Stainless steal no platinum. And the FC version is cheaper in gen world where here it is the most looked for version and most expensive. Now they can recoup their losses and yeah I bet they lost money on the Ginza7 and Trulli which almost nobody here bought. The GP is probably going for Schumi like proportionate sales. Everyone wants one.
To be honest I have not seen anyone in the real world wearing either a rep or gen Schumi and I live in quite a poshy region. Many fake hublots and cartiers though have been seen, even rich people do wear reps even very cheapo reps.
The forums are a very tiny market for the makers compared to the real world, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Spain, as examples. If you haven't seen many schumi in the real world it's because most who own a 50k limited edition don't wear daily. The platinum schumi, gp, RBii are 100k. Not too many people in this league wearing as daily beater lol
We're spoiled with the quality of rep coming out the past few years. Improvements are light years from earlier versions in 90's and mid 2000.
Expect only greater advances with the newer movement to replace 7750 which will take these chronos to levels unseen in the history of rep hobby. Lots of awesome developments in the works unfortunately not happening this year or soon enough.