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Cheating at QC pictures?


Active Member
I don't know how many of you actually seen how a dealer work? If you see what i seen, i really don't quite bother with QC pics. I remembered someone said or sticky somewhere what QC really meant for which imo is very good reminder to all.

My first rep with the dealer, i follow suit expecting a set of QC pics. After a few deals, i don't really bother. In fact, i told dealer don't bother. I guess its the trust i have in the dealer, and hay it's really a lot of trouble to get the watch back in the office and preparing the pics for email. I'm not taking sides, but if you are there seeing the runner perspiring all over and had to prepare the watches for photo shoot...and we to examine and rejecting for some dust particles on the dial or crystals. I really think again if i'm prepare to do this...

I didn't know Ryan was the dealer op had issues with. I had dealings with Ryan last year, i have to say this chap is a winner! He response quick, and i would never believed he cheated on QC pics..i suspected is the person preparing the pics. But what puzzled me is why did the op started a thread before even the dealer already contacted him and promise to make good for him?

Just be patient, he is a trusted dealer here and he will not turn away for a matter like this. And imho, this is really a very very small matter. We would have change it if you didn't like it...peace out

+1. Like!


Renowned Member
it's really a lot of trouble to get the watch back in the office and preparing the pics for email. I'm not taking sides, but if you are there seeing the runner perspiring all over and had to prepare the watches for photo shoot...and we to examine and rejecting for some dust particles on the dial or crystals. I really think again if i'm prepare to do this...

Oh... now I got it.
I hope that going to the WU office to pick our money for the watches is not a very big trouble for the dealers. Otherwise we all would have to move to Ghuanghzou and keep briging them our money in plastic bags just to make their life easier...
Gimme a break...


Renowned Member
So the moral that most of you seem to be saying is it doesn't matter if a TD or there staff are being deceptive. Keep it to yourself let them make it right AFTER you catch them doing it. Because making it right in the end is what makes them a trusted TD. And don't tell fellow forum members of it happening and how it happened. That way they know what and who to watch.

I call bullshit on this I say if you catch them out on something like this make it public. So we all know to watch for it. I never thought to look at time stamps on photos. But you can bet I will be looking now thanks to this great post. From another forum member looking out for my best interests.

It doesn't matter if Ryan knew or not it was happening. Now I along with everyone else on this forum are better educated to checking time stamps. And furthermore I would say every time someone catches this happening they should post it. No matter who the TD is. This is how we protect each other.

We are quick to trash anyone posting QC pics for stupid reasons protecting the TD. We are also quick to attack anyone that makes unwarranted PayPal claims, again protecting the TD. And both rightfully so, but what is wrong with posting something to protect us.

Sent from my iPad cause I'm to lazy to sit at a computer.


Senior Member
Ryan will do his best to "educate" his QC team...Thanks to members who posted this warning...


Renowned Member
I got a feeling that I said it like 100 times before in this thread.

i think maybe too much time spent in front of the PC makes some members blind haha


Renowned Member
@ bmw still clown jester of the forum and ...love 's talking b.s ... nice life try it out side the forum !


I'm Pretty Popular
Oh... now I got it.
I hope that going to the WU office to pick our money for the watches is not a very big trouble for the dealers. Otherwise we all would have to move to Ghuanghzou and keep briging them our money in plastic bags just to make their life easier...
Gimme a break...
hay s3g0y, you don't have to be sarcastic and pinpoint the words i said. So I shldn't said "its a lot of trouble" can i? But we asked for it since we wanna to make the monies, is this what you wanna hear? :facepalm:

We all have a heart, and i sympathize this dealers risking their staff usually related to them been caught to make this monies. Many times, things could have been settled discreetly. Unless the dealer ignore you or taking too long to reply you. But in this case , he didn't. I believed the sop here is if a buyer have a problem with the TD, contact a mod for help...:wyliehelp:

Ryan will do his best to "educate" his QC team...Thanks to members who posted this warning...
yeah i m sure he already did, and would do so again.

i think maybe too much time spent in front of the PC makes some members blind haha
yeah rite!


Mythical Poster
:mez:...ok, break time...everybody to the "Watches 'n Boobs" thread..


