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Cheating at QC pictures?


Hǝɐpᴉᴎƃ ꓭɐɔʞ ᗡoʍᴎ Ոᴎpǝᴙ
Staff member
Here, this should do for now.

And on the off chance that should run out......



Legendary Member

Oh sorry that's another thread.


Legendary Member
One more sip of scotch and a smoke and I'm off to bed, later everyone.:sub4me:

hashfag, the OP is insane.


Helluva twist this thread took. It's like a bad M. Night Shyamalan movie.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Renowned Member
Damn, this thread took a wicked twist!

I don't think Ryan's credibility as a person was ever questioned. Just his QC department started getting a little gray. I'm sure he'll get it all straightened out.

You're still my TD of choice Ry!


Mythical Poster
Hope to hear from Ryan the improvements/actions on his part taken to recover the confidence of his old/potential customers.

I have never done business with Ryan but after his response to this thread I would not hesitate one minute!!:thumbsup:


Renowned Member
Ryan, thank you. Apologies accepted. I don't need anything above this.

Now, regarding the second account, it't not my alter ego. Domi is my younger cousin and yes she used my computer creating and logging to her account. She's not an active forum member but when I told her the story she decided to write few words. And yes we agree with each other.

For me - it's the end of the story. Cheers all.


God damn it , I just can't believe this....
I respect you TB a lot. But I just can't believe that in this whole long thread the only thing that raised your attention is 1. that all this idea of qc pics sucks and 2. that one post was sent from the same IP by the other user...
Really? You strike your own forum's long time member and ignore the main issue of this thread? You want me to apologise Ryan? For what? For spending like 2 or 3 thousand dollars on his goods up to date? I just cant' believe it!

I just called Dominika and told her that she doesn't exist. She laughed.
She only bought one rep once. About half a year ago or so. She was looking for a birthday present for her father and she knew that I was the watch enthusiast. Finally she bought PAM 111n. As the matter of fact I bought it for her. From Ryan naturally.

I adviced her to create an account here and helped her. It was some time ago and it was not for this discussion purpose. I thought that maybe she will become a rep wis as I am. It didn't happen.
Yesterday she was visiting me after some time and asked me how is my rep world going. I told her that it's full of bullshit. I told her a story and showed this thread. Then she asked if she can write something.

What now? Shall I demand apologies?

I think that everything was already said in this thread. Thanks to all you lovers and haters here. I hope you had a good time reading.



Renowned Member
Ryan, thank you. Apologies accepted. I don't need anything above this.

Now, regarding the second account, it't not my alter ego. Domi is my younger cousin and yes she used my computer creating and logging to her account. She's not an active forum member but when I told her the story she decided to write few words. And yes we agree with each other.

For me - it's the end of the story. Cheers all.

I still see nothing wrong with asking these questions. We as a group trust these dealers because of our collective feedback. Asking these questions and giving this feedback protects us the consumer, and keeps the dealers on there toes.This is the very reason we are all here as a collective. United we stand divided we fall.

Sent from my iPad cause I'm to lazy to sit at a computer.


Active Member
Looks like cheating to me. But its a rep and I guess we gotta live with it.


Sales Moderator / Section Moderator
Staff member
Moderator Sales
Section Moderator
I still see nothing wrong with asking these questions. We as a group trust these dealers because of our collective feedback. Asking these questions and giving this feedback protects us the consumer, and keeps the dealers on there toes.This is the very reason we are all here as a collective. United we stand divided we fall.

Sent from my iPad cause I'm to lazy to sit at a computer.

I fully agree. It's a shame the thread turned out that bad.


Legendary Member
Ryan, thank you. Apologies accepted. I don't need anything above this.

Now, regarding the second account, it't not my alter ego. Domi is my younger cousin and yes she used my computer creating and logging to her account. She's not an active forum member but when I told her the story she decided to write few words. And yes we agree with each other.

For me - it's the end of the story. Cheers all.


God damn it , I just can't believe this....
I respect you TB a lot. But I just can't believe that in this whole long thread the only thing that raised your attention is 1. that all this idea of qc pics sucks and 2. that one post was sent from the same IP by the other user...
Really? You strike your own forum's long time member and ignore the main issue of this thread? You want me to apologise Ryan? For what? For spending like 2 or 3 thousand dollars on his goods up to date? I just cant' believe it!

I just called Dominika and told her that she doesn't exist. She laughed.
She only bought one rep once. About half a year ago or so. She was looking for a birthday present for her father and she knew that I was the watch enthusiast. Finally she bought PAM 111n. As the matter of fact I bought it for her. From Ryan naturally.

