The Met Gala - Unveiling the Celestial Craftsmanship of Meteorite Dials
A Cosmic Journey in Pursuit of the Perfect Meteorite Dial The perfect marriage between time and space Ever since I first laid eyes on a meteorite dial, I've been captivated by its cosmic allure. Over the years, my fascination has led me on a journey through the universe of meteorite
Probably a little bit to do with this post. When I look at his examples here, they're honestly very good, maybe a little rough around the edges but almost every meteorite dial has some variation of the dial fitment to the edges. Honestly his examples here for the Pepsi and Daytona are pretty good.
This is my speculation :
1. When Oascam's dials first came out, the competition was less, we only had what, Buff and Oascam? Then for OOTB you only had Noob factory. Between these options Oascam's was the superior option between the 3. As time has gone on, with NNF, SW, RB, and other replica factories jumping in on the meteorite trend, his work doesn't seem that great in comparison now.
2. When Oascam first started, maybe his volume was lower, he was willing to spend more time on them, they were much better done. But the more orders, the more dials, the quality got sloppy and decreased.
Ironic that @oceaon has also been banned
I tell you all, those meteorites are cursed
@aHero you are doomed. It was nice to know you for a while