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Who's 111H? This should answer it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting To Know The Place
Seeing a lot of post already from both sides, who's the best 111H is certainly a very hot topic. I personally do not have a lot of opinion about who's the best. I think the thread start of with the excitement of one member about what he got from DSN and the other also share the different view. No matter who is right or wrong, I start to feel bad when people get too emotional on the comments made by the other side. IMHO, let's just forget about the arguement, it is not the end of the world. May be it's time to stop arguing on this thread to keep good relationship between each side. :D :D


Active Member
Jake48 said:
rogerwine said:
There frigging reps man!!! So chill out then. A lot of people, including myself don't think the DSN 111h is the best and you and some others do. But you can't stand it if you don't get your way. You think that your opinion (like assholes) is the only relevant one. You started this thread with your arrogant boost and now you're pissing and moaning that the rest of us don't know what we're talking about because some of us don't agree with you.
Jeezusss, what a bunch of horse pucky.

Well, good morning to you too Roger. At least you got the fact that I started this thread right. This thread has been up for nineteen days, 2,378 views, five pages and I have yet to see someone post a picture of a 111H that is better than Davidsen's. (yes, that is an opinion Roger)

I never said Davidsen's watch was perfect - then it would be a Gen. I started the thread with 'Who's 111H"
not Who's 177H, 111F or 005 - WHO'S 111H.

Let's see some pics if you have a better one straight from the dealer. -Well?

And here's another news flash for you Roger - it's a frigg'n internet web site that people post to - and what do they post? - USUALLY OPINIONS! - IMAGINE THAT! As far as all the pissing and moaning if you go back and read this thread you will see it was going along just fine with everyone sharing, I know this may come as a suprise, thier opinions, untill you started posting you drivel.

I have to assume you read the begining few pages and my first post. I don't see any place that said "Tell me everything wrong with Davidsen's 111H, or "let's bash Davidsen and try to make fun of anyone who likes such a lousy rep"

If you want to start a "Let's bash Davidsen thread" be my guest. If you want to post a picture of a nice 111H in this thread I would enjoy seeing it.

Not sure why you are so bitter. Can't really help you with that.

It 's real simple. Let's talk about 111H's here and who has the best out of the box 111H.

Right now, as it stands, even with all the Davidsen's watch has this wrong with it and Davidsen's watch has that wrong with it, I have yet to see someone step up and post a picture of a better one. If you're just going to jump on here and slam Davidsen's watch I am not sure what you are accomplishing, especially when you don't even post a picture of a better 111H.

Of course some people are going to like Davidsen's and some aren't, but if I am not mistaken, most do (like Davidsen's watch) and I think the watch speaks for itself (yes, that is an opinion Roger)

Look, like I said, is Davidson's watch perfect? - HECK NO! Could it be better? - HECK YEAH!

It's been very nice talking to those who have had something positive to contribute to this thread and I will check it from time to time hoping to see that someone actually posted a picture of a 111H that is better than Davidson's.

Untill then - Who's 111H?

as it stands right now - DAVIDSEN!!!!!!!

See ya all around...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh and PS - Roger, let's not get into a pissing match. You have posted your opinion I have posted mine in reply to you. I would like to think we are both gentleman, so let's take this off this thread. Feel free to PM me and I will be more than happy to dialogue with you...

Translation = I bought a davidsen 111h and refuse to believe anything could be better!

Look at TWA's new one with mods done by Thumb. You can find the pictures in his thread; I'm not going to bother re-posting. Cheaper, less QC issues, and probably a better watch. All our purchases get outdated at some point; it is the nature of reps and we just have to accept it.


Renowned Member
craytonic said:
Translation = I bought a davidsen 111h and refuse to believe anything could be better!

Look at TWA's new one with mods done by Thumb. You can find the pictures in his thread; I'm not going to bother re-posting. Cheaper, less QC issues, and probably a better watch. All our purchases get outdated at
some point; it is the nature of reps and we just have to accept it.

Translation = I didn't even read the thread - If you did craytonic you would have seen that the two 111H's I bought were not even for me! One was a gift, the other was for a friend. Not to say I don't have a few Davidsen PAMS - I do - it's just that I am not as emotionally attached to this whole thing as you have guessed.

The 111H I own happens to be a "pimped out" one from Joshua - Jimmy Fu CG & Lever, palp second generation crown, Ziggy lume & cannon pin fix and so forth. (do a search, I've postd pictures)

Read again my friend - All I have been saying is Davidsen makes (IMO) the best 111H - AS IT COMES - WITH NO MODS - right now.

Again it is quite simple - If you want to bring something positive to this thread and not bash Davidsen, by all means post a picture of a better 111H that a dealer is selling and let's admire it together. If you are just going to post negative comments about Davidsen and how his watches are all wrong - we've heard it all before!

Like I said - I don't even own a Davidsen 111H, I just think (IMO) that he makes a heck of a watch for $300.00.

TWA'S watch with Mods done by Thumb is probably a really nice watch, but in the spirit of my original post - I don't think a watch sold by one dealer and modded by some one else is quite what I was talking about ( and I guess if you want to understand what I was talking about you might try asking me :lol: )

Instead of trying to guess my motives or create conspiracy ideas, just post a picture of a better 111H, is it really that hard?

Also, to make things a little simpler and to try and calm a few people down, if you are interested in reading the thread that really first started this, go here:

Obviously, as the poll indicated, the majority (62%) of the people believe Daviden has the better 111H. And if you read the thread, all the "bad" things about Davidsen's watch were already hashed over in that thread.

In all fairness, it does seem that some have a reason to be upset with Davidsen - Maybe because of his QC - go here: http://replica-watch.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22311&highlight=davidsen+poll

Put the Red Bull down, think a little bit, and let's talk about the POSITIVE things that these little rep watches we love so much mean to us.

I would love to see Davidsen or anyone else for that matter, come out with a killer upgraded 111H. Right now, I, along with a few others, believe Davidsen appears to be the man. Thumb certainly is helping move the quest for a "perfect" 111H along.

Do all you guys who bash Davidsen really think he listens to your negative tone? My bet is, and I think this is supported by Daviden's actions in the past, that if we offer POSITIVE feedback about what is good and YES, bad about his watches, he will step it up again.

Now back to the original question - Anybody got a picture of a 111H that is better than Davidsen's?


I'm Pretty Popular
Read again my friend - All I have been saying is Davidsen makes (IMO) the best 111H - AS IT COMES - WITH NO MODS - right now.

I still do not get this point, as it is fully modded. And last I checked it was not $300.
