I'm sitting on two modded Noob versions, Prof crystal, Mikey2008 ti, iamknockov fc, gen strap, serviced, have a fc GP with schumi insert, prof crystal, Mikey2008 ti, iamknockov GP FC, just need another gp fc. The price for all of these is much more than what they are asking Indeed and this version is actually good value as slaughterer said, you don't need a crystal unless you're obsessive, you don't need ti screws, and you don't need a gen strap.. All of which saves you 500-700 in mods easily.
The anodized dial is the only upgrade you'll need to get a little closer to gen however it will always remain a great rep but to expect a gen 100k+ watch for $800 is kinda absurd. This hobby requires investment if you want to achieve the results you desire, always be prepared for service min 250 just in case on top of what you initially pay for 7750 models which are prone to crap out at some point. Plate mod isn't some I personally care for, I don't pass my rep off as gen, and I can assure you there will be issues with sticking rotors, and service nightmares.