I adviced her to create an account here and helped her. It was some time ago and it was not for this discussion purpose. I thought that maybe she will become a rep wis as I am. It didn't happen.
Yesterday she was visiting me after some time and asked me how is my rep world going. I told her that it's full of bullshit. I told her a story and showed this thread. Then she asked if she can write something.

What now? Shall I demand apologies?

I think that everything was already said in this thread. Thanks to all you lovers and haters here. I hope you had a good time reading.


Take a F'ing chill pill man, WTF?? Alot of guys expressed thier feelings on this matter, some agree, some don't, but I think we all got the idea.

About your sock id, LMAO, I know my cousins sisters brothers friend always stops by to use my computer to post, you know since they don't have thier own computer. Give it up man, even if your story is true it sounds like BS to everyone.

I still see nothing wrong with asking these questions. We as a group trust these dealers because of our collective feedback. Asking these questions and giving this feedback protects us the consumer, and keeps the dealers on there toes.This is the very reason we are all here as a collective. United we stand divided we fall.

Sent from my iPad cause I'm to lazy to sit at a computer.

This is the exact reason we exist. I can't tell you how many members are afraid to speak up about problems, they are afraid to say anything bad about a dealer so instead just bend over and take it, which helps no one here.


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
My brother's, cousin's father's son's pet gold fish used my laptop to register on beatmeoff.com

So I can understand ...... :sub4me:


Put Some Respect On My Name
I think The TD's should have Their own rating system for us. "TB's" or Trusted Buyers. Trusted Buyers would be those that have had good transactions with the TD's, and legitimate claims if any with watches that they receive. As it states here on the website for everyone to read BEFORE they purchase a rep, to expect flaws. So nitpickers, complainers, people who are not happy with anything but perfection will be weeded out and the TD's could decide whether they sell to them or not. It would be a system of checks and balances like we have for the TD's. I don't know how it would exactly work, but it would definitely save a lot of problems, and prices wouldn't go up because of so many returns, parts, and new watches being issued because of a flaw on a replica watch that can only be seen with a loupe or from a couple inches away.

I don't think there should be q.c. pics. for these watches.

Another option would be, if someone is "picky" and wants that perfect replica watch then the price should be increased because the TD will now have to inspect the watch with a fine tooth comb to make sure that it meets the standards of that customer. With a higher price it would allow for paid time for the TD to inspect the watch that they receive from the factory and also factor in if the watch they get has a flaw and has to be returned to get another one.

For example if someone wants a watch and it costs 250 bucks. So that's what you pay knowing that it is not going to be perfect, but a damn good watch that functions well and looks good, but like all of them has a minor something wrong.

But someone else wants the same watch but is looking for that perfect one and tells the TD that. The price then is automatically 300 or more say. This allows for the time for the TD to inspect it, and or return it for another if it does not meet the standards and then provide the higher level of quality that person is looking for.

I would have no problem with it if it was set up in that manner. But the way it stands now everyone should know and expect for the price that you are paying it is not going to be perfect. That's probably stated a thousand times or more on this website. Maybe I'm crazy but that's how I see it.


Mythical Poster
This thread had a lot of twists and turns....bickering between tenured, respected members, valid accusations, deception, an apology, drama....wow, I need a DRINK! :cheers:


Put Some Respect On My Name
i would like to be a fish! and jump and get inside that girl's asshole
nice avatar mydny,,,,,


Renowned Member
Take a F'ing chill pill man, WTF?? Alot of guys expressed thier feelings on this matter, some agree, some don't, but I think we all got the idea.

About your sock id, LMAO, I know my cousins sisters brothers friend always stops by to use my computer to post, you know since they don't have thier own computer. Give it up man, even if your story is true it sounds like BS to everyone.

Sub, it's not easy to stay calm when you wake up and read such things about yourself. You called me a dope. TB claims that I'm not honest. That's sad.

I don't know for what reason your family stops by at your place. Honestly I'm not overly concerned what my story sounds like to you or anyone else. TB wanted me to explain so I wrote how it was. I'm not going to prove that I'm not schizophrenic.

This all thread reminds me a story of one Norwegian woman raped in Dubai. When she went to the police station to report that she was raped they arrested her and accused of having extramarital sex, drinking alcohol, and perjury. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23381448

TB if you still think that I'm a cheater and have done harm to this forum community please remove my account.