like you got in a bit of a nut kicking contest (where you may have gotten kicked first) where the end result is you both have sore nuts.

Not all dealers are equal or will treat you equally. That's one reason I am sad B2k is shutting his doors... I didn't have a chance to order much from him and it sounds like he was just what I was looking for... but crappily 5 star dealer or 100% positive reviews... it seems some lessons just have to be learned the hard way. In almost every aspect of life (many much more legit than this) I have been bit... it sucks but that's life.

I hope you can take it as (and I know it would be hard for me to do this) the fluke just about worst experience you are likely to have. I mean I honestly believe Josh is a good dealer, but even the best have off days... I think you caught one of his worst...

You can see me not being happy with a lot of aspects of this game over on RWG in pugwashes thread, but there are some I accept as part of the game and which I feel everyone pretty much has to because... well we are buying illegal goods. I don't know what else to say besides best luck finding someone who works your way in the future... heck if you find someone like b2k again pass on the good word! In the mean time, just go into your future purchases knowing the waters probably won't be glassy smooth.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
The problem is that he ASSURED me that the replacement would get back to me way before the deadline and I would not have a problem... I have some members pming me with suggestions on what to do so I am getting it sorted out right now.

It just seems that other dealers wold have handled this situation much better and would offer a replacement or refund by now. Way before I would even think of filing anything with paypal.


Active Member
I hope you do get it sorted... and some of them would have... heck Josh might even have on a different day... it's kind of a crapshoot in that respect.

Either way... hope you get your watch in time, but also hope this does leave you wiser and stronger for all the hassle.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Thanks man. It just seems like it is not possible for me to get this watch in time now. Im jsut worried about getting my $$ back.


Renowned Member
Devedander said:
maxse, I am going to be blunt here...

First off we only have your side of the story. I believe you are telling it honestly, but no matter how honest a guy you are there is always another side the story, one which I think Josh doesn't want to make public. I would assume it's becuase dealers don't want to be involved in anything public and negative if you can help it... old saying about wrestling in the mud, win or loose, you still get dirty.

Secondly you filed a PP dispute... not after a ton of abus or getting no response, not after 44 days when you were about to be out your opportunity to do so... but pretty much right in the middle of things. This is a big no no. I don't think Josh was being fair with you righ then, but you went way over the top. I am not arguing whether PP disputes should be ok or not or whatever, but in the rep world it's considered the ultimate and final resolution option only... most of us will eat a few hundred rather than do a pp dispute.

So in all fairness I can see how Josh would be a little unhappy with you right now. Fair or not... that's just how it is.

And again to be blunt... I am not one to play the noob card lightly or often and I am not exactly old hat at this game... but you seem quite wet behind the ears.

Whether you were responsible for his paypal problems I can't say... but I bet the dispute was a lot worse for him than you imagine... these guys walk a fine line and it doesn't take a lot to screw stuff up. It's entirely possible having the dispute at all screwed up his account to the point it's frozen and he can't access funds for 6 months... or worse it's just closed along with however much $$$ was in it.

The fantasy bezel... curious as to what it is, but I would have asked him to see if andrew could do something for you or find some other resolution that suited better... the whole shipped two days ago thing is definitely questionable, but at this point with the 31st looming up ahead I would be worried first about what options you could open up rather than catching someone in a lie.

I have to be honest here, I think you got the short end of the stick a bit here... but I think you handled it rather poorly in some parts... poorly enough obviously to get you into a stickty situation here. It's just super unfortunate you had to cut your teeth on such an expensive deal gone bad...

My advice to you now... as shitty as it's gonna sound... see if Andrew will sell you the $200 one so you can have something for the lady and look at your other $$$ as lost. Sit back, breathe a bit and give Josh some room to breath. At this point you aren't going to force that money back into your hands any faster with any kind of pushing or bothering no matter how deserved you may feel it is. Hopefully in a few weeks or months you can get things straightened out with Josh and get some watches for your money or something. But for right now, my advice is cut losses and make the best of the situation.

Take this as a lesson learned about how things can go wrong... I have to say this went VERY wrong and I would be surprised if you ever run into it this bad again, but what doens't kill ya right?

I know that sounds like total crap advice, but I personally feel that's the best you can do for now...

Hmmmmmm...Im not trying to start a argument here Dave but Ive got a whole different view, Im not rich by any means and if 800 bucks aint alot of cash to you, you can bet it is to me and if someone even dreams there gonna tell me sorry about my luck....Ill fly to the other side of world and find you....

PP Dispute......you bet, you got my money, do whats right or pay the consequences.


Active Member
It's no chump change to me either... which is why you will see me being very leery about spending $800 on a watch... but in the end I guess I see it as you take a risk every time... price or dealer regardless...

Just to put things into perspective (and I am not saying one poor business excuses another) check in on how one of the biggest businesses around treats it's customers



Renowned Member
I'm very sorry you went through this and $800 is a bit of money to be without. Bottom line, I'd be pissed as Hell and I hope it works itself out in the long run.

Having said that, PP complaints are not even an option. There are other ways and that was wrong. I like the nut kicking analogy, except I too have sore nuts (as well as hundreds of other members on the rep forums) as I/we can no longer purchase reps from Josh nor Andrew with my/our PP account.

Lets say he does 25 transactions a day (my guess is that is conservative) @ an average of $200 a transaction (again, conservative) and it takes 3 days to clear the money from his PP account to his bank account.

