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Welcome for the second time renaudbar


Active Member
Here is our conversation, I removed names and email addresses... Its a good read...

28 messages

Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:43 PM
To: wyne84
You cancelled the transaction ?

Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:56 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
No I didn't, I can't

Sent from my iPhone
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:57 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
But it looks like it's cancelled. I guess you did it

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 14, 2016, at 1:43 PM, Renaud Bédard < > wrote:
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:59 PM
To: wyne84
Why are you lying on rwi saying i hadnt responded to your emails and canadian thanksgiving is fake.
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:02 PM
To: wyne84
I did not. I cant cancel an e-chek !!!! Call paypal you dumb **** !!! People are telling you it takes up to 10 business days and you are stillllll complaining. And now its ******* cancelled !!! What did you do !!! Freaked out and act too soon again? Your ******* lucky im giving you the money back after all the shit you talk. Now why did you czncel it if you said you would ******* wait
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:03 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
I don't remember about the email thing.
As far as the thanksgiving thing, I was just joking.

Sent from my iPhone
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:02 PM
To: wyne84
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:04 PM
To: wyne84
Yeah well im not I CAN SEE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE YOU DUMB SHIT. Now your saying i canceled the payment. Your a ******* liar.
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:05 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
More or less, what does that have to do with anything?

Sent from my iPhone
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:06 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
I didn't cancel it, that only leaves you. Do you have another explanation? Why on earth would I cancel it? I just want my money back

