OK, time for me to chime in.
I don't post much when considering others with my length of membership; I mostly lurk and pipe up when the mood strikes.
While I lurk, I study. While I study, I find that the Staff on the site along with Watch Experts and Aficionados are a tremendous resource.
Without their valuable reviews, dissertations and time-honed opinions, many of us would be foundationless and thus scam fodder for the purveyors of poppycock and the price gouging.
Special shouts out to LOS for putting up with all of us; D4M for his cartel crusade (by which we all benefit DIRECTLY and MONETARILY btw); hooli for carrying the banner for PAMS and proving they're still cool - despite seanf; to seanf for the witticisms and the creepy Bond-centric obsession and flying the awesome Swayze mullet; guanaco for the scrumptious avvys (and good advice).
I know I am supposed to point out one person, so ....................
AHW for being smart, driven by an interest in us as a community, adding a bit of that special brand of levity to this place, and oh, did I mention the missing Y chromosome? AHW is a real live goil! She adds that woman's touch here, and yet has no trouble standing up to our slings and arrows. I'm expecting the Hello Kitty skin option for the board any day now.

Mark my words, Admin before '09 is out.
BTW, I am of the same opinion -
Para said:
D4me: thanks for the giveaway; the price is truly beautiful! However, should I win the giveaway, I want to publicly ask that you put the giveaway for sale and the money be kept as donation to RWI ...