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RWI's Great White Hope
...you are being followed and harassed by a older male in a car, he proceeds to question your actions and provokes a fist fight...what do you do?


Get real bro.
Walk away.


Known Member
WOW, Mr Marine this is not an "expert opinion" just an opinion, and one full of racial stereotypes.

Not once did I mention black, white or hispanic. I see all races in my little slice of heaven, but only a certain "flavor" sags, drags and makes children and problems for other people to deal with. And gee, imagine that, they are usually the saggin, loud rap noise, no consideration for others type indivudual.
PS: In the USMC teams, the worst name you can call someone is "Individual." That is lower that "Cracker", the "N" word, "Spic" or other slang terms for racial bias.

I served for 20 + years and loved every minute of it. But since I am now in a civilan setting, I wonder what we even put our lives on the line for? I really wish sometime (without the loss of the lives of our brave defense dept and local law enforcment officers) that we would be occupied by a foreign power for a while. All these rights that are abused by the criminals would be gone, as the public welfare system that is overwhelmed and definitely abused (I couldnt find another word to equate to how badly our welfare system is manipulated) woudl be gone.
So all the people out that that have made kids they coulud not feed to begin with would be dealt with. All the "indivdual rights" that are abused would be dealt with. All the offensive music (as well as the good stuff) will be controlled.
Police brutality (which the outlaws love to yell) will really begin. This will involve indivuduals that dont get the message that they need to manage their behavior and stop being a general nusance, just dissappearing. So a plus for your thoughts, there wont be a need for neighborhood watch. There will be martial law implemented, with NO ONE out on the street. And the first child that "tests" this law will be brought out, in public, and after his family is massacred in front of him, will be killed as well. This is what the bad guys call a "Public Service Announcement."

So by all means, believe what you want, while I believe what I do. The beauty of this nation that we all thirve in is the fact that we are free to express ourselves, and beleive what we want.

But where the miscommunication and misunderstanding of what free means is twofold: Free does not mean "without cost". Someone has to pay the 20 year old mother of 5 (who dropped out of a free school, with a free bus ride to and from, with a free lunch) got knocked up repeatedly by a man who did not have a job, and has no intent of working. Secondly, Free does not mean you can do as you wish, to who you wish, because a lawyer will certainly get you out of it. The working public, the moral public, has had enough. That is why "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle" laws are being passed. The public is tired of being victimized by a breed of indivudual that has no worries, because someone else is going to pay for what I am doing.

Guys are getting killed and maimed everyday so Americans can have the right to bitch and moan about how "minorities" are getting screwed over every day. Yet I can bet that every day in this nation, a teen is killed by an adult due to incidents similar to this case, but since the victim and the actor are both the same race, the case does not get the media attention. I would go so far as to say in some situations and ethnicities, it is expected. That is what is really sad about this country, which is going to the dogs quickly. We have too many lazy, entitled, "do what I want", indivuduals, and not enought "Can do, nose to the grindstone" types, who get the job done, no matter what the cost. When the former sees the latter succeeding, the first thing they do is yell "Racisim".

I guess there arent many mirrors in the home, because the "indivudual" does not see how foolish they really look to a functioning, hard working society.
Dont get me wrong, when I was a kid, I had the mullet hair cut, wore the multi colored Chucky Taylor (skate punk look). But I accepted the fact that a lot of entry level jobs would not accept me as an employee becuase I looked like a clown. But imagine that, as soon as I cleand myself up, I was able to work washing dishes and sweeping floors. And I was not TOO GOOD to do anything. IT WAS MY JOB.

We would not have an immigration issue if our govt would get off its azz and enforce not only the borders, but the unemployment and welfare systems. Get all the drop outs in the fields picking the tomatoes and lettuce (because they dropped out of school and are qualified to do little else), and quit sending them a check for doing nothing but making more trouble. But that is not convenient or plausable in our society, because that would require EFFORT.

