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Good Morning / Night


Respected Member
bkg! Now I feel hungry [emoji28] having a coffee than on my way to finish some work .

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Respected Member
Yes jai , it is always great news for me. It's not me that wants these tests, it started years ago when I was told by my doctor to have a procedure [colonoscopy] to just 'check it out' . Well lo and behold, they discovered 42 polyps inside my colon. Removed them all by laser and a tiny blade in the 'garden hose head' and all was fine after that. The next ones [procedures] where to insure that they never come back. So in goes the snake to find out with its 'camera eyes'. What scared me most is that if those things turn into a cancerous tumor, hey, you wont even feel it. Nothing, nada ! If you do feel some discomfort or pain or bleeding, then it is usually too late. 'Bingo time' ! That shocked me !! ..............Hence, my 'love affair with this damned intrusive procedure. Darn it. What can I do ?? I am just compelled to have it done.
All is well and nothing has surfaced since. ....................Go Sumi, Go !!

Sumi kicks ass!! You go sumi!!! And great to know you are a-ok!


Respected Member
Having my breakfast getting ready to take the kids skating. Then I have a "project" that I have to complete. My wife sees all kinds of things on Pinterest and then they make it on the "list" hope you all have a great day ! And evening/night for bkg , wooky and others. Jeff how was the show?


Legendary Member
Good Morning Jeane et al...throwing a little Latin out there to make me look smart :laugh:

Have a good Saturday everyone and enjoy the day. Glad to hear the colonblow went well :clap_1:


Hey, I'm sorry if today feels like the bkg! Cookery show, but just rustled up some patatas bravas with slow cooked chicken breast (used the extra sauce on the chicken). Yum!!!



Mythical Poster
What a long 2 days. Finally done with the carshow. Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!



Respected Member
Good evening fellas,

I had an amazingly productive day! Glad to hear you are back [MENTION=56255]Subjeff[/MENTION]! Hope you had fun man!

My day started with skating lessons. All three of my kids goes every Saturday so it's not as bad as bkg's six but still a lot for me :) it was successful and right as we got home my wife gave me a little "project" starting with an old ikea dresser and converting it to a "dress up" closet.
So I started with this bad boy! That a friend was getting rid of.


Sanded, painted, finished with some wood filler, built the shelf, and installed the rod. Now it just needs a good mirror on the side and it's good to go.





Perfect size for their dress up costumes and the drawer for accessories :)

Right after I completed this one, we were off to the skate store as all three my kids graduated from their skating lessons and that's my prerequisite to getting their own equipment for any sport(where possible of course) and it quickly became an expensive day :(


On our way back home we stopped to get some food and I had THE best sandwich that I have had in my life(and that says a lot cause I am a fatty) it was a monte cristo and it's 2200 amazing calories in a single sandwich!! It was amazing. @Sumi if you have not had one you should try to! I would have snapped a photo of this badboy but it was sooo good I didn't even think about it.

Now we are back at home, kids all excited about their stuff and getting ready for bed. I am just going to hang with the mrs and my best four legged friend who tagged along for all of the daily activities and was super well behaved all day.


I hope everyone has a great night and for our friends in eu and down under have a great morning/afternoon!


Respected Member
Accidents and Emergency
Yes jai , it is always great news for me. It's not me that wants these tests, it started years ago when I was told by my doctor to have a procedure [colonoscopy] to just 'check it out' . Well lo and behold, they discovered 42 polyps inside my colon. Removed them all by laser and a tiny blade in the 'garden hose head' and all was fine after that. The next ones [procedures] where to insure that they never come back. So in goes the snake to find out with its 'camera eyes'. What scared me most is that if those things turn into a cancerous tumor, hey, you wont even feel it. Nothing, nada ! If you do feel some discomfort or pain or bleeding, then it is usually too late. 'Bingo time' ! That shocked me !! ..............Hence, my 'love affair with this damned intrusive procedure. Darn it. What can I do ?? I am just compelled to have it done.
All is well and nothing has surfaced since. ....................Go Sumi, Go !!