Put Some Respect On My Name
On my way to the boobs thread. Thanks.

Time will tell, I think it is smart that you said you are going to be careful who you sell to. I suggested that earlier in this thread. It will save you a lot of troubles in the end. Welcome and you made some good points there.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
So the moral that most of you seem to be saying is it doesn't matter if a TD or there staff are being deceptive. Keep it to yourself let them make it right AFTER you catch them doing it. Because making it right in the end is what makes them a trusted TD. And don't tell fellow forum members of it happening and how it happened. That way they know what and who to watch.

I call bullshit on this I say if you catch them out on something like this make it public. So we all know to watch for it. I never thought to look at time stamps on photos. But you can bet I will be looking now thanks to this great post. From another forum member looking out for my best interests.

It doesn't matter if Ryan knew or not it was happening. Now I along with everyone else on this forum are better educated to checking time stamps. And furthermore I would say every time someone catches this happening they should post it. No matter who the TD is. This is how we protect each other.

We are quick to trash anyone posting QC pics for stupid reasons protecting the TD. We are also quick to attack anyone that makes unwarranted PayPal claims, again protecting the TD. And both rightfully so, but what is wrong with posting something to protect us.

Well said...again....

Just as our input has helped to make the end rep product better, threads like this will tend to help make the service better. There should be no reason we as end users should have to accept blemished items and/or put up with any seller [un]knowingly or willingly being deceptive.

It is true that in the Asian culture, it is acceptable to foster these kind of practices, not stereotyping, it a known fact. Much of the world is that way, sad fact but also true...Still it doesn't mean that it is or should be acceptable.

Makers/Dealers wanting hard earned honest dollars, should at least provide honest good product and at least a modicum of good service before and after sales or they have no business calling themselves "trusted" in any form and we should all just go and take our chances on the myriad of other sites on the interwebs. After all this forum is here not only to benefit us by giving us a place to talk about these things and find the better dealers that won't take your money and run. It is their place to find honest buyers that will give them repeated business without the hassles of getting turned into PP and other authorities.

IMHO, things are getting a little out of hand with this game. Prices keep going up, not because of people outing deceptive practices or because of QC pics. Prices are going up because of the labor costs to make the "perfect" replica so many of you seem to so desperately want/need. Prices are going up because of the many deceptive sellers on Auction sites selling a shit-ton of replica watches on auction sites and getting paid a shit-ton of money for them due to too many people having more money than brains. Watch the auction site long enough and you will see that the vast majority of Rolex's sold there are reps at gen prices, right along with rep dials, bracelets and other parts at exorbitant prices. You know why? Because people are willing to pay and not question.

That's why i'm perfectly happy with my "economy" model reps and are happy that they are reasonable reps, that work, that tell time and are reasonably priced for what you get. After all i'm not trying to fool anyone into believing that I have a real deal watch on my wrist.... well maybe the truly stupid and gullible ones that have nice big gazongas.....

Soon enough someone in asia will make tooling to produce highly accurate watches with modified movements that will even take an experienced AD a hair pulling amount of work to distinguish from the real deal. That's where this is headed. The end result will be that the real deal will be pushed even farther out of reach for most of the population, if it survives at all.

Also true that we are all, from maker to end user engaging in an illegal trade and are all criminals before and/or after the fact. Put whatever spin on it that makes you feel better about yourself, but that's the truth. By our purchases we are all fostering and engaging in an illegal counterfeit culture. The fact that it is acceptable more so or less so in different parts of the world has no bearing on that fact. We all know the risks and roll the dice.


Sales Moderator / Section Moderator
Staff member
Moderator Sales
Section Moderator
So the moral that most of you seem to be saying is it doesn't matter if a TD or there staff are being deceptive. Keep it to yourself let them make it right AFTER you catch them doing it. Because making it right in the end is what makes them a trusted TD. And don't tell fellow forum members of it happening and how it happened. That way they know what and who to watch.

I call bullshit on this I say if you catch them out on something like this make it public. So we all know to watch for it. I never thought to look at time stamps on photos. But you can bet I will be looking now thanks to this great post. From another forum member looking out for my best interests.