Enought, I am getting agitated trying to explain a belief to someone I dont know anything about. There is a method to my madness: Experience doing a job that a lot of folks are not too keen to try. And experience in different parts of the world that do not have the luxuries that American Citizens have.

I am now going back to my frustrating job of trying to get young people back on the right track, and prevent them from following down the same path that TM did.

Joseph A Banks is having a 3 for 1 sale this week :thumbsup:

Just my luck. Prolly missed the sale. PM me next time you know this is happening. Love my Jos A Bank goodies ('specially the "Signature Ties").

Please forgive for any spelling errors.


Brig Warden
Just my luck. Prolly missed the sale. PM me next time you know this is happening. Love my Jos A Bank goodies ('specially the "Signature Ties").

Please forgive for any spelling errors.

Just messin' with ya...:cheers: (You too Cybee!)


I'm Pretty Popular
Not once did I mention black, white or hispanic. I see all races in my little slice of heaven, but only a certain "flavor" sags, drags and makes children and problems for other people to deal with. And gee, imagine that, they are usually the saggin, loud rap noise, no consideration for others type indivudual.
PS: In the USMC teams, the worst name you can call someone is "Individual." That is lower that "Cracker", the "N" word, "Spic" or other slang terms for racial bias.

I served for 20 + years and loved every minute of it. But since I am now in a civilan setting, I wonder what we even put our lives on the line for? I really wish sometime (without the loss of the lives of our brave defense dept and local law enforcment officers) that we would be occupied by a foreign power for a while. All these rights that are abused by the criminals would be gone, as the public welfare system that is overwhelmed and definitely abused (I couldnt find another word to equate to how badly our welfare system is manipulated) woudl be gone.
So all the people out that that have made kids they coulud not feed to begin with would be dealt with. All the "indivdual rights" that are abused would be dealt with. All the offensive music (as well as the good stuff) will be controlled.
Police brutality (which the outlaws love to yell) will really begin. This will involve indivuduals that dont get the message that they need to manage their behavior and stop being a general nusance, just dissappearing. So a plus for your thoughts, there wont be a need for neighborhood watch. There will be martial law implemented, with NO ONE out on the street. And the first child that "tests" this law will be brought out, in public, and after his family is massacred in front of him, will be killed as well. This is what the bad guys call a "Public Service Announcement."

So by all means, believe what you want, while I believe what I do. The beauty of this nation that we all thirve in is the fact that we are free to express ourselves, and beleive what we want.

But where the miscommunication and misunderstanding of what free means is twofold: Free does not mean "without cost". Someone has to pay the 20 year old mother of 5 (who dropped out of a free school, with a free bus ride to and from, with a free lunch) got knocked up repeatedly by a man who did not have a job, and has no intent of working. Secondly, Free does not mean you can do as you wish, to who you wish, because a lawyer will certainly get you out of it. The working public, the moral public, has had enough. That is why "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle" laws are being passed. The public is tired of being victimized by a breed of indivudual that has no worries, because someone else is going to pay for what I am doing.

Guys are getting killed and maimed everyday so Americans can have the right to bitch and moan about how "minorities" are getting screwed over every day. Yet I can bet that every day in this nation, a teen is killed by an adult due to incidents similar to this case, but since the victim and the actor are both the same race, the case does not get the media attention. I would go so far as to say in some situations and ethnicities, it is expected. That is what is really sad about this country, which is going to the dogs quickly. We have too many lazy, entitled, "do what I want", indivuduals, and not enought "Can do, nose to the grindstone" types, who get the job done, no matter what the cost. When the former sees the latter succeeding, the first thing they do is yell "Racisim".

I guess there arent many mirrors in the home, because the "indivudual" does not see how foolish they really look to a functioning, hard working society.
Dont get me wrong, when I was a kid, I had the mullet hair cut, wore the multi colored Chucky Taylor (skate punk look). But I accepted the fact that a lot of entry level jobs would not accept me as an employee becuase I looked like a clown. But imagine that, as soon as I cleand myself up, I was able to work washing dishes and sweeping floors. And I was not TOO GOOD to do anything. IT WAS MY JOB.