Sent from my iPhone
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:15 PM
To: wyne84
CUZ I ASKED YOU 10 TIMES TO CANCEL IT NUMNUTTS !! And now you blame me. From the beginnnniiinnnggg i was up front with you. IVE BEEN UPFRONT WITH EVERYBODY. NO REFUND FOR BROKEN DJ JUST REPAIR. REFUND FOR YOU. Now you cant wait and you keep lying on rwi. **** you. You are the piece of shit in this story.
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:17 PM
To: wyne84
I cant respond on rwi i scrapped my account i told you. You really are dumb.
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:24 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
ok, whatever you say.
why would i want to send you a paypal.me request, that's for payment.
Just send a regular gift, its really easy, and always goes through in seconds
you just keep messing around
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:25 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
so you admit you did cancel it
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:26 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
then why did you ask me if I did it?
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:28 PM
To: wyne84
Where did i admit to cancelling it? Why are you still lying.
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:29 PM
To: wyne84
You ask me why would i cancel it. And i answered because i asked you to. Keep up idiot.
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:30 PM
To: wyne84
Can you imagine how stupid you would look if i posted this whole conversation on rwi ?
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:31 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
sorry, im slow. so you are saying you cancelled it because you asked me to cancel it and I didnt?
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:32 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
feel free, I can post it if you'd like
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:32 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
should i post it?
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:32 PM
To: wyne84
Again more lies "i admited to cancelling it"
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:33 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
so then what are you saying happened?
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:33 PM
To: wyne84
You are not slow your are stupid. You ask why would i cancel it. Then i answer because i asked you to cancel it. Where in there does it say that i cancelled it.
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:34 PM
To: wyne84
You would inly post a part of it because you are a liar
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:35 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
ok, ill post the whole thing
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Renaud Bédard < >
Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:35 PM
To: wyne84
Like i told you 50 times I DONT KNOW CALL PAYPAL !!! But you refuse to. How am i supposed to know?
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Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:36 PM
To: Renaud Bédard < >
I tried contacting them, havent heard back yet
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This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
Like i suspected... A few changes have been made. Here is the full conversation ! Renaudbar : You cancelled the transaction ? Name removed :No I didn't, I can't But it looks like it's cancelled. *I guess you did it Renaudbar :Why are you lying on rwi saying i hadnt responded to your emails and canadian thanksgiving is fake.I did not cancel it. I cant cancel an echek you dumb **** !!! People are telling you it takes up to 10 business days and you are stilllll complaining. And not its ******* cancelled !!!! what did you do ? !!! Freaked out and act too soon again ? why did you cancel it if you said you would wait ? : I dont remember about the e-mail thing and As far as the thanksgiving thing, I was just joking. Renaudbar : DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT AN E-CHEK IS ??? name redacted : More or less, what does that have to do with anything? Renaudbar : Yeah well im not I CAN SEE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE YOU DUMB SHIT. Now your saying i canceled the payment. Your a ******* liar. Name removed : I didn't cancel it, that only leaves you. *Do you have another explanation? Why on earth would I cancel it? I just want my money back Renaudbar : CUZ I ASKED YOU 10 TIME NUMNUTTS!! SO I COUD SEND A PAYPLA.ME AND IT COULD GO THROUGH FASTER. AND NOW YOU BLAME ME ? FROM THE BEGINNNNIIIINNNNG IVE BEEN UP FRONT WITH YOU ! NO REFUND FOR BROKEN DJ JUST REPAIR AND PARTS AND REFUND FOR YOU. NOW YOU CANT WAIT AND YOU KEEP LYING ON RWI. **** YOU DUDE YOU ARE THE PIECE OF SHIT. Renaudbar : I cant respond on rwi i scrapped my account i told you. You really are dumb. Name removed : ok, whatever you say.* why would i want to send you a paypal.me request, that's for payment.* Just send a regular gift, its really easy, and always goes through in seconds you just keep messing around Name removed : so you admit you did cancel it Name removed : then why did you ask me if I did it? Renaudbar : You asked me ‘’why would i cancel it’’. And i answered ‘’because i asked you to’’. Keep up idiot. Name removed : sorry, im slow. so you are saying you cancelled it because you asked me to cancel it and I didnt? Renaudbar : Where did i admit to canceling it ? Why are you still lying ? Can you imagine how stupid you would look if i posted this whole conversation on rwi ?* Name removed : feel free, I can post it if you'd like Name removed : should i post it? Renaudbar : Again more lies on rwi "i admited to cancelling it"* You would inly post a part of it because you are a liar Name removed : so then what are you saying happened?* Renaudbar : Like i told you 50 times I DONT KNOW CALL PAYPAL !!! But you refuse to. How am i supposed to know? Name removed : ok, ill post the whole thing Renaudbar : Didnt you say you wanted to wait and see if i was ok with it ? An other lie what a surprise. Renaudbar : Your such a piece of shit liar man. You know you cancelled it. You cancelled it to get the paypal.me then you panicked cuz you cancelled it and now your putting it on me. Name removed : You said before that you can't post? Renaudbar : Not on my renaudbar account but i can make an other one I tried contacting them, havent heard back yet Renaudbar : You tried contacting paypal who are open 24/7 and did not hear back… Stop lying and call them. Name removed : Whats the point of calling, The transaction is already cancelled. Renaudbar : The point of calling is proving you cancelled it buddy.