It doesn't matter if Ryan knew or not it was happening. Now I along with everyone else on this forum are better educated to checking time stamps. And furthermore I would say every time someone catches this happening they should post it. No matter who the TD is. This is how we protect each other.

We are quick to trash anyone posting QC pics for stupid reasons protecting the TD. We are also quick to attack anyone that makes unwarranted PayPal claims, again protecting the TD. And both rightfully so, but what is wrong with posting something to protect us.

Sent from my iPad cause I'm to lazy to sit at a computer.

Thank you, with my poor english I couldn't have expressed better what I think after reading 30+ pages of this thread.

Members acting like idiots raising pp claims or doing anything disrespectful of the work of TDs are not to be tolerated. Same thing is for dealers or their staff trying to cheat members in any way.
This whole thread was about this practice, not about the small flaw on the watch which could have been acceptable, and has been accepted by the OP.
To me this is important info and I'm glad someone pointed it out.


Horology Curious
...From my perspective it looks like...:
"OK, one guy wants a 300 SLR rep. OK I got it. I only have to take this bloody qc pics. Ooops... the logo is crappy. Shit! Well... let's try to hide it with the minute hand. Maybe he is not that anal and will not moan... In worst case I will offer him a new dial... OK, what we got next?"...

From my Noob perspective I agree with Domi on this 100%. For TDs, there are shady business practices from TDs that we accept. For example, it's common practice to show watches on the website as in stock, when they are not in stock (and in some cases are no longer being made at all even). So our definition of "trusted" dealers includes some somewhat shady practices. These practices are widespread and well-known (and pretty harmless in my view).

So while some practices as common, the question is, what practices are unacceptable? Hiding flaws in QC pics is to me totally unacceptable (just as a customer demanding a 100% perfect match to gen in a replica is unreasonable). Clearly more than 1 dealer does this:

...PureTime sent me a picture of a watch at an angle yet the date was sunken AND centered in the window. When I asked for a straight shot, they changed the date to a single digit number so the bad alignment wouldn't be so obvious. I accepted anyways because it wasn't horrible.

Toro sent me a perfect looking qc picture, but the minute hand was positioned to hide an eyelash stuck to the dial.

So every time this QC hiding of flaws happens, it needs to be exposed IMO otherwise it will become "common practice" and sort of the new norm for rep dealers. I understand why dealers do it but we the customers have to set the standard of what is acceptable or not. On the other side of the coin, those customers who whine about a screw being set too deeply and asking the forum to scrutinize every detail of QC pics also need to be called out. We can't hold dealers to those crazy high standards. But we do need to tell them when they are going too far and it is unacceptable. Hiding flaws through tricks in QC pics is unacceptable. At least to me. Just my 2 cents...


I'm Pretty Popular
On my way to the boobs thread. Thanks.

Time will tell, I think it is smart that you said you are going to be careful who you sell to. I suggested that earlier in this thread. It will save you a lot of troubles in the end. Welcome and you made some good points there.
thank you egroegart, i treasured my clients as much as i treasured my friends. I'm glad i have earned the trust they have in me. Yeah some of them now are members here...welcome sgers!

I'm glad to be a SV here and making more friends. Due to chances of running into pp shut, shipment seizure, public postings, higher tendency of getting into shit. I have to be more cautious with whom im dealing with. Now even with QC photos with time stamping...:facepalm:

I always enjoyed catching up with sg folks over a cuppa of coffee talking about watches gen or reps. If my reply is slow, or we cannot take your order due to T&C we set pls forgive us. As i have very limited manpower to run things in gz, so for now we taking things one step at a time. My apology if i sounded snobbish, but friends whom know me would know i'm not.


Well said...again....

Just as our input has help to make the end rep product better, threads like this will tend to make the service better. There should be no reason we as end users should have to accept blemished items and/or put up with any seller [un]knowingly or willingly being deceptive.

It is true that in the Asian culture, it is acceptable to foster these kind of practices, not stereotyping, it a known fact. Much of the world is that way, sad fact but also true...Still it doesn't mean that it is or should be acceptable.

Makers/Dealers wanting hard earned honest dollars, should at least provide honest good product and at least a modicum of good service before and after sales or they have no business calling themselves "trusted" in any form and we should all just go and take our chances on the myriad of other sites on the interwebs. After all this forum is here not only to benefit us by giving us a place to talk about these things and find the better dealers that won't take your money and run. It is their place to find honest buyers that will give them repeated business without the hassles of getting turned into PP and other authorities.