We would not have an immigration issue if our govt would get off its azz and enforce not only the borders, but the unemployment and welfare systems. Get all the drop outs in the fields picking the tomatoes and lettuce (because they dropped out of school and are qualified to do little else), and quit sending them a check for doing nothing but making more trouble. But that is not convenient or plausable in our society, because that would require EFFORT.

Enought, I am getting agitated trying to explain a belief to someone I dont know anything about. There is a method to my madness: Experience doing a job that a lot of folks are not too keen to try. And experience in different parts of the world that do not have the luxuries that American Citizens have.

I am now going back to my frustrating job of trying to get young people back on the right track, and prevent them from following down the same path that TM did.

Just my luck. Prolly missed the sale. PM me next time you know this is happening. Love my Jos A Bank goodies ('specially the "Signature Ties").

Please forgive for any spelling errors.

Well there u go telling the truth again. I wish i could agree with you but like i said before thats hurting some people so i guess thats racist.


Mythical Poster
Thinking about this is quite puzzling.

If we take a totally different look, I wonder if people would see a totally different outcome. Let's strip out race, age, dress, etc.

Picture this scenario:

A guy who lives in the complex decides he's thirsty and up to the 7-11 for an Arizona Iced Tea and is walking back to his house in the dark.

At the same time another guy starts following him in a truck and then gets out and starts following him (in the dark).

There's a confrontation between the two and a fight breaks out and both people are injured. The police are called and both people insist that it was self defense.

Who would the logical man be more apt to believe?


Respected Member
The guy shot the kid. He got arrested. Went to trail. He won. The end get over it. Now the civil lawsuit starts and all the clowns will be there. I feel bad for the kids parents.

If he had been arrested at the time of the incident then found innocent this would not have been the media event that it was.


Respected Member
A final note.

These are the facts:

1. A young man was killed in an altercation with an armed man.

2. The armed man was arrested and charged with second degree murder.

3. After a trial and the presentation of available evidence the armed man was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

That's all....have fun.

He would not have been arrested if it was not for the uproar. Justice according to Florida law may have been served, but everyone involved deserved this to be adjudicated in court and not by the cops on the scene.
Ask yourself, if the white guy was dead and a black teenager had claimed self defense, would they have walked away?


Respected Member
Ironically I think by Florida law either guy could have shot the other and walked away clean.

In an argument where both parties fear for their life, the guy with the gun wins.



Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
Ironically I think by Florida law either guy could have shot the other and walked away clean.

In an argument where both parties fear for their life, the guy with the gun wins.


The Wayne LaPierre mentality. In reality, we all know that if Trayvon fired the shot he would already be serving a life sentence.


Mythical Poster
Ironically I think by Florida law either guy could have shot the other and walked away clean.

In an argument where both parties fear for their life, the guy with the gun wins.


After following this case, I wonder how many more young black men are now going to feel they need to carry a gun for self defense?


Legendary Member
Just messin' with ya...:cheers ttoo Cybee!)

Ah I know it. When one digests an entire thread like this in one gulp, it's a lot of info and opinions to swallow. Plus, I'm still processing my own thoughts and views so I generally post the first thing that pops in my head, in this case, Jos. A Bank sale...no S :)


Known Member
Another morale of this story is that all parents need to keep tabs on their youngsters. Yes, it pisses them off when you "treat them like a baby" and "invade their privacy". But bottom line, if they are not doing anything questionable, then there should be no problem allowing me (the parent) to dump the phone and check content to ensure nothing reckless is being posted or perpatrated.

I bet the poor dad in TM's case got blindsided with the cell phone content that was being tainted. Prolly feels that his son got killed imitating a scene he saw in a rap song or video, and I dont know how one would get "closure" from a situation like that.


I'm Pretty Popular
Thinking about this is quite puzzling.

If we take a totally different look, I wonder if people would see a totally different outcome. Let's strip out race, age, dress, etc.