25 x 200 x 3 = $15k..... how ya like them apples? :shock:

He too got f'd in this.

Ya 'F' with the bull, ya get the horns.




Banned member, the goat does not approve
But that is his own fault for haing it seem as if it was the only option left to me. Bottom line. A "top" dealer does not treat his customers this way! Especially on such a pricey purchase...


Renowned Member
Amen...you do take a risk!!
And like I said by no means am I trying to create enemies here or be argumenative with members, I believe were all friends and need to look out for one another but I cannont stand to see someone blatently screwed out of their money. At least now I know which dealer NOT to use.


Renowned Member
WatchDude13 said:
I'm very sorry you went through this and $800 is a bit of money to be without. Bottom line, I'd be pissed as Hell and I hope it works itself out in the long run.

Having said that, PP complaints are not even an option. There are other ways and that was wrong. I like the nut kicking analogy, except I too have sore nuts (as well as hundreds of other members on the rep forums) as I/we can no longer purchase reps from Josh nor Andrew with my/our PP account.

Lets say he does 25 transactions a day (my guess is that is conservative) @ an average of $200 a transaction (again, conservative) and it takes 3 days to clear the money from his PP account to his bank account.

25 x 200 x 3 = $15k..... how ya like them apples? :shock:

He too got f'd in this.

Ya 'F' with the bull, ya get the horns.



And to think,......all he had to do was make it right in the first place.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Exactly! We are not arguing here. I love all you guys lol. Its such a nice place we have hear with good people...

On a side note. All he had to do was just give me the store credit in the first place and none of this would have happened! If it was that important for him he would have done it in the first place.

As far as I'm concerned I did everyone a favor that they cant use his paypal. Tehre are plenty of other dealers that take PP.

It really sucks though to have Belial2k close down (hopefully not for long).


Respected Member
Devedander said:
It's no chump change to me either... which is why you will see me being very leery about spending $800 on a watch... but in the end I guess I see it as you take a risk every time... price or dealer regardless...

Just to put things into perspective (and I am not saying one poor business excuses another) check in on how one of the biggest businesses around treats it's customers


they should make one for compUSA too.


Renowned Member
I'm biting my tongue right now, really biting.....

It was not your only option, it was the easy way out.

Again, I understand the anger you must feel in being out $800. Really I do. And an $800 rep should be damn near perfect, it really should. But I don't think I could ever bring myself to spend that money on one transaction in the rep world. These things aren't perfect and this is an underground hobby for a reason. Read the forums, see how many transactions are f'd up at one point or another. NEWS FLASH - reps aren't perfect and this is an underground trade!!!

He somehow went to his suppliers and had a custom piece made. What was he supposed to do? Take it back and put in on his site as a one and only 38mm J12 with diamond bezel for a mere $800? How many people do you think would have jumped on that? So was he supposed to eat the cost when you told him you wanted a refund?

From what I gather, the bracelet was messed up. He offered to send another..... where is the issue with that resolution?

The numbers I used are conservative (at least I believe them to be), he could be out $15, $20, $25,000. Serves him right huh? Shit happens, but he should have known, huh?

Okay, so a PP complaint REALLY IS the only way to go. That will fix it right? Did you let him know you were going that route? Did you give him a day or two head's up on that threat? Maybe a bluff would have been in order. You could have told him you were going to do it and he may have buckled knowing what it could cost him. You didn't give him the option to buckle. You backed him in a corner and he came out fighting.

I'm not one to think the dealers can do no wrong, they can. I'm not one to sugar coat it and keep it on the DL. I think it is all fair game. Yes they are doing us a service by selling us top quality reps (usually) for a decent price (usually) with good service (usually). But for those things they get rewarded. We line their pockets, we pay for their rent, we buy their cars. They don't deserve protection when they mess up and often that is the general rule on the forums. They often get too much leeway, too much benefit of the doubt.

BUT (big but), there are still lines that aren't crossed. You don't file a PP dispute. Likely a terrible analogy, but it is like women and children in a war, don't do it! There are things you simply don't do!

You can disagree, you can play the victim (and you are), but we ALL LOST in this and I believe many much more than you would tend to think.

If I was a rep dealer, ANY rep dealer - I would not sell you another damn thing.

None of this is personal as I'm sure too much emotion is involved, but it is my opinion.

Again, I hope there is some form of resolution on the horizon.



Active Member
WatchDude13 said:
If I was a rep dealer, ANY rep dealer - I would not sell you another damn thing.

And that is the other part of screwed up big time... you bet your bippies what Josh isn't saying out here is being said loud and clear in the dealer forum...

And bear in mind there is the other thing he has to watch out for... which is the possibility that you are just making a hassle because you don't like the size and have changed your mind after the fact... I am not saying you did that, but your post does toe that line... these guys gotta watch out for that kind of thing because every time a watch crosses borders there is a chance it dissapears or gets taxed. On the way to you if it dissapears the dealer has to eat a reship (and more risk) and on the way back he risks both (unless you are going to tell me you would have just eaten the cost if it dissapeared on the way back).

This is one reason that I make allowances for "just replace a bracelet" sort of solutions. In reality I think they should send you a whole new watch for a defective one. But you have to be realistic in terms of the risk it takes on...

Again big picture and both sides of it.

And I am not trying to make enemies either... but I say what I feel.
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