You should read, but the answer is no. You can't swap xf hands into zf.
Do I have to read your mind for that? lol
You should read, but the answer is no. You can't swap xf hands into zf.
likely educating gen AP owners on why they are WRONG about details of THEIR OWN watches, based on the *whispered in revered tones* sacred information provided by google and youtube. :hehehe:
Do I have to read your mind for that? lol
Do I have to read your mind for that? lol
^ this deserves an applaude ... :hehehe:
I do not mind sharing knowledge on my gens, or of what I know. My knowledge is far from complete of course, but enough generally for meaningful contribution on the forum.
What irked me in an unforgettable way was a certain member of the forum holding court and pretending to be a guru, posting youtube videos and google pics to substantiate his points, as well as flaunting his impressive experience of looking at the gen watch through a shop window one time. He placed all these above the input of the gen owner holding the watch 30cm from his eyes, and handling it day in and day out. Totally asinine I have to say. Said member would hold Q&A sessions and tried to present himself as the epitome of gen AP knowledge, saying what gen AP is and isn't like and getting more than 50% of his facts wrong. The same wrong knowledge would be spread in the community and guys here will get the wrong idea that their reps aren't adequate, or spend money otherwise to mod them in a way which achieved nothing but wasted money. That is what I am dead against.
Gen is gen and rep is rep, yes, this rule will never change, BUT if you know your reps and what to do with them properly, they can be worn like the gen at least on a VISUAL level in the real world. Yes the rep will lack pedigree, papers and such, but if we are talking about wearing them on the wrists, I am sure gen owners do not lug the papers and box around when wearing their watches too. I know I don't. So I see the ultimate level in the rep hobby as being able to truly enjoy one's watch on the wrist. And there are far too many ways to do so without the need to slap a gen watch on one's wrist. The wrong knowledge and information will bring owners further away from this and I am against that. For example, I had far too many members PMing me about how a double AR crystal will make their APs more gen like, or how they can plate their rotors with a "more accurate shade" of rose gold, or how their bezel screws "aren't sunken enough". The wrong knowledge can inhibit enjoyment of rep watches and its a common but cunning adversary we all have to deal with.
The truth of the matter today is that for $500, one can get a very nice automatic watch to wear, and one with very awesome novelty value for the owner to slap it on his wrist and feel that he is putting on a luxury watch. When the mind and emotion feels this, then the watch has served its purpose successfully, no matter how much it cost. You do not need to own a gen AP to feel like you do. We live our lives largely from our own perspectives anyway, and as long as our perspectives keep us happy, they are good enough.
I do not mind sharing knowledge on my gens, or of what I know. My knowledge is far from complete of course, but enough generally for meaningful contribution on the forum.
What irked me in an unforgettable way was a certain member of the forum holding court and pretending to be a guru, posting youtube videos and google pics to substantiate his points, as well as flaunting his impressive experience of looking at the gen watch through a shop window one time. He placed all these above the input of the gen owner holding the watch 30cm from his eyes, and handling it day in and day out. Totally asinine I have to say. Said member would hold Q&A sessions and tried to present himself as the epitome of gen AP knowledge, saying what gen AP is and isn't like and getting more than 50% of his facts wrong. The same wrong knowledge would be spread in the community and guys here will get the wrong idea that their reps aren't adequate, or spend money otherwise to mod them in a way which achieved nothing but wasted money. That is what I am dead against.
Gen is gen and rep is rep, yes, this rule will never change, BUT if you know your reps and what to do with them properly, they can be worn like the gen at least on a VISUAL level in the real world. Yes the rep will lack pedigree, papers and such, but if we are talking about wearing them on the wrists, I am sure gen owners do not lug the papers and box around when wearing their watches too. I know I don't. So I see the ultimate level in the rep hobby as being able to truly enjoy one's watch on the wrist. And there are far too many ways to do so without the need to slap a gen watch on one's wrist. The wrong knowledge and information will bring owners further away from this and I am against that. For example, I had far too many members PMing me about how a double AR crystal will make their APs more gen like, or how they can plate their rotors with a "more accurate shade" of rose gold, or how their bezel screws "aren't sunken enough". The wrong knowledge can inhibit enjoyment of rep watches and its a common but cunning adversary we all have to deal with.
The truth of the matter today is that for $500, one can get a very nice automatic watch to wear, and one with very awesome novelty value for the owner to slap it on his wrist and feel that he is putting on a luxury watch. When the mind and emotion feels this, then the watch has served its purpose successfully, no matter how much it cost. You do not need to own a gen AP to feel like you do. We live our lives largely from our own perspectives anyway, and as long as our perspectives keep us happy, they are good enough.
Looking great, definetely will get on of these
How did that sale attempt go? Oh wait. :lol: :qtip2:
The truth of the matter today is that for $500, one can get a very nice automatic watch to wear, and one with very awesome novelty value for the owner to slap it on his wrist and feel that he is putting on a luxury watch. When the mind and emotion feels this, then the watch has served its purpose successfully, no matter how much it cost. You do not need to own a gen AP to feel like you do. We live our lives largely from our own perspectives anyway, and as long as our perspectives keep us happy, they are good enough.
This is correct color. Like mine))