Picture this scenario:

A guy who lives in the complex decides he's thirsty and up to the 7-11 for an Arizona Iced Tea and is walking back to his house in the dark.

At the same time another guy starts following him in a truck and then gets out and starts following him (in the dark).

There's a confrontation between the two and a fight breaks out and both people are injured. The police are called and both people insist that it was self defense.

Who would the logical man be more apt to believe?

Theres at least four cases in florida in the past 10 yrs on the stand your ground law happened. Nothing happened.


I'm Pretty Popular
The Wayne LaPierre mentality. In reality, we all know that if Trayvon fired the shot he would already be serving a life sentence.

Yea he would be in jail with all those nyc police that kill everyone.


I'm Pretty Popular
I have thought long and hard about wether I should speak up and voice my opinion. Obviously, I have decided that I will say my piece.

So here it goes....

Is it GZ's fault that the crimes committed in his neighborhood were perpetrated by black men?
Is it against the law to want to protect your neighborhood and neighbors?
Is he a racist...just because he answered the 911 operators question about wether the suspicious character is"white, hispanic or black?"
Is it evil and malicious to mutter under your breath about how these "punks and ***holes" always get away with the break-ins...in his neighborhood?

By the way....if you are all crying out for GZ to be prosecuted as a racist and a hater....then I think that many, many members of this forum would also be found guilty for far more serious words used and pictures and name-calling used in this forum.

Frankly, I find it hypocritical.

Back to the questions....

Is it GZ a racist or a cop wannabe just because he was doing his job as a neighborhood watchman ad calling 911 and report suspicious activity in his neighborhood?
Did anyone ask if any of the crimes committed in his neighborhood were done by white or hispanic people?

I AM NOT A RACIST....I have MANY African American friends...as well with other ethnic groups.

If TM was the one screaming for help...what was he screaming for? How come he had no injuries? How come GZ had all the injuries?
If TM was wanting to get away...how come there was a 4 minute gap where he could have easily run home...and didn't? HE CHOSE TO STAY AND FIGHT.

If TM is really the "baby" and "young child" that he was being painted out to be...why did the State attorney and prosecution fight tooth and nail to have evidence removed that showed TV was the exact opposite?

From a newspaper....

CBS) A court information technology director took the stand at a pre-trial hearing in the George Zimmerman case Thursday and testified that he found more than 1,000 additional photos -- including photos of marijuana and a hand holding a gun - and some deleted text messages and on Trayvon Martin's phone.

PICTURES: George Zimmerman in court

READ: Trayvon Martin Shooting: A timeline of events

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara has maintained that prosecutors didn't turn over the information, and has asked the court to sanction prosecutors. During a hearing Thursday, a judge ruled that the issue of possible sanctions should be taken up after trial.

The hearing is the last before Zimmerman stands trial in Martin's February, 2012 shooting death, and proceedings could stretch into Friday.

Fourth Judicial Circuit Information Technology Director Ben Kruidbos said that he discovered the additional texts and photos that weren't included in a report sent to the defense team after requesting a source file from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The photos, he said, included images of marijuana, a hand holding a gun, naked girls that appeared to be underage, and a clump of jewelry on a bed.

Deleted text messages, he said, appeared to be referencing a gun transaction.

Kruidbos said that after discovering the new information, which he handed over to prosecutors, he hired a lawyer because he wasn't sure whether the information would be turned over to the defense and he was afraid he might be implicated.

"I think all information shared in the process is important to make sure it's a fair trial," Kruidbos said.

Kruidbos has since been placed on administrative leave.

His lawyer, Wesley White, a former employee of the Fourth Circuit State Attorney's Office and former co-worker of prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda, testified Thursday that he called defense attorney Mark O'Mara to ask whether O'Mara had received the new information. O'Mara replied that he hadn't, White said.

On cross-examination, de la Rionda asked White about bias against the State Attorney's Office after resigning from his post there, but White denied that and said he felt obligated to report potential misconduct.

