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Attention all Swiss ETA buyers.... Please Read!


Renowned Member
Don't believe any of it.
Look at the trusted dealers here.
Their prices are much better and the watches are good.


Known Member
vegetaleb said:
I have found a guy selling replicas door to door,he said the Big Pilot he's selling for 400$ is ''swiss'',he accepted to drop the price to 300$,now that I have read this topic I am not convinced to put the extra 200$ over an ''ordinary'' replica.
Other thing: he told me it has a saphyre crystal
WOW talk about risky!!!
How do people get away with selling replicas? I figured companies would try to catch people and sue them or something.


Known Member
I see this thread is about 10 months old. Anyone checked out any of their recent REP buy's from trusted dealer's that claim "Genuine ETA SWISS MOVEMENT"?

I would be curious to see what this spot checks turns up. From all the reading most of you who have been on this forum for a while do not buy any watch that say's ETA.

What do you do if the watch you like only comes with that movement? Trust the dealer to do the right thing and give you an ETA? Espcially since most do not QC watches as they are drop shippers.

From the trusted dealer list is there anyone on there actually selling genuine ETA movement as claimed. There is one trusted dealer that if youo choose Asian copy of ETA there is no price difference in the shopping cart. That concerns me as the price should be less for ETA clone, correct?


Legendary Member
i will not pay more for a "swiss eta". as far as i know reps have used eta's assembled in china for a long time. eta has a assymbly plant in china so it is possable it is a genuine eta movement. it would have to be a watch made before eta opened assembly plants in china for it to be a swiss assembled movement.

my sources tell me that anything being marketed as a "genuine swiss eta" now is either used and or returned asian made eta that has been returned under warranty because of a problem from the gen watch it was originally sold in. i trust my source in china and i haven't seen anybody that can prove otherwise yet. i welcome anybody that is willing to show proof they are selling brand new eta movements that fall under the swiss made guidelines. until then this is no more than little white lies marketing as far as i am concerned.

my new sea dweller that's coming has a asian clone eta and that is all i paid for. :wink:


Active Member
Can we get an official sticky thread of verifying your Swiss movement? Or is there already one?

One of the most popular is the Omega Planet Earth with the "Swiss" ETA 2836 or 2824-2 listed on many sites.

So how do we know what to look for? I've read the dummy guides and movement references, but would be helpful to have that bookmarked.

I am willing to crack the case on a UPO and take photos with my D90 and we can all look together...haha..



Active Member
hk45ca said:
i will not pay more for a "swiss eta". as far as i know reps have used eta's assembled in china for a long time. eta has a assymbly plant in china so it is possable it is a genuine eta movement. it would have to be a watch made before eta opened assembly plants in china for it to be a swiss assembled movement.

my sources tell me that anything being marketed as a "genuine swiss eta" now is either used and or returned asian made eta that has been returned under warranty because of a problem from the gen watch it was originally sold in. i trust my source in china and i haven't seen anybody that can prove otherwise yet. i welcome anybody that is willing to show proof they are selling brand new eta movements that fall under the swiss made guidelines. until then this is no more than little white lies marketing as far as i am concerned.

my new sea dweller that's coming has a asian clone eta and that is all i paid for. :wink:
thats all ill pay for i have UPO DSSD steel fish all with asian eta they all run and keep time just as well as my 3 gens why pay more


Active Member
markharris said:
hk45ca said:
i will not pay more for a "swiss eta". as far as i know reps have used eta's assembled in china for a long time. eta has a assymbly plant in china so it is possable it is a genuine eta movement. it would have to be a watch made before eta opened assembly plants in china for it to be a swiss assembled movement.

my sources tell me that anything being marketed as a "genuine swiss eta" now is either used and or returned asian made eta that has been returned under warranty because of a problem from the gen watch it was originally sold in. i trust my source in china and i haven't seen anybody that can prove otherwise yet. i welcome anybody that is willing to show proof they are selling brand new eta movements that fall under the swiss made guidelines. until then this is no more than little white lies marketing as far as i am concerned.

my new sea dweller that's coming has a asian clone eta and that is all i paid for. :wink:
thats all ill pay for i have UPO DSSD steel fish all with asian eta they all run and keep time just as well as my 3 gens why pay more

I agree to a point with this assertion. As long as it works and runs well, so what. On the other hand, the VPH is higher than the Gen. I say if it ever breaks or becomes costly to repair, source a 21J and stuff it in the UPO. Or a cheap 4813. Of course, if it really is swiss, the hands probably won't fit on it etc...which I guess is another way to tell.