IMHO, things are getting a little out of hand with this game. Prices keep going up, not because of people outing deceptive practices or because of QC pics. Prices are going up because of the labor costs to make the "perfect" replica so many of you seem to so desperately want/need. Prices are going up because of the many deceptive sellers on Auction sites selling a shit-ton of replica watches on auction sites and getting paid a shit-ton of money for them due to too many people having more money than brains. Watch the auction site long enough and you will see that the vast majority of Rolex's sold there are reps at gen prices, right along with rep dials, bracelets and other parts at exorbitant prices. You know why? Because people are willing to pay and not question.

That's why i'm perfectly happy with my "economy" model reps and are happy that they are reasonable reps, that work, that tell time and are reasonably priced for what you get. After all i'm not trying to fool anyone into believing that I have a real deal watch on my wrist.... well maybe the truly stupid and gullible ones that have nice big gazongas.....

Soon enough someone in asia will make tooling to produce highly accurate watches with modified movements that will even take an experienced AD a hair pulling amount of work to distinguish from the real deal. That's where this is headed. The end result will be that the real deal will be pushed even farther out of reach for most of the population, if it survives at all.

Also true that we are all, from maker to end user engaging in an illegal trade and are all criminals before and/or after the fact. Put whatever spin on it that makes you feel better about yourself, but that's the truth. By our purchases we are all fostering and engaging in an illegal counterfeit culture. The fact that it is acceptable more so or less so in different parts of the world has no bearing on that fact. We all know the risks and roll the dice.
yes , i agreed on somethings you pointed out. But the price part, i didn't realized that. I thought the prices are most or less the same since last year?

Hay s3g0y, i believed your initial thread was not out to ruin the involved dealer's reputation or even to disclose who the dealer was. But shockingly how this thread has evolved...

Sorry i didn't read page 2 of this thread but the first page jump to the last few pages.


Renowned Member
Oh holly crap... no! My another identity?
I have nothing in common with this guy. He's not my family!


Active Member
Thats good sh*t bro...I like a TD who is down to earth and can have convo on other things than "buy buy buy from me"

Thats why I like dealing with Ryan...

Keep up the good work boss


Active Member
Thats good sh*t bro...I like a TD who is down to earth and can have convo on other things than "buy buy buy from me"

Thats why I like dealing with Ryan...

Keep up the good work boss

@ TimeWillTell

Sultan Brunei

I'm Pretty Popular
I don't think just 'tell them' or 'show others' what they have done will change anything. As long as there are no law being made and law breakers put to some kind of punishment/probation.
When I build my factory, I bought heavy machinery from China. Three years later I realized that the Chinese will 'sell first' , 'think later' of EVERYTHING they are selling. Defective product you got? Then good luck trying to repair it by your own! BUT, "I got 1 year warranty from you, right?" "okay, will you wait and be patient? we will try to find our immediate technician to sent to you but on your own expense". Which never came. LOL. I spent half year just to fix all that is wrong and incomplete of my machinery.

Point is,
1. We cannot change their culture and way of thinking
2. Hope for the best of luck if you want to buy something from them
3. Do know that low price comes with low guarantee of consistency
4. If we want to change this, we maybe have to make the whole system changed, like for example TD status must come with a full warranty of replacement if certain conditions are met such as doa units, etc. And if this is not being taken care in timely manner, then status will be put on probation for, 2 weeks ?


I'm Pretty Popular
@ TimeWillTell
let me share some experience with you abt Ryan...

I brought my very first ap diver from him last year. Experience was extraordinary, sorry if i have used this word again too many times and many fellow members have already used! Just this gentleman has gone the extra mile for me as a first time buyer! He volunteered to email me more pics which i turn him down but he still email them to me...i remembered telling him, "hay bro, you just help me check the numbers" i believed those whom have the V3 diver would know how crappy were the lume applications on the numerals.

Ryan has no loupe at that time, but he is helping me checking and checking for my diver! Like i said in my earlier post, i believed is his men in gz to be held responsible for the photos...