The judge was set to hear testimony regarding a state audio expert who claimed he heard Trayvon Martin yelling "I'm begging you" in the background of a neighbor's 911 call. If allowed, the state expert could prove key for prosecutors.

By the way....there WILL BE a big case against the prosecution for withholding all this information.

Why was it that there are 2 people on the State's side....testifying that the prosecution withheld VITAL evidence?
Is it because their conscience got the best of them?
Why is it that everyone still keep painting this picture that TM was only armed with Skittles and a can of tea? Someone trained and used to fighting can kill with bare hands. I know I can....
How come the State didn't present the fact that the reason that TM was in Sanford because he was on suspension from school after being found with his backpack with marijuana and stolen jewelry?
Why??? Is it because it will take away from the image of a 12 year old boy only armed with "only skittles"?
Why isn't ANYONE speaking up about what kind of "child" TM really was?
Why did the media take so long to show the RECENT pictures of both TM and GZ? Is it because it would ruin the "image" and therefore the all the drama that they were trying to create...to increase sales?

There are so many other questions about TM that haven't been asked, but the bottom line is...

GZ had every right to investigate suspicious activity in his neighborhood.
It is not against the law to follow someone to see wether a crime may be committed...specially since there were many break-ins already.
TM DID NOT have the right to attack someone...specially since he had 4 minutes to run home(if he was the "scared and terrified child" that he was supposed to be...just because they were following him.
The bottom line is...TM started a fight with someone who could fire back.

It is unfortunate, but that is what happened. No racial issues. No hate issues. No unnecessary profiling(all GZ did was identify someone who may have had criminal intent). Just an unfortunate incident where a young MAN thought he could beat someone up and get away with it...and ended up dead because he picked a fight with someone who had a gun.

Was GZ a criminal because he carried a gun? No, he was not....AS THE COURT HAS FOUND.

The law states that you have every right to protect yourself...with lethal force, if neccessary...if you are in danger of bodily harm or death.
Everyone who is protesting about the "shooting of an innocent child armed with Skittles"....would have done the same thing that GZ did if they were also undergoing a severe beating from someone who seemed hellbent on killing him. If they deny this...they are simply lying.

I am not an advocate for violence of any kind. I am trained in martial arts. I am trained and proficient in small arms use. I have tried to train my wife and kids in self defense. But everyone in my family is of the mind...including myself...that we run away as much as possible from trouble. I have done this MANY times...even when I was armed. But when it is not possible to run and am threatened...then do what you can to avoid getting killed.

Now some final thoughts and questions...

How much do you think a court will award GZ when they file the case against NBC for putting out the report about him saying..."I think he is black"....while conveniently leaving out the question of the 911 operator..."Is he white, hispanic or black?"....knowing full well that it would turn into a racial issue(thereby generating millions of dollars in revenue from all the news and media frenzy that THEY KNEW it would generate.....while completely destroying the life of one man who was merely responding to a question? How much do you think NBC will settle for?

What do you think the nations view will be of TM when the evidence of everything he had on his phone and facebook page...that the Martin family tried to delete....and the authorities where able to retrieve?

What about he "truth" that the state and the prosecutors...most specially the grandstanding John Guy...were searching for? Why did they withhold the "truth". Why did they withhold the truth???

When Angela Corey declared on national TM...after a verdict of not guilty...that GZ is a murderer...is she not "profiling" him? Is she not inciting unrest?

Finally, all the people that are calling GZ a racist and a hater...are they mentoring troubled African American children as GZ and his wife had been doing? Are they doing their part...as GZ and his wife were doing?

Could it have been avoided? Yes....TM could have run away. He had 4 minutes.
Was it unfortunate? Yes.
If GZ didn't have a gun, would he have killed TM...maybe yes, maybe no.

However, a nation cannot have laws that allow individuals to purchase and carry firearms, have laws about self defense and "stand your ground"...then villify and prosecute someone who exercises those state given rights when he is being attacked.

Should people be allowed to have weapons and carry weapons? I feel that is the issue that the people of this nation should be addressing.


Mythical Poster

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