The 2 i purchased early 2013 were way off and opted to change out the dial and hands to TC. The 2 I got at the end of last year I left stock. They were that good IMHO.subjeff , when you say the hands are better , are they still the wrong colour ?
I have an early version of the BP SD, with the green(ish) hands. As you guys were discussing the bracelets, mine is complete crap. Especially the clasp, which pops open by itself. Was really keen on ordering a TC bracelet but reading that they have improved the bracelet on the last BP watches? Which way to go then...
The 2 i purchased early 2013 were way off and opted to change out the dial and hands to TC. The 2 I got at the end of last year I left stock. They were that good IMHO.
I could have just been lucky and got 2 great watches... BP is not known for their strict quality controls. That being said, I do think they improved and it was not luck.
Well PC just put up pics of the new ceramic SD....It's not looking to hot!...I would wait.(For V2) for awhile until they do some more work on improving some things!I want another one, but now the 2014 ceramic SD is out and not sure what would be best.. I think the BP SD is better.. Right? Especially with the new enhancements.
For the BP bracelet, the feel is quite substantial and solid. The SEL is perfect. I know this totally contradict with some of the members' comment here. I had a TC v6 before and BP bracelet still wins in terms of feel. Am I the only one here?
Yes i posted two pics of gens that i stated...The rest of the pics are my watch..Lol!???I think you mistakenly posted 2 pics of gen there Rudy?