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
Renaudbar : You cancelled the transaction ? Name removed:No I didn't, I can't But it looks like it's cancelled. *I guess you did it Renaudbar :Why are you lying on rwi saying i hadnt responded to your emails and canadian thanksgiving is fake.I did not cancel it. I cant cancel an echek you dumb **** !!! People are telling you it takes up to 10 business days and you are stilllll complaining. And not its ******* cancelled !!!! what did you do ? !!! Freaked out and act too soon again ? why did you cancel it if you said you would wait ? Name removed : I dont remember about the e-mail thing and As far as the thanksgiving thing, I was just joking. Renaudbar : DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT AN E-CHEK IS ??? REDACTED : More or less, what does that have to do with anything? Renaudbar : Yeah well im not I CAN SEE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE YOU DUMB SHIT. Now your saying i canceled the payment. Your a ******* liar. Name removed : I didn't cancel it, that only leaves you. *Do you have another explanation? Why on earth would I cancel it? I just want my money back Renaudbar : CUZ I ASKED YOU 10 TIME NUMNUTTS!! SO I COUD SEND A PAYPLA.ME AND IT COULD GO THROUGH FASTER. AND NOW YOU BLAME ME ? FROM THE BEGINNNNIIIINNNNG IVE BEEN UP FRONT WITH YOU ! NO REFUND FOR BROKEN DJ JUST REPAIR AND PARTS AND REFUND FOR YOU. NOW YOU CANT WAIT AND YOU KEEP LYING ON RWI. **** YOU DUDE YOU ARE THE PIECE OF SHIT. Renaudbar : I cant respond on rwi i scrapped my account i told you. You really are dumb. Name removed : ok, whatever you say.* why would i want to send you a paypal.me request, that's for payment.* Just send a regular gift, its really easy, and always goes through in seconds you just keep messing aroundName removed : so you admit you did cancel it Name removed : then why did you ask me if I did it? Renaudbar : You asked me ‘’why would i cancel it’’. And i answered ‘’because i asked you to’’. Keep up idiot. Name removed : sorry, im slow. so you are saying you cancelled it because you asked me to cancel it and I didnt? Renaudbar : Where did i admit to canceling it ? Why are you still lying ? Can you imagine how stupid you would look if i posted this whole conversation on rwi ?* Name removed : feel free, I can post it if you'd like Name removed : should i post it? Renaudbar : Again more lies on rwi "i admited to cancelling it"* You would inly post a part of it because you are a liar Name removed : so then what are you saying happened?* Renaudbar : Like i told you 50 times I DONT KNOW CALL PAYPAL !!! But you refuse to. How am i supposed to know? Name removed : ok, ill post the whole thing Renaudbar : Didnt you say you wanted to wait and see if i was ok with it ? An other lie what a surprise. Renaudbar : Your such a piece of shit liar man. You know you cancelled it. You cancelled it to get the paypal.me then you panicked cuz you cancelled it and now your putting it on me. Name removed : You said before that you can't post? Renaudbar : Not on my renaudbar account but i can make an other one Name removed : I tried contacting them, havent heard back yet Renaudbar : You tried contacting paypal who are open 24/7 and did not hear back… Stop lying and call them. Name removed : Whats the point of calling, The transaction is already cancelled. Renaudbar : The point of calling is proving you cancelled it buddy. Hope this helped


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
Now enjoy the bullshit that ensues. I have dealt with this moron for too long. If he wants his money ill send him a paypal.me DIRECT transfer. No banks no nothing. But you have to understand that the idiot i am dealing with thinks thanks giving is fake .... Prly thinks santa is real tho.


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
On that note. I am scrapping this account as well. Have fun


Active Member
Now enjoy the bullshit that ensues. I have dealt with this moron for too long. If he wants his money ill send him a paypal.me DIRECT transfer. No banks no nothing. But you have to understand that the idiot i am dealing with thinks thanks giving is fake .... Prly thinks santa is real tho.

im laughing so hard that you took the thanksgiving thing so seriously


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
[MENTION=118493]Wyne84[/MENTION] Idiot left my name there This is how stupid this guy is. Calling me an idiot for leaving his name in the convo but he literally did the same thing one post before... Fortunately for me thats not my name :)


This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat.
chek the end of the convo i posted that he decided to leave out.


Legendary Member
The Beach
Pay these people what you owe them, you will get your junk back, then go see a doctor and have some tests, I have never seen such an asshole as you in the 2 years i have been here! Your not in your correct state of mind, What you are doing is so insane i suspect you are seriously ill or very stupid!


Active Member
Making a PayPal gift literally takes me 5 seconds, yet somehow you have manage to screw that up too


Legendary Member
The Beach
@Trasher dude everytime I see your posts, it's you being overly mad [emoji23]

Sent from the RWI mobile app

You have been here a couple months look up what I do in the forum you have just happened to run across a few things, I'm not overly mad, I'm appropriately angry for the particular situation, You cant possibly know anything in 4 months so please do a little research and mind your own business. Did you read this whole thread and the two sales related to it, Have you seen how I help, compliment and support others? NO I think is the answer so please just move along and enjoy the rep forum.