As someone who has long and repeatedly looked for 5-digit subs for month while there just weren't any (before the RAF relaese), I kept always stumbling across the old ARF ones listed at
chazingtime. They never kicked them from the site. LN also both with the long nose "2". Funny part: Green also with the different shades between rehaut/no rehaut. But vice versa!

(Just comparing InTime vs. ChazingTime ARFs)
But then again, after reading and comparing a lot now: Between jtime, InTime and ChazingTime are discrepancies regarding the small screw on that one movement part. And then again again the greens on the LVs, Flat Four here, non Flat Four there... it's all a mess!
When the "RAF" ones dropped, nearly everybody thought, that it's ARF. Just a spelling error. I for one think more then ever now, it's all the same in the end! ARF might not the same "ARF" like some time ago. But the people who buying parts from suppliers, cobble them together and putting "RAF/ARF" stickers on them are more or less the same. Those difference here and there are just "come on, let's make another round 16610s" batches for me!
My head smokes...