Holy sh*t, you got 42 polyps? good thing you decided to have a routing check back then. Hell I wouldn't thought of having that thing shove up my ass. hats off to you mate. And you're right, those things may well turned out to be cancerous and you never know about it.


Respected Member
Accidents and Emergency
Good morning everyone, Sunday morning here and it is my day off. Hope You're all having fun. [MENTION=56255]Subjeff[/MENTION]- pure awesomeness on your car being on a show [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION]-nice little project you got there. And a very nice ad from Aston. Damn. [MENTION=69777]bkg![/MENTION]- your posts make me starving mate. [MENTION=65915]KeyLog74[/MENTION]- that coffee along with b!'s hangover buddy seems to be a perfect match.


Respected Member
It has been a tiring day here for Sumi. Up and off to the hospital before 7:00 AM with a completely empty stomach and cleansed bowels for my 'every 2 year' colonoscopy exam. For those not in the know, well you can call it a 'garden hose procedure' done in a dungeon by Ivan the terrible. Nothing much to it as you are knocked out while the procedure is in progress. [Propofol]. It came out fine, nice and dandy. With nothing terrible to report. As the anaesthesologist was busy with a number of other patients, I was last to be knocked out. He was a hero when he showed up in my examination room at noon. Got down to work on his 'magic'. Woke up from the 'trance' at about 2:30 pm, held back in bed 'till I was deemed ok to go home [dazed] and all went well. Got home almost 8:00 pm .............. A big fresh In & Out burger awaited me on the table. ............ It is indeed a heavenly thing to eat with gusto once again ! ........ Sumi kicks butt folks !! .... That was my day. .................Yours could vary.

LOL Nice one Sumi. I love those hose raping procedures. LOl

I too get them once in a while. Not that I have any polyps to worry about.

I had one done for the first time because I was having some digestive problems. It turned out fine in the end, But the thing was, the pre-test procedures where you drink these solution a night before which just let lose everything you have in your gut all night long until you poof clean water.

After this I felt great. My poof was a big fat banana again for the first time in a long while.



Supporter and Senior Purveyor of YouTube News
San Marino, California
Yes indeed, and some guys don't know that you have to drink a whole gallon of this yukky solution in a matter of a few hours time, and hit the bathroom running. You have to be darn close to one, a few more feet and you wont get there in time. You can not hold it. It is a series of bombs. Then your doctor tells you to wear a diaper while you are on your way for the procedure. You feel hungry, you feel exhausted pooooing all day, and you indeed feel like a piece of shit while arriving there. Then they rape you with a 5 foot black garden hose that looks like a freaking snake !! What else is there ?? You loose your manliness right there while 3 or 4 lady nurses are helping out the doctor and the anesteologist. ............I think they enjoy this stuff. And this are the same lady nurses that wait on you to wake up and greet you. They are sadists I tell yah !! .............. Must be a secret [conspiracy] in the medical profession. ................. hmmmmm.


Afternoon fella's. Well I've just arrived at the theatre where our eldest is in a dance show. Will be good. What are y'all up to this Sunday?


Slow day in here today..... :tumbleweed:

Show was good thank Jean. Had a busy evening since, bbut now settling in with the lady. Have a great night all


Huckleberry Sales Mod
Good evening fellas! My brother-in-law was in town this weekend and we painted the town red. Just got back from the Texas State Fair. It was the last day, and man. The fair was insane! But we couldn't not show him the fair. My belly is going to burst. Fried deviled eggs, fried Oreos, a turkey leg, fried thanksgiving balls, loaded bbq baked potatoes! We split it all up between us 3 which worked out great. However, I'm in diabetic shock. Need to catch up with yall. What's going on in the world?!


Supporter and Senior Purveyor of YouTube News
San Marino, California
Oh shucks Doc, that list you had to eat makes me smile. Yum ! .......... It has been a very nice day here in LA today. The heat is down. It is getting into that 'feel fresh' time of the year. Enjoying our changing weather here. Very pleasant day. Very nice. Will sleep with the windows cracked open tonight and enjoy the breeze.