I Have never been as happy with an out the box replica before, ever. I am as happy with this as I would be if I had just spend $$$$£££ on a real one. Every time I look at it, it beams and just looks real to me, where the ZZF I always saw the short comings, this VSF takes all that away, there are none that I can see on my wrist, so it it makes me feel good and it's truly stunning green!. I will be taking the same care with this as I do with my genuine LN, there is now no need to buy a real Hulk for me, this just looks and feels real and I don't think anyone could tell unless they know VSF has the first R in the rehaut (which you can hardly see anyway!) a little to far right! This is as good as it gets. In my opinion ofcourse.
I'm not on commission, I don't work for a factory, I live in Scotland lol.. I just love sport rolex watches, real and rep. I have 17yr old TW best to a recent (37mm) ARF Yacht, ZZF Hulks, genuine LN and have had genuine TT's and all sorts to draw these above comparisons with.. I like t think over a couple decades I have half a clue. This VSF is best rep I have seen. I'm even going to wear it to bed tonight!.