Legendary Member
the eta clone vph is 28,800 just like the gen.


Known Member
Wow 11 pages of great, informative, reading. Very good thread and is much appreciated by this noob.

jose pimentel

Do not accept unsolicited offers
Hello..I`m a new member.
Can you guide me to reputable side to get a Bell and Ross replica.

LegendOfSpeed said:
Everyone -
This is an issue that has been slowly creeping up and it is become such an epidemic that we, the staff of RWI, are compelled to inform our members as to information we have been receiving...

Long story short, we are being lead to believe by what we would consider some of our more honest dealers that there are very few genuine ETA movements shipping in watches these days from practically every dealer... and the genuine ETA's that may be found are repaired or reconditioned ETA's from customer returns, QC rejects, etc...

This is not meant to be a blanket statement but please let it serve as an advisory notice... as for myself, I will be purchasing only ETA clones as I truly believe that it is an impracticality to get a genuine Swiss ETA movement... therefore, since I highly doubt I will get Swiss, I will not pay Swiss pricing... the staff feels the same way...

We will work to combat the issue the best we can... but seeing how it is something we can not prove 100% at this time, we can only provide an advisory and seek to call out clones where we can.... a lot of good information is coming from certain dealers (and these dealers will not be named to protect them) who wish to be honest but want a level playing field as well...

Should anyone have questions, please feel free to ask in this thread...

As stated before though, no staff member is to divulge the names of any dealer's who have stepped forward... we rely on the information of certain dealers to be able to see what is going on in GZ and to compromise the trust would destroy that..


Known Member
My watch ($300) was listed as Swiss ETA and 5 weeks from purchase it's failed twice.
This will be the second trip to the repair guy.
I knew it would be Asian but this is the worst as it will just stop until I shake my wrist and runs too fast for awhile and then too slow.

I have a gen so I know about automatic watches and wrist movement.

Are these movements so cheap that they fail like this ?

Too bad because the rep is great except for the movement.

Should I get the A21J for reliability?



Respected Member
Funny but this good thread about movements and else taught me something I somewhat already knew if you know what I mean.
It was something I had sensed already without explaining it to myself openly, cos I basically had n have no proof.
Very interesting, thanks.

P.S. Incidentally, I dont feel like its anybody's task to explain or summarize the purpose of this forum except for the guys running it. They are the only ones entitled to decide the path or better else, divert anything going out of bounds. We can take part bringing in our knowledge, opinions, experience and help each others as for our common disease.
Some will just take advantage or even try n exploit it, but that differs from guy to guy, right?
My grandpa used to say "make friends, not enemies" and that's my line, artful people end up not being trusted and even sly guys will one day get what they deserve eventually.
Think about scamlist, you screw 100 bucks or lil more and end up in a scammer list, losing 3/4 of your business, close site, get framed, maybe one day the guy you punked will help get you hooked up lulz
So, heck, it's ok the way it is by golly.

We are all compulsive addicts, thus fellas too, one day some kind of therapy will prove I am right lawl.



Banned member, the goat does not approve
i am now convinced that the Swiss ETA is really a 28k beat Asian. I got a Breitling Steelfish Swiss ETA (most expensive version) and it stops every few hours. I think I will either go the Quartz route or the 21j and save myself some $.
Too bad I got ripped off.



Respected Member
With everything going on about asian (or "swiss"...) ETA 7750 I'd stay clear of that mov for a while, unless something completely new happens.
I could call it a swish ETA7750 :D


Active Member
I've purchased over the past three years about 20 reps from several dealers. The only problem I've had was with the Rolex Daytona. The model with "secs @ 6". As pointed out on this forum, this particular model has the modified 7750 with the extra gears and is well known for reliability problems.

All the other reps continue to work just fine, with whatever the movement!


Known Member
wow im pretty freaked out now..i might have to make a trip to the jeweler to take a look at my movements...how tricky...mine r all rolex reps too so you would never know unless you go have the back taken off to look at the movement...r we going to have to start doing this after every purchase???


Known Member
wow im pretty freaked out now..i might have to make a trip to the jeweler to take a look at my movements...how tricky...mine r all rolex reps too so you would never know unless you go have the back taken off to look at the movement...r we going to have to start doing this after every purchase???