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Brushed as per gen - what the hell does this mean?


Banned member, the goat does not approve
So as you guys can see here there are many thinkings and Speculation about the Reshape of Rolex Watches :)
Here are some Statements that are right and some that are totally wrong ;)

So let us start from the Factory Rolex Brushing.
Let me say it in one short Word ;) It´s not possible to Reproduce the 100% GEN Rolex Factory Brushing!
When someone say that Rolex use cheap Material for there Shaping etc, you can be sure it´s not True.
Rolex use in there Production very Precise Robots that push the Case everytime with the same Preasure to the absolut Perfect Abresives.
These Technique that the Robots are Programmed for you can´t Reproduce by Hand!!!

The Closest Hand Reshape you can do is, that you use an Professional Lapping Machine where you also have good Abresives and also very Important on that Machines are the Pinoles.
That are Special Holders for Special Cases etc with that you can bring the Case with the right Preasure to the Machine.
I have offer these Service awhile ago, but i did that with an good Friend and we didn´t came over anymore. Because he think it´s not needed to do some Works in Time.
This is why i have cancle these Reshape.
I have an good Friend that can do that Reshapes and he is really really Professional but i can´t and won´t give him Rep Stuff. Because he Work at GEN Stuff.
So if you find an Watchsmith that will Accept the work with Lapping Machine at Rep Cases, then i would say give it a try! Because these Lines will be 100% even etc.

The other Methode is doing Reshape by Hand with Microdremel and or Hand, there it is also Possible to get an good Shape but you wouldn´t get it same as Rolex it do ;)
Because Rolex use Lapping Machines.
They do also some reshapes by Hand. And there we can claim in ;) if you have the Right Abresives for Reshape by Hand you can get really good Results.
There are many Abresives that you can use, every Watchsmith use there own Hocus Pocus :)
And an Magican didn´t show his Tricks ;) hehe

And as last let me say some Words to the Rep Factory Shapes! These Shapes are absolut nice and Perfect when you get the Watch new from the TDs
So i tell it all my Customers, it doesn´t makes sense to Reshape an Brand New Rep Watch directley because you´ll ruin these nice Shapes.
So in my Eyes it´s not needed to Reshape Factory Rep Watches directley... You can do that when you have wear the Watch an while ;)

At the TC Watches the Sahpings self wasn´t that Bad but it wasn´t strong enough and this is why the Watches didn´t look like as the GEN Watches ;)
But TC did an really good job on that Watches... Specialy at the v7 the Chamfer Lugs was really nice ;)

Here you can see an Professional Reshape that was made by Lapping Machine ;)


Johnny Depp

@zocker4711 You are definitely right. Rolex uses very professional machines. You are right about the finishes of the factories. But brushing is not the same as genuine. The brushing I say I brushing as gen I intend to give color as "white" I work on genuine, I also have genuine watches. Sometimes to my clients I do it for free. So there is no speculation. Greetings


Section Moderator
Section Moderator
Is this stock JF or your brushing in the picture?
It's JF brushing ... you're definitely right [emoji16]
As JohnnyDepp said ... his lines are more straight.
So @JackJ1980 you really like JF and don't need to get your watches rebrushed [emoji39]

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Mythical Poster
It's JF brushing ... definitely [emoji16]
As JohnnyDepp said ... his lines are more straight.
So @JackJ1980 you really like JF and don't need to get your watches rebrushed [emoji39]

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and this would be congruent with zocker said, no need to refinish watches straight from the rep factory :)


Section Moderator
Section Moderator
So as you guys can see here there are many thinkings and Speculation about the Reshape of Rolex Watches :)
Here are some Statements that are right and some that are totally wrong ;)

So let us start from the Factory Rolex Brushing.
Let me say it in one short Word ;) It´s not possible to Reproduce the 100% GEN Rolex Factory Brushing!
When someone say that Rolex use cheap Material for there Shaping etc, you can be sure it´s not True.
Rolex use in there Production very Precise Robots that push the Case everytime with the same Preasure to the absolut Perfect Abresives.
These Technique that the Robots are Programmed for you can´t Reproduce by Hand!!!

The Closest Hand Reshape you can do is, that you use an Professional Lapping Machine where you also have good Abresives and also very Important on that Machines are the Pinoles.
That are Special Holders for Special Cases etc with that you can bring the Case with the right Preasure to the Machine.
I have offer these Service awhile ago, but i did that with an good Friend and we didn´t came over anymore. Because he think it´s not needed to do some Works in Time.
This is why i have cancle these Reshape.
I have an good Friend that can do that Reshapes and he is really really Professional but i can´t and won´t give him Rep Stuff. Because he Work at GEN Stuff.
So if you find an Watchsmith that will Accept the work with Lapping Machine at Rep Cases, then i would say give it a try! Because these Lines will be 100% even etc.

The other Methode is doing Reshape by Hand with Microdremel and or Hand, there it is also Possible to get an good Shape but you wouldn´t get it same as Rolex it do ;)
Because Rolex use Lapping Machines.
They do also some reshapes by Hand. And there we can claim in ;) if you have the Right Abresives for Reshape by Hand you can get really good Results.
There are many Abresives that you can use, every Watchsmith use there own Hocus Pocus :)
And an Magican didn´t show his Tricks ;) hehe

And as last let me say some Words to the Rep Factory Shapes! These Shapes are absolut nice and Perfect when you get the Watch new from the TDs
So i tell it all my Customers, it doesn´t makes sense to Reshape an Brand New Rep Watch directley because you´ll ruin these nice Shapes.
So in my Eyes it´s not needed to Reshape Factory Rep Watches directley... You can do that when you have wear the Watch an while ;)

At the TC Watches the Sahpings self wasn´t that Bad but it wasn´t strong enough and this is why the Watches didn´t look like as the GEN Watches ;)
But TC did an really good job on that Watches... Specialy at the v7 the Chamfer Lugs was really nice ;)

Here you can see an Professional Reshape that was made by Lapping Machine ;)

wir diskutieren über Polieren und Bürsten, nicht umgestalten

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Johnny Depp

That I know ...
What I would like to know is ... cosa ne pensi di questo metodo

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Su alcune cose non sono d'accordo
Il ripristino del fondello va bene
Per la claps eviterei
Per il bracciale usa una carta abrasiva per rifinire le parti dove la spazzola non può arrivare.


Section Moderator
Section Moderator
Su alcune cose non sono d'accordo
Il ripristino del fondello va bene
Per la claps eviterei
Per il bracciale usa una carta abrasiva per rifinire le parti dove la spazzola non può arrivare.

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